But the purpose of these reporters coming here today is to get serious news. If a magazine wants to survive, it has to spare no effort. Only by biting Shen Zhiyi's fat, can they go back to do business.

Mrs. He's CEO and an unknown man had a good night at the hotel and took a close photo. This is the most shocking news in Hangzhou in the second half of the year. With a little spice, the topic can last for a whole year, and it's no problem to feed the entire magazine. .

So, how can the media let go of Shen Zhiyi, the God of Wealth?
"Can't let her go!"

"Miss Shen, you haven't given an explanation to the public yet!"

"Miss Shen, are you guilty?"

"Miss Shen, has the He family filed for divorce with you?"

The scene was chaotic, Shen Zhiyi was surrounded in the middle, countless microphones were poking at her, and the flashing lights made her unable to open her eyes.

Someone was picking at her, tearing her, and there was even someone who was dejected, her hair was messed up, her work card was lost, and a high heel shoe was lost somewhere.

Xiaomei kept calling her name, trying to save her, but she couldn't get in through the crowd.

Just when Shen Zhiyi was restless and helpless, there was an extra hand on his arm.

The reporters not only besieged the Marriott Hotel, but the He Group was not spared either.

This result was surprising. She thought that according to this man's domineering personality, he would make a big fuss with her as before, but she didn't expect that he was more rational than anyone else.

The man's arms were resting on the edge of the car window, his hands were twirling his chin, and the flashing street lights were reflected in his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

He Jingyao didn't let go of his hand until he got in the car, his black eyes swept over Shen Zhiyi's body, feeling sorry for her at this moment.

"I don't know why I showed up in the hotel, I can't remember at all!" A tired voice interrupted the man's thinking.

"Check that person!"

Some feelings are very strange, like now, whenever she sees He Jingyao, she feels inexplicably at ease, as if as long as he is around, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"No need!"

"I'm already looking for it, but it's very strange. That person is not on the invitation list of the reception. He may have been brought in by a certain guest. Don't worry, sir, I will definitely find him!"

The man lifted his lips and smiled, "If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't have come to rescue you today!"

He Jingyao's role in this incident is also very attractive to the media. Since there is nothing of value to be found in Mrs. He for the time being, let's dig out some in Mr. He, just talk about his identity, and write something casually. It can make the topic hot for a whole month, let alone being cuckolded.

The reporters have been stopped by the human body cordon drawn by his men, and can only watch the heroine of the incident leave.

That time when he came out of the bathroom, there happened to be someone washing his hands in front of the sink. His mixed-race coat was really eye-catching, so Ah Shen couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and inadvertently glanced at the tattoo on his exposed wrist.

When she looked up, that familiar and handsome face came into view.

"Do you want others to think that I have done something to you?" He Jingyao pressed her shoulder, and the little girl must have listened, so she behaved obediently.

He Jingyao's voice was not high, but his tone was so strong that the veins on his forehead were stretched out.

Shen Zhiyi's heart swayed, and his sense of security was randomly filled.

As expected, the following is full of criticism and abuse of Shen Zhiyi's ugly behavior. Some netizens even picked up that her mother Lan Ting was unfaithful in marriage and had an affair with other men. This time, netizens scolded More and heavier.

He Jingyao's eyes were dim, and he leaned back, "How's the PR team going?"

"One more thing. The person in the photo has a swastika tattoo on his left wrist. I accidentally saw the same tattoo at a reception. That person was of mixed race, and then accidentally bumped into Miss Shen. But that's all, nothing special happened, maybe it's just a coincidence!"

At the last reception, Ashen was the personal bodyguard with a special assistant, and he would never leave He Jingyao's place in public.

He Jingyao had a smooth journey and arrived at the CEO's office domineeringly. A Shen quickly opened the trending post about the Shen Zhiyi incident on the tablet to show him.

His palm was scorching hot, and something in Shen Zhiyi's heart seemed to be opened, and a warm current poured in, warming her whole body, as if she was bathed in the eyes, and her morale was instantly boosted.

Ah Shen leaned forward slightly, "Because the man's face is mosaiced, it will be difficult to compare, but the hotel has been found and is currently being checked and monitored!"

Under He Jingyao's arrangement, Shen Zhiyi didn't go to the hotel the next day, and Xiaobao was also taken to Fumingyuan and asked for leave from school to stay at home.

The man squeezed her hand.

Before He Jingyao went out, he repeatedly told Shen Zhiyi not to go out, not to answer calls from strangers, and not to watch TV.

On the endless road, the silver Bentley was driving at a constant speed.

This time, she didn't break free like before, and let the man hold her. He Jingyao noticed something strange about her, and a mysterious smile quietly touched the corner of her lips.

The carriage was silent, only the sound of the wind blowing in my ears.

"Follow me!" He Jingyao pulled her up and broke through the crowd.

He tilted his head to look at Shen Zhiyi. In his sight, the little woman lowered her head slightly, her hair probably drooping in front of her cheeks. She also looked over, with helplessness and seriousness in her eyes, "He Jingyao, if I said, I didn't do it." Would you believe such a thing?"

"I pay such a high price, just this efficiency? Tell them that the public opinion can't be suppressed this time, and they will all get out of Hangzhou!"

However, Ah Shen had already led a group of bodyguards to block the reporters ten meters away, and the reporters didn't even come up the steps of He's office building.

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes, coincidence?How can there be so many coincidences in the world, all coincidences are just a well-arranged trap.

He could even think about TV, for fear that Shen Zhiyi would be affected emotionally by seeing the events about him fermenting, Shen Zhiyi didn't speak, but his heart was moved by it.

"Already preparing, I will issue a statement in half an hour!"

He Jingyao couldn't stand it any longer, he looked cold, "How did that person find you?"

Without further ado, the man took off his coat and wrapped it around Shen Zhiyi's body.

"You live in Fuming Court temporarily, and I will take over Xiaobao. I will explain to the old house. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter!"

He is well aware of the impact this incident has had on Shen Zhiyi. Although this little woman looks strong on the outside, she is very fragile on the inside, especially when it comes to her mother, it really broke her heart.

He wanted to make a phone call to comfort Shen Zhiyi, but for a moment he didn't know what to say, and was afraid of sprinkling salt on her wounds, so he hung up the phone in the end.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Brother Jingyao!" Huang Runian only called him so affectionately when the two of them were together.

He Jingyao raised his head upon hearing the sound.

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