Chapter 276 Create Opportunities

"Cough! I'm done eating, Young Master Yan, thank you for your recommendation. It's agreed just now. I invite you to this meal. Don't refuse, otherwise, if the cooperation is really successful, I really can't feel at ease!" Shen Zhiyi said, Breaking the stiff atmosphere at the moment.

He Qing said, "No, I'll invite you as agreed!"

He Jingyao interrupted, "Stop arguing, I've already paid the bill!" Of course he has to hire his woman, so what's the point of spending other men's money?
Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He Qingyan: "..."

Even so, Shen Zhiyi didn't give He Jingyao a good look. She picked up the satchel, pulled up Xiaobao, and was about to leave. Anyway, she was not in the mood to continue eating.

The two men pulled back their chairs and stood up, then said in unison, "I'll see you off!"

After finishing speaking, they also looked at each other in unison.

Shen Zhiyi is really going to be drunk, are they sincere?
After saying "no need", the older one pulled the younger one and walked out, little Bao Yiyi reluctantly turned around and waved goodbye to the two uncles.

"Are you satisfied now?" He Qingyan looked at his cousin with an extremely cold voice.

"Auntie, Xiaobao is right, we really don't want to stay here, please persuade grandma more, thank you in advance!"

What a crime, why did the old lady invite back two ancestors?

Qiu Wanqing let out a sigh of relief, "I knew it wasn't your idea. The old lady was so confused that she was bewitched by that Shen Zhiyi, and she let their mother and daughter live here despite the objections of the whole family. It's not that Shen Zhiyi is not reconciled to the divorce and wants to win back your heart. Although the old lady is angry with you recently, she still loves you, so go and persuade her to drive her away!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Which faction do you belong to? A Yao, wait until I finish..." Seeing that her own son couldn't move, Qiu Wanqing fell powerlessly on the sofa, propping her forehead There was a sigh. "Ah Hong, go make me a cup of calming tea!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, pretending to be similar, "They lived here? When did it happen?"

She pointed at Shen Zhiyi again, pointed at Xiaobao and scolded, "Shen Zhiyi, this is the child you raised? He has no education at all, how can he talk to the elders!"

He looked at Shen Zhiyi.

"Oh, you have to leave as soon as he comes back, I think I might as well drive this brat out of the old house!"

Shen Zhiyi also laughed, "Grandma, your smile is too low. I have a good one, do you want to listen?"

His mother, Qiu Wanqing, spent more than 20 years of hard work, but failed to win the old lady's heart. However, the appearance of Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao changed the deadlock. He even saw in the old lady's eyes a kind of love for their mother and daughter. dependent and satisfied.

"Master is back!"

He Jingyao tidied up his cuffs slowly, without raising his head, and said in a mocking tone, "It's not far away. When will you be removed from their mother and daughter before you will be satisfied!"

The old lady said it was all about this, if she left again, it would be hypocritical.

"Grandma!" He Jingyao walked in.

He Jingyao stood quietly at the door, not wanting to disturb him, his eyes fell on Shen Zhiyi gently through the half-closed door.

"Did you know? You are the least qualified person to say that right now!" He Qingyan sneered, and left with his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker.

The old lady smiled and took her hand, "Grandma is joking with you, it seems to make you nervous, don't worry, my grandson doesn't eat people! You don't have to avoid him, if he dares to bully you, my old lady will be the first One does not spare him!"

When Shen Zhiyi took Xiaobao back to the old house, Qiu Wanqing was sitting in the hall watching TV, seeing them coming back, she acted as if she hadn't seen anyone, what should she do, and she was even angry with her.

"I don't mean that, grandma, I..." When Shen Zhiyi looked at He Jingyao, he was also looking at her, and their gazes collided.

The man pressed his fist to his lips and coughed dryly, "Grandma, don't worry, I promise to complete the task, right, Miss Shen?"

He Jingyao didn't get angry, he sat down and lit a cigarette, I'm not qualified?Then wait and see!

The little girl's voice made Qiu Wanqing hit the nail on the head. She was stunned for a few seconds before she sneered, "Whose grandma are you calling? Who is your grandma? Don't think it's just a matter of getting involved with the He family for a few days. I really think of myself as the He family!"

"Hello, Master!"

Qiu Wanqing stood up to meet her, "Ah Yao, you came just in time, you already knew about Shen Zhiyi and her daughter moving in, right?"

"" Qiu Wanqing glared angrily at the backs of the mother and daughter going upstairs, and dropped the TV remote control angrily.

"Yes, please! Tell me!"

"Grandma, you made a mistake. Shen Zhiyi and I were invited by our great-grandmother, not by ourselves. If you don't like us, you can talk to your great-grandmother. As long as she nods, Shen Zhiyi and I will come here immediately." Let’s go! Anyway, Shen Zhiyi and I don’t like it here, if you can help me with this, we have to thank grandma!”

Shen Zhiyi stood up, "Grandma, let's talk, I'm going back to my room!"

Shen Zhiyi was telling a joke to the old man, and when it came to something exciting, the old lady was so amused that she laughed like a child, looking very cute.

The man coughed lightly, interrupting the two people in the room.

"Ah Yao is back!"

"It just so happens that you are back, Ayao. In this way, the tomato field in my garden should be weeded. You two young people help me weed the weeds. My old waist, I'm afraid I will have to rest for a few days before I can recover! "The old lady beat her waist in a dignified manner, and kept blinking at He Jingyao when Shen Zhiyi didn't notice.

And he himself seems to have deeply experienced this feeling.

It's really amazing. Apart from being kind to his grandson, the old lady always has a sense of distance from other people. Even his own father is often treated coldly by the old lady.


"Oh! If you want to live, let them live. Anyway, our house is big enough to live in!"

"There are some people who are thick-skinned and try to squeeze into other people's homes. They really think that they can get the moon first if they are close to the water? Hmph, you're going to laugh so hard!"

He Jingyao found Shen Zhiyi in the old lady's room.

Anyway, as long as she faces this man now, she feels uncomfortable.

Shen Zhiyi was still hesitating at first, she didn't want to work with He Jingyao, so she couldn't be awkward, and was about to speak, but the old lady blocked her back, "Of course Zhizhi can't bear my hard work, okay Now, you two go to work, I will take a break!"

So they kicked them out.

At the door of the room, Shen Zhiyi gave He Jingyao a resentful look, and left before him.

On the contrary, He Jingyao was in a good mood, and the curve on his lips never came down.

(End of this chapter)

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