She seemed to have been stripped of the mask that covered her ugliness. Under the mask was the selfishness that she wanted to cover up with all her might.

Because someone had exposed her scars, she yelled angrily, "That's not the case, I'm not such a person, I love A Yao more than anything else, if it weren't for you, A Yao and I would have been married long ago!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Okay, since you keep saying that you love him, why did you kidnap Dashu? If you let him go, I promise you that I will take Xiaobao out of the country immediately and never come back. You and He Jingyao Whatever you want is up to you, if you hurt Dashu, he will hate you for the rest of his life!"

"Hmph, do you think I will still believe your nonsense?" Fang Yao sneered coldly with squinted eyes, under the dark light, her face looked a little terrified, "As for hatred, if you can make him remember me , this way is not out of the question!"

"You are really crazy!" Shen Zhiyi shook her head in disbelief. She tried to calm down and took a step forward, with a discussing tone, "I'm the one you hate, right? You let the big tree go, I How about leaving it at your disposal?"

"You jump off from here, and I promise to let him go unscathed!" Fang Yao rushed to the cliff behind him expressionlessly and raised his chin. His tone was non-committal, but his hairs stood on end.

The vertical height of the cliff here is nearly [-] meters. Although the bottom is covered with thick grass, the steep slope is full of angular rocks.

Fang Yao's intention is obvious, that is to kill her.

The cold wind was blowing, and the big raindrops began to smash down desperately.

Shen Zhiyi felt a kind of cold air rushing from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, she looked away, "Fang Yao, do you think you can escape legal sanctions by doing this?"

Fang Yao shook the phone, smiling viciously, "Don't worry, I will record your 'suicide' process, at most I will be convicted of kidnapping, and it won't be long before my lawyer will bail me out!"

Shen Zhiyi clenched her fists tightly, and her blood kept surging.

This woman is too scary and insidious.

"Why? Can't bear to part with your own life? Your image of a loving mother can't be maintained at last!" Fang Yao smiled ironically, and stretched out his hand to grab the cloth ball from Dashu's mouth.

Kneeling down, holding the little guy's face with both hands and gently stroking it, his eyes were full of love and affection, "Good boy, let your Aunt Zhizhi save you!"

Dashu glared at her with tears in his eyes, and roared, "Go away, I don't want to talk to you, you are no longer my mother!"

Fang Yao slapped the little guy, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, "Xiao Yezhong, I have hurt you for so long, dare to talk to me like that, do you want to jump down like that woman?"

"Don't touch the big tree!"

Fang Yao sensed that Shen Zhiyi was about to approach, she grabbed the little guy by the collar roughly and lifted him in front of her, "Do you dare to go half a step forward, believe it or not, let him jump in front of you?"

"Okay, okay, okay! I won't move, I promise not to move, you let him go, I beg you to let him go!"

"Hahaha! You are finally willing to lower your noble head, okay, I want to see how far you can persist!" Fang Yao raised his chin and said viciously, "Kneel down!"

Shen Zhiyi's throat tightened, and before she could say a second sentence, she really knelt down with a plop.

The raindrops wet the dust on the ground, and the dust stained her clothes, but her eyes were extremely clean, sharp and sharp.

Fang Yao raised her head and laughed, laughing wildly, bewildered, and burst into tears.

Smiling and laughing, her expression suddenly became sad, and she muttered to herself, "So, this is the reason why I lost to you!"


Dashu bit Fang Yao's wrist hard.

"Xiao Yezhong, I think you are really impatient!"

"Stop!" Just as Fang Yao was about to raise his hand, a voice pierced through the raindrop bead curtain and approached with a strong pressure.

"Ah, Ah Yao...I..." The moment the crazy and vicious Fang Yao saw He Jingyao just now, he was like a child who made a mistake and was discovered by his parents. Restoring all this is uneasy.

Shen Zhiyi was also shocked, she agreed that she would come alone, so why would this guy join in the fun?
But the heart that was lifted somehow found its place again, as if where there was He Jingyao, there was no problem that could not be solved.

Two are always better than one alone.

He Jingyao gave her a reassuring look from the air, and then, he grabbed the man in front of him by the hair and tilted his face upwards, "Fang Yao, look who this is?"

When Fang Yao saw the man's face clearly, his pupils trembled, "Du Ye? Why is he in your hands?"

He Jingyao shrugged Du Ye a few steps forward. The man in his hand was still wearing a hospital gown, his face was still bruised, and his whole body was listless, as if he was going to die at any moment.

One of his legs was broken by He Qingyan, and it was very difficult for him to move.

"That's right, I finally recognize your ex-husband, but I don't know if you will save his life!" He Jingyao opened his lips.

Fang Yao panicked, "What do you want to do?"

"One person for another person, or I will let him be buried with him!"

The rain intensified, and the water droplets wet the man's hair, sliding down his extremely sharp jawline and sinking into the neckline.

A man and a woman confront each other in the rain, and the latter slowly laughs, "Ah Yao, what is this man to me, I think you know better than me, but if I have the slightest feeling for him, I won't go back to China to look for him." you!"

She tilted her head, staring at Shen Zhiyi like a knife, "Today, either Xiao Yezhong will die or Shen Zhiyi will die. The choice is up to you!"

It is more painful to die at the hands of someone important to you than to kill.


The sound of thunder resounded through the sky, and the sky seemed to be split open. The sound of rain, wind, and children's cries mixed together, as if a wild beast was roaring.

He Jingyao pursed his lips, and his deep eyes burst out with a strong aura of danger, "Since you don't care about this man so much, it seems useless for me to keep him!"

Seeing him dragging Du Ye towards the edge of the cliff, Fang Yao yelled, "A Yao, what are you doing? Stop, don't..."

He Jingyao kept walking, pinched the back of Du Ye's neck and pressed down, seeing that Du Ye's physical condition showed no strength to struggle, at the critical moment...

"Ah Yao don't want it, I'll let him go, I'll let him go!" Fang Yao conceded defeat, and his shoulders slackened.

Du Ye froze, looking up at her with difficulty, his eyes were red, his lips trembled and he squeezed out a few words, "Yaoyao you..."

"Du Ye, remember, you owe me your life in this life!" Fang Yao said harshly, and then pulled the big tree forward.

Next, she and He Jingyao, each hugging the other, slowly approached each other.

When they arrived in front of the other party, Qi Qi let go.

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