Star Entertainment.

Song Jiaojiao's cold face gave Fang Huaizhou several days in a row.

When Fang Huaizhou talked to her, she liked to ignore it. Fang Huaizhou called her to the office alone. She found various reasons to evade it.

For this, Young Master Fang was depressed and angry.

Before returning to Fangzhai, this woman was fine, why did she become like this when she came back?

If he doesn't ask clearly about this matter, he won't be able to sleep well.

No, he was so cruel that he blocked Song Jiaojiao into the bathroom.

"Fang Huaizhou, you are a pervert, this is the women's bathroom!"

"Don't you call Mr. Fang now?" Fang Huaizhou locked the bathroom and covered it with a trash can. He didn't know whether he was afraid of people from outside coming in, or worried that Song Jiaojiao would run away.

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, "Are you bored or not? As the boss of a big company, you don't worry about the company's business. If you fight wits and courage with me all day long, I'm ashamed of you!"

"Why am I half-hearted?"

"Oh! You're still stubborn. I don't know who walked away for a few days without saying hello. What do you think of me? Oh, I know, it must be the love sister over there. The tryst is over, so you dare not tell me, right? Fang Huaizhou, you are free to play however you want. I can’t afford to spend money with you guys, and I can’t afford to play with you. You should let me go. I just said Really, the child really doesn't need you to be responsible, can you let me go now?"

A few minutes later, on a certain floor of Canxing Entertainment Company, a woman, a man, and one behind came out of the women's bathroom.

Song Jiaojiao blinked her eyes, "Don't tell me, you haven't had a girlfriend! I wouldn't believe it if you killed me!"

Fang Huaizhou looked down at himself, "I don't blame me for being so attractive. You have been in touch with me for so long, have you ever seen me get in too much contact with the opposite sex?"

Song Jiaojiao's lips twitched, she couldn't beat him anyway, she reached out to push him away, "Let me go, I still have a job, if someone sees me getting involved with you, don't I want to be innocent?"

"There is a word called Darkness Chencang!" Song Jiaojiao's idiom is still okay, just come when you say it, "Don't make your image so good, I have eyes and IQ, I can see and judge, I have also considered it these days Now, the child was an accident, since we have no feelings, why bother to trouble the child in the future, I don't want you to be responsible, if you insist on being responsible, then you can give me some money to make up for it!"

"Mr. Fang, so you are here. I didn't see you in the office just now. Please take a look at this document..." Fang Huaizhou wanted to catch up with Song Jiaojiao to make up for it, but was stopped by a subordinate.

Shen Yichun couldn't help but her voice suddenly became sharp, "Why are you so arrogant, you are still relying on men, don't think I don't know that you have an affair with Fang, if it wasn't for him to help you, you are not even a fart in the company now, Believe it or not, I will tell you about seducing Boss Fang right now?"

"Song Jiaojiao, can we talk about it?"

Fang Huaizhou was stunned, and turned around, "Song Jiaojiao, to be honest, you just... really don't feel anything about me?"

Song Jiaojiao took a long look at Shen Yichun, then turned and left.

Her fidgeting wrist was held by Fang Huaizhou, the man's hair color was still eye-catching and fashionable, even he didn't wear a suit well in the workplace, let alone a tie, the top buttons of the shirt hadn't been undone several times, revealing a Big chest.

"You were fine before I left, why are you so indifferent to me now? Did Shen Zhiyi tell you something? Let me tell you, Song Jiaojiao, you are living your own life, don't care what others say, I am superficial It took a while, but I'm very conservative in my heart, you are already the girl I made an exception to approach, do you understand me when I say that?"

"Talk about what?"

Thinking of this guy disappearing without a word for four days, and thinking of him being entangled with other girls, who kept calling him dear, Song Jiaojiao's reason came back again, "I can't get interested in half-hearted men!"

It might be indecent and inappropriate to put it on others, but he is dressed like this, yuppie and sexy, slutty and casual, otherwise, wherever he passes, the screams of female employees will not be covered up.

Fang Huaizhou never knew that Song Jiaojiao's eloquence could be so good, and she could finish a paragraph extremely quickly and clearly without taking a breath in the middle.

"Song Jiaojiao!" A person suddenly jumped out in front of her.

These words have no offensive power against Song Jiaojiao at all, and what she can say is worse than Shen Yichun, "Tsk tsk! Listen to your words, aren't you a little too modest? Compared with your Shen Yichun, my knowledge is simply inferior. The little witch sees the big witch, Shen Yichun, don't you know how many men Liu Xiang sent you to bed? The most ridiculous thing is that even if you two try your best, you have finally fallen to this point, oh yes , I heard that there is an old man who has been chasing you very fiercely recently, and he is sending flowers and treasure bags. You can take care of yourself. Don't be deceived by those old men who are rich and seductive. Not many!"

Fang Huaizhou shrugged, "It's not a day or two that I don't do business properly, you already know this?"

Song Jiaojiao turned around a corridor and stopped. Fang Huaizhou explained to her just now that he was called back urgently by Fang's family.

Song Jiaojiao paused, and her pupils trembled.

Song Jiaojiao admits that she is addicted to this hexagram, but after being a big scumbag, her IQ in dealing with love has not decreased but increased, and reason tells her that Fang Huaizhou is not suitable for her.

He doesn't seem to be here to manage the company, it's more like he's on a catwalk. The best and most top-notch fresh meat in the company is not half as eye-catching as him.

Song Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and mocked, "Shen Yichun, you are a monkey, you have to jump out of the cracks in the rocks, you are really a genius!"

Song Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed, she actually thought about her tryst with a beautiful woman.

Song Jiaojiao wanted to leave, but he pressed the door and refused to let it go, "Killing is nothing but nods, at least you have to wait for me to explain before leaving, right?"

Shen Yichun bit the last two words very hard, with strong disdain and irony.

Unexpectedly, he is still a filial man.

Shen Yichun snorted, followed by a burst of yin and yang, "Let me just say, you, a little Internet celebrity who was thrown away by the company like trash, how did you become so popular overnight? You also snatched the selection of the heroine of the movie, and I realized later that what I lost was not popularity, but... anger!"

Damn it, Shen Yichun, a flirtatious fox, actually found out?

"What evidence do you have to prove that Mr. Fang and I were having an affair? Which eye saw it? Did you take a picture? Did you record a voice?"


"If not, then shut up!"

Shen Yichun pinched her waist and pointed at Song Jiaojiao, "Song Jiaojiao, if you want others to know, unless you do nothing yourself, do you really think you can hide it from others? Even if I have no evidence, a word can cause a thousand waves!"

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