Chapter 295 Let's Reconcile

He Jingyao turned over and lay on his side, propping up his temple with one hand, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes, "Do I seem to be joking with you?"

"You stretch out your arms!"

He Jingyao pretended to be in trouble, "I can't move!"

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, the ghost believed it.

She arrived in front of him in two or three steps, the female was taller than the male, and the latter's aura was still slightly higher.

Next, Shen Zhiyi slapped his injured arm hard.

The man snorted, and put his eyebrows together.

"Shen Zhiyi!"

"I thought you wouldn't be in pain, ah..." Shen Zhiyi tilted her body.

Subconsciously, He Jingyao stretched out his hand to drag her waist.

Shen Zhiyi lay on the man's arm, smiling like a fox, and poked the arm under his waist, "Mr. He, your acting skills are too bad, right?"

He Jingyao coughed lightly, helped her up, looked strange, but said nothing.

As a CEO, you always need to save face. Even if a woman exposes it, as long as he doesn't admit it, he won't be ashamed.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head in disappointment, "You are so boring, there are so many servants in the house, you just know how to bully me, right?"

The little girl was really angry this time, so she turned around and left.

"Shen Zhiyi!" He Jingyao grabbed her.

"Let's make up!"

Shen Zhiyi turned to look at him with a funny expression, "What did you just say?"

"We reconcile!"

Shen Zhiyi broke free from his hand, turned her body back, hugged her shoulders, looked at him outside, and sneered, "He Jingyao, you were the one who divorced back then, and now you are the one who reconciled. What do you mean, slap him A sweet date? Am I just that playful?"

It's not that she doesn't know He Jingyao's heart for her. From the moment he appeared on the top of the mountain, from the moment she almost fell off the cliff, he grabbed her hand desperately, shouted to her to hold on, and she knew that he couldn't leave her for the rest of his life. I can't escape this man at all.

But the reality does not allow her to look back, the deal is done, no matter how hard she tries, she will eventually pass away.

He Jingyao locked her eyes deeply, with a firm yet soft expression, and he said, "I never thought of playing tricks on you. The reason why I got divorced at the beginning was because... because I wanted to protect you. Master Cheng stared at me closely at that time, just because he wanted to Find the fatal point from me, and you are my fatal point, from you and Xiaobao being kidnapped by the second uncle, to Shen Qingfeng's accident, to Song Xiaoming's accident, one after another is all written by Master Cheng, he just wants to use you Threat me, test me, if I continue to keep you by my side, I'm afraid he will take revenge on you next!"

"Shen Zhiyi!" He pulled Shen Zhiyi's shoulders, his voice expectant and hasty, "It's none of my business for anyone to get hurt, but I don't allow you to get hurt a little bit. If I have to choose, I'd rather You leave me, understand?"

A man is not a person who is good at talking about love. He has always been noble and glamorous, and nothing can fetter him and become a burden for him.

But now, he actually said so many things that he never said before.

His eyes were so sincere that they hit Shen Zhiyi's heart.

No woman would be indifferent to hearing that, she thought.

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, staggered his gaze, and hid her red eyes, "I don't think this is a reason, if you really regard me as your wife, you should tell me, we share it together, and I will cooperate with you Play this drama, unless you don't trust me in the first place, if so, what's the point of making reconciliation now?"

The man fell silent.

The atmosphere became quiet and cold for a while.

Shen Zhiyi has already packed up, "Let the servants of the He family take care of you!"

"Shen Zhiyi, what I just said is true, we reconcile, remarry, and start over!" He Jingyao called her again.

I am afraid that if I miss this time, I will never have another chance.

There are several men staring at her around, who knows if Shen Zhiyi will become their woman in a blink of an eye when he relaxes.

Shen Zhiyi turned his back to him, raised his voice, and said in a playful tone, "Leave as you say, leave as you say, come back as you say, why should I listen to you? Do you think you can get me done with just a few words? Then What you think is too simple!"

"Then tell me, what should I do before you turn back?"

"I..." Shen Zhiyi was confused, what did she say just now, made him hopeful?
"The eight-carried sedan chair is being married to the medium?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Shall we continue with the last wedding?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Or, I'll broadcast live to propose to you!"

"He Jingyao!" Shen Zhiyi scolded viciously.

The tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and He Jingyao pinched her chin unexpectedly, with an ambiguous voice, "If you don't answer, I'll take it as if you agreed to remarry!"

"Who said that? I didn't... um!"

"Hush!" The man put his index finger on her lips, "Everyone is looking forward to our reconciliation, if you refuse, it will hurt their hearts, especially grandma, she is so old and can't stand any stimulation, and you don't want to Did you see what happened to her old man?"

Shen Zhiyi's facial features twitched wildly, okay, it's too soft and started to take the threatening route again.

She snorted heavily through her nose, then shook her head and left.

He Jingyao smiled with curved lips behind him.

He felt that this was half the battle, as long as he stalked him, everything would be fine.

He has weaknesses, and so does Shen Zhiyi.

The dark night is clear and cold, lonely and quiet.

The lights in the whole room were not turned on, and the moonlight from wild rice plants slipped in through the slits of the half-covered curtains, which was the only color in the room.

He Qingyan sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa with his back, his hand holding a cigarette resting casually on that bent knee.

He had just taken a shower, his hair was not pomaded, and his bangs were loosely scattered on his forehead, covering his eyes, so he couldn't see clearly what was in his eyes at this time.

Maybe it's because I haven't smoked for a long time, I choked on the first sip, coughed for a while, and then I became more proficient in smoking.

He was surrounded by smog, and his outline became hazy, like rain, fog, and cloud.

Free one hand to touch the phone on the coffee table, open the photo album, there is only one.

The woman above is wearing simple short-sleeved jeans and wearing a high ponytail. The ponytail is a bit long and slipped off one shoulder. She is having a verbal fight with Xiaobao. Xiaobao is so talkative. Suddenly laughed.

This was secretly photographed by He Qingyan, and it was also the most guilty thing he had done so far.

He thought that the only thing he could compare to He Jingyao was that he had this photo, but He Jingyao didn't.

The man looked up at the night sky, and the clear moon was quietly hanging in an unreachable place, just like someone who can only quietly appreciate her beauty, but it is an impossible thought for him...

Shen Zhiyi saved Dashu, a great achievement, the He family thanked her again and again, even Qiu Wanqing, who had a deep prejudice against her before, also changed her attitude towards her because of Dashu's face a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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