Song Jiaojiao pretended to be afraid, "Then what do you want?"

Hearing this, Shen Yichun's face showed complacency, and she immediately saw hope, and said excitedly, "As long as you take the initiative to withdraw from Rui Na's commercial shooting, I promise to keep the secret for you, otherwise... don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

"Hahaha...hahaha..." Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth and laughed wildly, "Shen Yichun, I finally understand what Zhizhi said about being too lazy to fight with you. My IQ is already low enough. I didn't expect you to be better than me. Still sucks, do you want to expose me? Do as you like!"

Song Jiaojiao waved her hand, and walked away arrogantly, not afraid at all.

Shen Yichun stamped her feet angrily.


It's fine to be trampled by Shen Zhiyi, but now even Shen Zhiyi's dog is peeing on her neck.

It's true that she dare not, is she?

Song Jiaojiao, let's wait and see!

Behind the old house is the old lady's garden specially used to grow melons, fruits and vegetables. Looking around, you can see all kinds of seasonal melons and fruits, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, green vegetables, etc., which are colorful and fragrant.

"Okay, I know how to do it, you, you go and do your work!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

The man took off his jacket and was wearing a classic white coat and black trousers. He held the hoe with both hands, and his arm muscles stretched into convex and concave lines with every swinging movement.

Hearing Shen Zhiyi's exclamation, He Jingyao immediately dropped his hoe and ran over. Seeing the scene in front of him, the man neither laughed nor cried.

"Hey!" There was a chuckle in his ear.


"Aim at the target, use more force when it falls, and then continue to use force!" He Jingyao bit every word in the second half of the sentence extremely hard, as if he was deliberately emphasizing something.

Shen Zhiyi was honest this time.

This man already belongs to another girl!
"Hey, Shen Zhiyi, why are you standing there, don't be lazy!" The man turned sideways and raised his chin at Shen Zhiyi.

Although she was not convinced on the surface, she still acted according to He Jingyao's instructions. She wanted to show He Jingyao a beautiful and standard hoeing posture. Who did she look down on?

Seeing He Jingyao approaching, Shen Zhiyi retreated reflexively, "Just stand there and talk!" Don't even try to move.

"Don't move around, I'll help you to rest first!"

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and when facing the sun's rays, it shone brightly, as if sprinkled with broken diamonds.

I don't know when his chest was pressed against him, he seemed to be carrying fire, Shen Zhiyi's entire back was burning hot, and even his face was hot and swollen.

The old lady hid not far away, covering her mouth and suppressing a smile.

Although Shen Zhiyi was dissatisfied, he still followed suit.

He refused to let others see his mouth, and he couldn't help stretching his neck to take a look before leaving.

He Jingyao circled behind her, spread his arms, slid across her waist, and controlled her two hands in a gesture of encircling her, the hoe was held in Shen Zhiyi's hand.

The words of consolation have a taste of sarcasm.

Wisps of orange light outlined the man's long and muscular figure. Such a down-to-earth picture was interpreted by this man with another sexy flavor.

Shen Zhiyi supported her lower back with one hand, maintaining a slightly backward posture.

Shen Zhiyi had never done this job before, after thinking about it, he looked up and saw that He Jingyao had already started to act.

Shen Zhiyi stared over.

Look at her eldest grandson, not only does his job well, he even knows how to fall in love.

The man pursed his lips, Shen Zhiyi couldn't see the playful smile on his face.

It was so embarrassing, she wished she could dig a hole and get in.

"Then what should I do, I'll hug you?" He Jingyao raised his eyebrows.

Shen Zhiyi swallowed her saliva, she finally saw He Jingyao's true charm, it turned out that it was not just good looks.

The setting sun is round and the afterglow is brilliant.

The man's mellow and deep voice lingered in her ears, driving an electric current, and spreading along every nerve in her body bit by bit.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes were bent, it turned out to be so simple, and she deeply felt the hardships and joys of peasant friends.

The hoe is a bit long, she is not very tall, and she didn't grasp the angle and strength for a while, so her movements seemed a little funny.

"Your posture is wrong, come, I will teach you!"

Shen Zhiyi was extremely embarrassed, but she didn't have the confidence to fight back. After all, she had made too much momentum just now, and now she was slapped in the face.

But who knows, after the hoe drew an arc in the air, it fell gorgeously.

"Separate your legs a little further!"

The old lady treasured this garden very much. Once, Qiu Wanqing wanted someone to fill in the garden and open an artificial pond to raise some water lilies. The old lady didn't discuss it at all.

But what's the use of this?

A sad look stared at him, and He Jingyao forced himself to stop laughing, "Cough! It's the first time, but it's sympathetic. Come on, I'll teach you again hand in hand!"

He Jingyao smiled triumphantly, turned around and continued without saying anything.

A pair of work gloves was thrown over, "If you don't want to get blisters on your palms, put these on!"

"Ah, it hurts! Waist, waist, waist!" Shen Zhiyi was gasping for air. She had exerted too much force just now. Good guy, the old waist was directly hit.

What a surprise!

In the next second, she jumped out of the men's encirclement, and the pink orange smudged a mysterious blush on the little woman's cheeks, looking a little cute and cute.

Shen Zhiyi curled her lips and said to herself, it's not all your fault!
After rubbing her palms, she grabbed the hoe and raised it like He Jingyao.

While explaining, he controlled Shen Zhiyi to do it. The hoe landed on the weeds, and then hooked in the opposite direction, and the soil and grass were pulled out together.

"First of all, the legs should be staggered back and forth by about one foot. Secondly, it is better to exert force when holding the hoe with both hands. My foot hurt, do you understand?"

Look at making Zhizhi amused, hey, these two people really match each other more and more, the grandson quickly took them back and watched closely.

She never knew that He Jingyao was not only able to do a job well in the shopping mall, but the high-ranking CEO could actually hoe the ground?

Seeing that the servants were peeping at the two of them, the old lady drove them out mercilessly, "Go, go, don't look, I'll punish you severely if you disturb A Yao and Zhizhi's relationship!"

"Relax, you're too tight!"

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded.

"It's also very important, try not to bend over and use your crotch for support, otherwise you won't be able to stand it for a while..."

I just heard the people next to me chuckle.

He Jingyao smiled helplessly, he really became a scourge if he dared to.

Shen Zhiyi rolled his eyes in disdain, and said to himself, you don't speak English, why can't I understand?You will, okay?

Shen Zhiyi refused straight away, "No, I'll go by myself!"

"you sure?"

"Sure and sure!" She wouldn't let him touch her anyway.

Just like that, Shen Zhiyi supported her waist with one hand, kept her upper body in a slightly upward posture, and limped towards the main building. He Jingyao followed her slowly, looking at her distressed and distressed but also funny.

It doesn't matter, I don't need him now, but I will use him in a while.

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