Fu Que was furious, went around to the desk, and grabbed He Jingyao's collar.

"Young Master Fu!" Ah Shen stepped forward to stop him, but He Jingyao waved his hand back.

"Old Fu, don't you know what your woman did?" He Jingyao raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me that you don't recognize the mixed-race man who took a photo with Shen Zhiyi Hotel, because of her instigation, almost ruined Shen Zhiyi!"

Fu Que's brows and eyes loosened a bit, but he also bit the bullet and said good things for Fang Yao, "It was Du Ye's personal behavior, and Yao Yao persuaded him, you can't push all this to Yao Yao, I believe, she is not That kind of person!"

"Oh? Really? Then you may not know her very well. What she dares to do is far more daring than you imagined!" He Jingyao wiped his hand away, shrugged off his suit jacket, and sparks burst out in his tone, " She even dared to lie to me about the child, and I haven't settled this matter with her yet!"

"It's her fault, but it's not because she loves you so much that she chooses to cheat when she's confused. Ah Yao, don't forget, when you had a car accident, she..."

"Did you lose a leg?" He Jingyao finished speaking for him, and then chuckled, "You probably don't know, but she lied to me even for such a serious matter!"

"What did you say?"

"A few days before the car accident, she went to the hospital to ask the doctor some questions about the amputation, but after the car accident, it was still the same hospital with her surgery records, surgery content, amputation!"

Fu Que stared straight, with an expression of disbelief, "Impossible, Yao Yao is not that stupid, how could she do something that hurt herself? You must have made a mistake, A Yao, you made a mistake Already!"

"Am I making a mistake? You can find out when you go back and ask Fang Yao. You should be thankful that I can keep her alive until now, but from now on, her good life will almost come to an end!"

He Jingyao threw a few words from his mouth lightly, but it was like frost, and the cold person shivered all over.

After being run by the president, Fu Que was still in a trance.

He didn't believe that the Fang Yao he knew was such a person, there must be a misunderstanding.

If he can't wait to go back, he will call Fang Yao now.

The phone was connected, and Fang Yao's weary voice came from inside, "Fu Que, what's wrong?"

But Fu rolled down the bitterness in his throat, "Yaoyao, let me ask you something, did you arrange your broken leg yourself?"


Since Dashu fell ill, he stopped kindergarten classes and stayed at home all day.

Shen Zhiyi often sees his longing and greed for the outside world. Children of this age are unrestrained and free, but he is like a bird with broken wings, losing his happiness.

She felt sorry for Dashu, so she proposed to take him to pick up Xiaobao from school, and the little guy jumped around happily.

Halfway through the car, Dashu said that he wanted to use his pocket money to buy some food for Xiaobao. Shen Zhiyi was pleased with the child's sensibleness and parked the car on the side of the road.

They bought two big bags of snacks, Shen Zhiyi walked around to the back of the car, and was putting the things in the trunk, when two tall and burly men suddenly broke into him from the corner of his eyes. run.

By the time Shen Zhiyi reacted, Dashu had already been stuffed into a black car.

"Big tree!"

Seeing the car dodge and run away, Shen Zhiyi also jumped into the car, stepped on the clutch to the end and chased after him.

At this time, it was officially rush hour, and the street was very congested. Shen Zhiyi drove and stopped. Seeing that the car was about to escape her sight, she frantically honked her horn.

After finally squeezing into a gap, by the time she fully fired, the car had already disappeared into the vast sea of ​​cars.

In despair, Shen Zhiyi slammed her fist on the steering wheel. After she woke up suddenly, she called He Jingyao with shaking hands. The phone dropped several times, and she wished she could bite her lip.

"Hey, He Jingyao, where are you, you, save the big tree..."

He's old house.

"Shen Zhiyi, did our He family have any grudges against you in the previous life? You can't even look down on a child, what else do you think you can do? I think you did it on purpose. Pity my little grandson. Say, if he What, can you take care of it? Huh?"

Qiu Wanqing complained and wiped her tears. If there were not so many people around, she might not have been able to resist.

Father He: "Okay, you can say a few words less, don't you think it's not messy enough?"

Mr. He: "Everyone, don't get confused, as long as the other party has a purpose, they will definitely contact us!"

The old lady: "Wanqing, we can't blame Zhizhi for this matter, but these people have planned it beforehand, even if it were you who took Dashu out today, the same thing happened, and you blamed people indiscriminately, what is the reason for your troubles?" change?"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing had nothing to say, and glared at Shen Zhiyi resentfully.

Shen Zhiyi sat on the sofa slumped, eyes drooping, suddenly, her hands were tightly held by a big palm, the warm current flowed along her nerves to every inch of her body, and her heart felt warm. Toasty.

Looking up, it was the man's gentle and quiet face.

He only said five words, "I'm here, it's okay!"

There is no blame or complaint.

"The police have already deployed surveillance along the way. It's useless for us to be anxious. Just like what grandpa said, even if we can't find them, they will come to find them. At least before the other party contacts us, the tree must be safe! "

He Jingyao faced the crowd and calmly analyzed.

Suddenly, a crisp ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted the dignified atmosphere at this time.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound.

I saw Shen Zhiyi staring nervously at the phone screen, it was a string of strange numbers.

The strange account opened at this time, one can imagine who it is.

When the phone was connected, everyone held their breath and concentrated, and the surroundings could hear a needle drop.

"Hello?" Shen Zhiyi spoke first, her heart pounding.

A familiar female voice quickly came from over there, "Hi, Miss Shen!"

Shen Zhiyi's pupils trembled, and he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the phone, "Fang Yao?"

"Not bad, it seems that you have been paying attention to me too!" Fang Yao was eccentric, completely missing her usual elegant demeanor.

Shen Zhiyi calmed down, closed her eyes, "Tell me, how can you let go of the big tree?"

"Don't worry, I just wanted a big tree, that's why I took him over to have a look. It's not impossible if you want to take him away, as long as you come here alone, I'll hand him over to you!"

Shen Zhiyi sneered and said deliberately, "How do I know if you are lying to me and let Dashu talk to me!"

She had to first determine Dashu's current situation, whether he was injured, and whether he was really in Fang Yao's hands.

It has long been noticed that the woman Fang Yao is not in the right state recently. The quieter the sea, the more unexpected dangers lurk.

A few seconds after the words were finished, the person on the phone changed, and a frightened voice came to Shen Zhiyi's ears through the radio waves.

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