Chapter 280 The photo is indeed Ms. Shen

Shen Zhiyi felt that everyone's reaction today was a bit strange, but she didn't feel relieved, so she walked towards the office.

As soon as she turned around, she felt someone pointing at her from behind, she turned around suddenly, and they quickly pretended to be busy with each other. The two sides fought several times, and Shen Zhiyi finally couldn't help it, and stepped on high heels in a hurry walk up to them.

"Is there a problem?"

Someone faltered in response, "No, no!"

"Since there is no one, why do you point and point at me? I pay you wages, not to let you go to work and chat!"

Someone couldn't hold back anymore, "Manager Shen, you, you'd better settle your own affairs first, otherwise how can our hotel open for business?"

"You guys are full, right? When is it your turn to tell Manager Shen? Just leave if you don't want to do it. The last thing Marriott has to worry about is recruiting people!" Xiaomei came over and gave them a slap in the face.

Don't look at Xiaomei's usual stupidity, the management staff is really smart, and she shuts them up with a few words.

Then she anxiously pulled Shen Zhiyi to the corner, "Sister Zhiyi, why are you here? Hey! Just now there were a few reporters wandering around in front of the hotel, and I drove them away. You should go back quickly, wait for this Let’s talk after the wind has passed, don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you when you’re not around!”

Seeing this posture, Xiaomei pulled Shen Zhiyi and prepared to run towards the back door. Who knew that these grandchildren had already guarded the back door strictly.

The silver Bentley soon stopped at the Marriott Hotel.

"Now the entrance of the Marriott Hotel has been blocked by reporters, Ms. Shen may not be able to deal with it!"

The two were face to face, acting ambiguously and intimately, looking like a hot couple fighting.

Huang Runian was very witty, "Talk, I'm going to work!"

Shen Zhiyi: "What does this have to do with you?"

As a "relative of the emperor", Huang Runian has privileges and can enjoy the right to attend the meeting. She came out with He Jingyao, and there were several outstanding opposite sexes in front of her, but only He Jingyao's shadow was reflected in her eyes.

"I've learned a little bit before, but it's far from yours. Brother Jingyao, when you are free..."

She carefully recalled what happened yesterday. When she took the glutinous rice cake from the mixed-race man, her hand seemed to be pricked, and then she felt in a trance.

Shen Zhiyi narrowed her eyes, the background of the photo was a bed in a hotel, with a shirtless man holding a sleeping woman in his arms.

Xiaomei saw that her expression didn't look like she was joking, so she dug out a news item on her phone and enlarged the accompanying photo for her to see.

Seeing his confident, unrestrained, calm and mature work attitude, she was even more in awe of him and admired him even more.

The man Shen Zhiyi recognized at a glance that he was the mixed-race man who bumped into her yesterday. As for the woman, she was Shen Zhiyi herself, and she also gave people a naked state, with a large collarbone in the camera. .

When the media reporters who were arguing with the hotel staff saw Shen Zhiyi, they immediately pounced on it like a hungry wolf seeing meat.

In a hurry: "Miss Shen, is the photo of you and a strange man real? What is the relationship between the man in it and you?"

"Sir!" Ah Shen hurried over and looked at Huang Runian.

"Thank you!"

The two chatted as soon as they left. Even on such an important occasion, He Jingyao didn't need an interpreter. He was proficient in five languages. When faced with inquiries from foreign partners, he answered them in fluent Spanish in fluent Spanish, calmly and gracefully.

This photo was like a bomb. When it hit Shen Zhiyi, his mind went blank and his expression was in a trance...

"First, I want the man's specific information. Second, find out which hotel this is. Third, bring me the person in charge of the magazine who wrote this report. Fourth, find the public relations team and the navy. , bring the rhythm to the topic that the woman in the photo is not Shen Zhiyi!"

"Look everyone, Shen Zhiyi is here!"

Shen Zhiyi listened in confusion, "Xiaomei, what happened?"

He Jingyao stopped and cast a questioning look at her.

He Jingyao personally sent a foreign partner out of the meeting room.

Reporter: "Miss Shen, may I ask what is the reason for your cheating? You have a bad relationship with Mr. He? Is it a temporary pursuit of excitement? Or did you know a man before you married into the He family?"

Shen Zhiyi: "Then you should ask the He family, not me!"

Ah Shen straightened his body, "Yes!"

Sure enough, as Ah Shen said, media reporters from all walks of life, as well as netizens who eat melons, have gathered here.

"Sister Zhiyi, don't worry, with me here, I won't let those people hurt you! If you really don't believe me, just stay in the hotel and don't come out. I don't believe they dare to barge in, okay?"

Looking at it this way, Huang Runian was a little nervous, she twisted her hands awkwardly, "Your Spanish is really good!"

In a hurry: "Miss Shen, may I ask if this will be the reason for you to divorce Mr. He? What will the He family think about this matter?"

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and tried his best to hold back his voice, "How is the situation at Marriott?"

After sending foreign partners to the exclusive elevator, Huang Runian stopped He Jingyao, "Brother Jingyao!"

As soon as she left, Ah Shen handed the phone to He Jingyao, "Look at the headlines in the morning. I took a closer look. The woman in indeed Ms. Shen!"

The president's exclusive elevator for the two of them descended from floor to floor.

He Group.

Shen Zhiyi was moved by Xiaomei's sincerity and righteousness, and wiped her hand away with a smile, "It's not an option to hide, they just want a few words from me, I'll go out and deal with it!"

After He Jingyao scanned the photo, a storm rolled up in his eyes, and the knuckles of his hand clutching the phone crackled.

I can't explain clearly to the media, but at least try to drive them away, otherwise how can Marriott receive guests normally?These media will not give up until they achieve their goals.

When she regained consciousness, she would be here. After calculating the time, there was a time difference of at least two hours.

Shen Zhiyi hooked her lips, "Comrade reporter, you should have been married, right? May I ask what was the purpose of your dating before? The hooligans are only to meet the physiological needs? Is it boring to pass the time and practice with your ex-girlfriend?" Accumulate love experience?"

It was enough to be taken to the hotel to take such ambiguous photos, and she did find an imperceptible needle hole in her palm, so it proved that she was drugged by that person.

The reporter's face suddenly turned pale, "How can you talk like that, with such low quality?"

Shen Zhiyi replied with a smile, "If you don't lie, I don't want to waste time with you here!"

"Everyone!" She raised her head frankly and faced the crowd, "The photo incident was deliberately framed by someone in order to insult my reputation. I have already reported to the police. If you want to know anything, just wait for the news from the comrades in the police. Sorry for the rest, I have the right to remain silent!"

After finishing speaking, she was about to push through the crowd and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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