Chapter 294

"Big tree!" Shen Zhiyi opened her arms to hug the little guy who ran over, and she wept with joy at the feeling of finding it again.

Here, He Jingyao was about to take the two away when Du Ye suddenly rushed forward.

Seeing this, Fang Yao quickly rushed up, taking advantage of Shen Zhi's unawares, and violently pushed her to the edge of the cliff.

Shen Zhiyi's body fell backwards uncontrollably, and she fell. Fortunately, she had quick eyes and hands and quickly grabbed the sunken stone on the edge.

After all, she was a woman with limited physical strength, and soon the strength of her arm was about to run out, and she glanced down, sending chills down her spine.

If it falls, it will definitely die.

Just when she was in despair, He Jingyao once again descended like a god and grabbed her hand, "Hold on, I'll pull you up right away!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded vigorously.

The conditions on the edge of the cliff were not very good, and with the heavy rain washing the ground and the muddy blessing, it became more difficult for He Jingyao to drag Shen Zhiyi up with his bare hands.

The raindrops hit Shen Zhiyi so hard that she couldn't open her eyes. In the dewy vision, the man bit his cheeks protrudingly, the white eyes were bloodshot, and a blue vein burst out on his neck due to the force.

Shen Zhiyi could feel that he was in a tense and trembling state, which was the extreme desire and panic to rescue her.

There was a stream of heat falling from the corner of her eyes, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

"He Jingyao, no, no, just let go, or you'll fall off too!"

He Jingyao yelled at her by jumping on his temples, "Shen Zhiyi, as I said, you will never leave me in this life, don't even think about it, did you hear me?"

The tip of Shen Zhiyi's nose was sour, and her throat seemed to be choked by something, it was sore and astringent, and it was uncomfortable.

Watching the hand tightly held by He Jingyao slide down little by little, He Qingyan appeared at some point, and also participated in it.

The three of them clasped hands, He Jingyao's palm was rough, strong and firm, while He Qingyan's palm was hot, calm and soft.

Shen Zhiyi felt a force holding her, pulling her upwards.

The two men worked together, she was dragged up, and the three of them lay on the ground on their backs as if they were exhausted, letting the rain wash their faces.

In the downtown area of ​​Hangzhou, a car is staged a drag racing scene.

If Du Ye hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be almost impossible for him to believe that Fang Yao, who has always been quiet, soft, delicate and shy, could drive the car so crazy.

They ran through red lights and checkpoints, and hit pedestrians and vehicles. Like an angry bison, they rampaged on the road and chased after a row of police cars.

"Yaoyao, why did you save me just now?" Du Ye didn't know if he would have the chance to see her again, but he was eager to know the answer.

Fang Yao stared at the road ahead, she didn't care about the messy strands of hair covering her forehead, and there was blood splattered on her fair face, and she didn't know who it was.

Her ferocious expression and indifferent eyes made Du Ye strange and uneasy.

An unprecedented sense of fear welled up spontaneously. Du Ye was about to open his mouth to say something when a truck suddenly drove across, his eyes widened.


Fang Yao failed to brake in time, and the two cars collided straight ahead.

There was a loud bang...

"Now there is a news broadcast. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, a serious traffic accident occurred on Nancheng Road. A private car collided with a truck carrying goods due to severe speeding, causing the two cars to catch fire. All four people died on the spot..."

The glass in Fu Que's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Blood kept falling down the opening of the palm, and the bright color stung his eyes.

Although the rain had cleared outside the window, his face was full of sadness and pain...


"Doctor, there is nothing wrong with my arm. Look, I can move freely. If you bandage it later, I'm afraid it will heal!" Shen Zhiyi moved his arm as a gesture to prove it to the doctor.

It was just a little scratch, not to mention bandaging, not even applying medicine, the doctor had to arrange for her to be hospitalized, no, two nurses took her to the ward.

There is such a hospital?
"Miss Shen, Mrs. He specially explained this. For the sake of your health, you should stay here with peace of mind!" The doctor left with just this sentence, and left in a mighty manner with the nurse.

Shen Zhiyi could hardly laugh or cry.

She looked back, hey!It's interesting that there are two beds in one room.

When I was bored, someone came in.

"He Jingyao? Why do you..."

Seeing the man's arm in plaster hanging around his neck, Shen Zhiyi choked back the words on the tip of her tongue.

"From now on, we are sick friends!" He Jingyao walked past her with an evil face, and lay on the other bed by himself.

"Hey, wait a minute, you live in the same ward as me?" Shen Zhiyi was a little confused.

"Yeah, the hospital wards are in short supply, so I have to come here to make do with you. Please give me your advice during this time!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

I think this guy is lying, but I can't find any evidence.

The old lady made three phone calls in the morning to confirm whether Shen Zhiyi was recuperating in the hospital, and Shen Zhiyi almost sent her her location.

Originally thought that He Jingyao's arm was injured, so he could be more honest, and the two of them passed this time smoothly, but Shen Zhiyi didn't expect that he thought too easily.

Mr. He used his arm injury as an excuse to ask Shen Zhiyi to do this and that for him.

Whenever Shen Zhiyi protests, he will say, "Who is my arm injured by? Don't you women have any conscience?"

All right, all right, he's amazing!

According to what the doctor said, she was obviously also a wounded person, why did she turn around and become a servant girl?

He Jingyao: "I want to eat oranges, you peel them for me!"

Shen Zhiyi: "Don't you know it yourself?"

He Jingyao: "I'm hurt!"

After a few minutes.

He Jingyao: "Reply a few emails for me!"

Shen Zhiyi: "I won't do things that are done by Yue Zu!"

He Jingyao: "I'm hurt!"

After half an hour.

He Jingyao stood in the bathroom and shouted, "Shen Zhiyi, help me untie my belt!"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't bear it anymore, "Can't Mr. He solve it with one hand?"

He Jingyao made it difficult, "I hurt my right hand!"

Shen Zhi wanted to explode.

What does your left hand and right hand have to do with me?I am not your servant.

If she wanted to resist, to abandon the stall and leave, He Jingyao would always say, "Who am I doing this because of? You can't be ungrateful! Add insult to injury!"

Just because of this sentence, Shen Zhiyi was forced to work as a 24-hour nanny. She was solely responsible for He Jingyao's eating, drinking, and messing around. This was even more difficult to take care of than his own son.

On the fourth day, she finally couldn't take it anymore, "He Jingyao, you're almost done, it's too much if you continue to play tricks on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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