"It seems that you have been under a lot of pressure these two days. I made you a cup of calming tea. It tastes good. Try it!"

Huang Runian has insight into the subtleties, and saw that something was wrong with him yesterday, and when she saw Shen Zhiyi's new article on her mobile phone, she finally knew why He Jingyao was in a bad mood.

She was a little hurt, thinking that He Jingyao divorced his ex-wife because of their emotional discord, but looking at it this way, it didn't seem to be the case.

A man is only disturbed by things about a woman when he cares deeply about her.

He Jingyao didn't have any thoughts, so he just said thank you lightly.

Huang Runian stood there and hesitated for a while, the man noticed something strange, and looked up from his palm.

"Brother Jingyao, don't worry, I believe Miss Shen is not that kind of person, it must be a misunderstanding!"

Huang Runian spoke sincerely, her dark almond eyes widened.

He Jingyao wanted to be alone and quietly. He wanted to lose his temper, but when he saw her like this, he couldn't bear it anymore. He always saw some shadows of Shen Zhiyi on her body. Sometimes, that little woman also Will occasionally look innocent and innocent like her.

Of course, Huang Runian has been like this since she was a child, but that little woman is not. She is cunning and always uses this trick to tease him.

The more Shen Zhiyi thought about it, the more headache she felt, so she simply didn't want to.

Qiu Wanqing was so angry that she pointed at Shen Zhiyi through the old lady, "She has done such shameful things, why are you still protecting her? Thanks to our A Yao divorced her, Otherwise, I will not be dragged into the water by her? No, our whole family will be dragged into the water by her, let me just say, this kind of crooked woman cannot marry, look, the retribution will come soon?"

Fuming Court.

The old lady came up to protect Shen Zhiyi behind her, "Wan Qing, we agreed before we came here, don't make a scene, talk about something, what are you doing?"

Two foreign ones are really treasures!

In order to prevent Shen Zhi from surfing the Internet, He Jingyao pinched the network cable, confiscated the tablet and mobile phone, and handed them over to Xiaobao for safekeeping.

Shen Zhiyi's expression suddenly turned cold, "Auntie, please be careful with what you say, who is wrong?"

"Hey! My little baby, great-grandmother is here to see you!" The old lady came in with a smile.

"Grandma, auntie, you are here!" Everyone came in, and Shen Zhiyi welcomed them generously.

Xiaobao jumped off the sofa and ran out, watched the electronic video on tiptoe, and burst into joy, "It's great-grandmother!"

"Shen Zhiyi, do you still have the nerve to hide here and relax? Do you know what the chaos is like outside? Our He family has been ruined by you!" Qiu Wanqing's blood surged up when she saw her. Stepping up to her, he glared at her sharply.

The old lady gave her a cold look, "Wanqing, you can't say that, just like you insulted your deceased in-laws just now, if it were me, I would never let you off lightly, Zhizhi is already considered polite, hey! After all, the boss has spoiled you all these years, as the mistress of the He family, it's okay if you can't even say a word, if you can't say it, don't say it!"

The old lady was still worried, and decided to come and visit Shen Zhiyi in person. After all, any woman would be emotionally broken when encountering such a thing. The daughter-in-law Qiu Wanqing repeatedly promised that she would only come to listen, and the old lady agreed to come with her.

Before Shen Zhiyi could stop her, the little girl opened the door, "Great-grandmother!"

"What's the matter? This is my son's house, so I can come whenever I want!" After finishing speaking, she snorted and walked in with her bag swaggering.

If she wanted sex, even if she was taken to the hotel by this man for nearly two hours, she could be sure that she had not suffered any violations, so his purpose was only two.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Wanqing was still following her. When the little girl saw her, the joy on her face instantly froze, and she pouted, "Why is Grandma Qiu here?"

"I will!"

"You!" Qiu Wanqing rolled her eyes angrily, and was almost carried away, "Mom, listen, listen, is there anyone who talks like this to an elder? Have you finally seen her fox tail clearly? How much do you like her like this kind of person? You protect her, and A Yao also protects her, everyone has fallen under her spell!"

But one thing, she really couldn't figure it out, that half-race man had only had two sides with her, why did he treat her like this?
If she asked for money, she had a lot of money on her.

The first is a kind of abnormal behavior, seeking excitement.

Second, he has hatred for her, intentionally destroys her reputation, and takes revenge on her.

Since Qiu Wanqing said that, she didn't need to be polite, "I thought the hostess of the wealthy family was gentle and dignified, elegant and self-restraining, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. You really have climbed the He family!"

"What do you know?"

Huang Runian moved her lips, the topic was here, and He Jingyao didn't intend to continue chatting with her, but finally said reluctantly, "That's nothing else, I'll go first!"

She believed what He Jingyao said, [I will handle everything! 】

Huang Runian nodded, "The company has spread, and these people are too much. They spout blood without any real evidence. Brother Jingyao, you must comfort Miss Shen well. Girls can't bear this kind of thing!"

Doorbell rang.

After speaking, she hurriedly pulled away.

The old lady took Xiaobao's hand and coaxed, "Let's go, let's ignore her. Great-grandmother brought you a lot of food. You and your mother should try it!"

No one answered the phone call to Shen Zhiyi. On the same day, He Jingyao went back to the old house and only said to let them believe in Shen Zhiyi that he would handle this matter well and give everyone and the He family an explanation.

When the old lady saw the report about Shen Zhiyi on TV, she couldn't sit still. She was not angry, but worried. She believed that Shen Zhiyi would never do such a thing.

Seeing the old and the young walking in front, Qiu Wanqing felt uncomfortable. This old lady might not be so kind to her grandson and great-grandson.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around again, "Brother Jingyao, don't work too hard!"

But here comes the problem, she doesn't know that person at all!

Shen Zhiyi knew what his intentions were, and cooperated very well. He and Xiaobao lived a leisurely holiday life in the small building.

"Mom, I..." Qiu Wanqing didn't dare to say a word after being bullied by the old lady, so she could only hold her breath and turn her back.

The old lady pulled Shen Zhiyi to apologize to her, and said some words of encouragement and comfort.

"Zhizhi, you and Xiaobao are so lucky to stay here, and Ayao will support you when the sky falls. We all believe in you!"

"Understood, grandma, thank you grandma!" Apart from that, Shen Zhiyi didn't know what to say to express her mood at the moment.

"If you really want to thank you, stand up and clarify for A Yao that this matter has nothing to do with him. What's the point of hiding yourself as a turtle with multiple heads? What a hypocrisy!" Qiu Wanqing couldn't help but interject.

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