"Aunt Zhizhi, I'm so scared..."

Shen Zhiyi's heart shrank severely, "Don't be afraid of Dashu, Auntie will take you home in a while, you must..."

"It's time, just stay there honestly, if you dare to yell, I'll throw you down!"

"Mom, I'm a big tree, what's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me?"

"Shut up, who is your mother!"

Shen Zhiyi heard Fang Yao yelling at the child on the other end of the phone.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "beep", the phone was cut off, and then a short message was sent.

[On the top of Bailing Mountain, before sunset, you must come alone! 】

"I didn't expect Fang Yao to be so dark in her heart, but why should she have trouble with a child!" The old lady sighed in disappointment.

Qiu Wanqing slumped down and sat down, saying "I really misjudged you".

After reading the message, He Jingyao frowned several times, "No, according to the old Fu, Fang Yao's state is extremely unstable now, and she can easily act out of control. I don't worry if you are alone, I will accompany you!"

"It's because of Fang Yao's mental condition that you can't go with me. If she is stimulated to do something crazier, I'm afraid..." At this point, Shen Zhi hesitated to speak, But what she didn't know was that He Jingyao was not only worried about Dashu, but also worried that she would be hurt too. She and Dashu had the same important position in his heart.

In order to reassure everyone, she also pretended to be relaxed and showed her housekeeping skills, "Did you forget that I have practiced, even your bodyguards, I can fight him a few tricks, Fang Yao's kind A weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken can't hurt me at all, so don't worry!"

Although He Jingyao and the others were still worried, the situation was imminent and the sun was about to set, so they sent Shen Zhiyi out of the old house.

As soon as she left, He Jingyao also got into the car.

Qiu Wanqing stopped him, "Ah Yao, you forgot, Fang Yao asked Shen Zhiyi to go there alone, what are you going to do?"

He Jingyao glanced at his mother, without the slightest hesitation, kicked the accelerator and rushed out. This glance was extremely indifferent.

The old lady stared at her, sighed and shook her head, "It's fine for you to be cold and mean, but you still want to bring us A Yao down? It's a good thing A Yao doesn't follow you!"

Qiu Wanqing felt ashamed.

On the top of Bailing Mountain, the cold wind howled.

The big tree was tied backwards to a tree, and behind him was a [-]-meter cliff, sobbing non-stop due to the fright.

"You're worthless, you know how to cry, you'd better be quiet, I'll be rude to you if you get annoyed!" Fang Yao looked at this child more and more unpleasantly, and started cursing angrily.

The little guy was very wronged at first, but after being reprimanded by her, he couldn't hold back anymore, tears rolled in his eyes, "Mom, you are so fierce, you were not like this before!"

"Shut up! Don't call my mother, I don't have a bastard like you, your mother is already dead!"

The little guy bit his lip tightly, "Wow", he burst into tears like a flood that opened the gate, and the water was hard to stop.

Fang Yao held her head and turned around twice, her mood was very irritable, she simply stuffed Dashu's mouth with a cloth ball, so that he could not make a sound.

"Hmph, don't eat the toast and eat fine wine, Xiao Yezhong, you just wait here quietly for someone to rescue you, if Shen Zhiyi doesn't come, don't blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sound of leisurely footsteps.

Shen Zhiyi was wearing a light gray windbreaker with a high collar, and the belt in the middle was tied with a knot on one side. She put her hands in her pockets, with a resolute expression and sharp eyes.

Fang Yao looked at her from a distance, eyes full of contempt and hatred, until Shen Zhiyi stopped three meters away from her.

"I didn't expect you to have the guts to come here. I always thought you were just a vase who knew Gu skills. It seems that it is far more than that superficial. No wonder A Yao can be fascinated by you. It is not unreasonable!"

These words were full of irony.

"Aunt Zhizhi..." Dashu dropped the cloth at some point and called out, with a dirty little face, looking pitifully at Shen Zhiyi from afar.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was stabbed suddenly, as if a piece of flesh had been torn off by a human being.

"Fang Yao, why do you involve a child in matters between adults? Let him go and talk to me if you have something to say!"

Fang Yao chuckled, no matter what, she was good-looking, and her smile was still gorgeous and dazzling, but she could no longer be as human as her eyes.

"Come on, Shen Zhiyi, there are no outsiders here, why are you pretending to be a loving mother? You can act this way in front of the He family and A Yao. Don't you feel tired? Do you know? The most disgusting thing about me is With your noble and kind hypocritical mask, the He family and A Yao are all blind to you!"

At the end of the sentence, Shen Zhiyi saw a strong hatred in her eyes.

Shen Zhiyi bent her lips lightly, and stared at her straight for a few seconds, "Have you ever heard a sentence, only people with dirty hearts can see dirty things. If you are trapped in the mire, just Feeling that everyone is covered in dirt like you, Fang Yao, your mentality is called unwillingness and jealousy, you have to admit it!"

"Shut up!" Fang Yao yelled angrily, pointing at Shen Zhiyi, the typical graceful facial features of Jiangnan women became hideous due to twitching, "If it weren't for you robbing love with a knife, A Yao wouldn't take a long look Me, he was not like this before, his eyes were all about me, and I gave birth to a child for him, we were a couple that everyone envied, I thought that as long as I turned around, he would definitely come back to me, Love me, marry me, but..."

Fang Yao was completely immersed in her good memories, and her expression became softer and sweeter without her noticing.

All of a sudden, her eyes froze, and the bottom of her eyes was full of anger, she stubbornly gouged out Shen Zhiyi, and said, "You have ruined all of this, you deserve to die!"


A thunderbolt struck her at the end, as if shaking the earth.

The gloomy sky is low, and a heavy rain is coming.

Dashu was startled to cry by the sound, and Fang Yao kicked him irritably, "Why are you crying? If you cry again, I will push you down!"

"Fang Yao!" Shen Zhiyi yelled, trying to divert her attention and reduce the damage to the tree.

Fang Yao really stopped to look at her, her hair was disheveled and scattered in front of her face, her eyes were red, her face was facing the sky, as if she hadn't cleaned it up for a long time.

"Do you know why He Jingyao doesn't love you? Because you are selfish. In order to stay by his side, you even lied about other people's children as your own. In order to stay by his side, after the car accident a few years ago, you asked the doctor Forcibly amputating the leg that was only injured, so that He Jingyao would owe you his whole life, and let him marry you because of this life-saving grace. You love yourself more than you love him. This kind of love is terrible , is suffocating, let me ask, who would love such a terrible and crazy person?"

Every word and every word was like sharp nails, one by one, they pierced into her heart, her spine, and every deadly inch of her body.

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