Thinking of He Jingyao's last words of "see you or leave", she bit the bullet and continued to wait.

He is not a casual person, maybe he was delayed by something, when he comes over later, if he doesn't humiliate him, she won't be called Shen Zhiyi.

Half an hour passed, an hour passed...

It was eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye.

After the waiter whispered to each other for a while, the manager of the restaurant came forward to talk to Shen Zhiyi, "Miss Shen, Mr. He set the time at 11:30 pm, but it's already [-]:[-], and our people couldn't get through to him just now. Are you trying to get in touch?"

Usually in this restaurant, their restaurant might have finished get off work and started to leave work, but because the one who booked the restaurant today is a big shot they can't afford to offend, how dare they selfishly decide to leave work?
But all of this, theirs is not, and it is not, so I have to ask the heroine.

Shen Zhiyi smiled apologetically, and prepared to call He Jingyao again in front of them. If no one answered, she would cancel the reservation.

The result is the same as before.

Shen Zhiyi's expression changed.

Ah!You can really play tricks!
She picked up her bag and left. Before she could step out of the restaurant, her cell phone rang, it was a number from Ah Shen.

She answered in doubt, and Ah Shen's choked voice came from inside immediately.

"Madam, show up to him, he was in a car accident..."

The elevator opened, and Shen Zhiyi staggered out of it. She lost one of her shoes, and she didn't know where her phone was.

When she received a call from Ah Shen, her brain froze, she was in a daze for a short time, and then drove wildly here.

Because she was driving too fast, she rear-ended a car, and the wife of the other party grabbed her by the hair to ask for an explanation. Shen Zhiyi focused on He Jingyao, accepting all this numbly, until the other party hit her head on the car window There was blood on his vagina, and he was afraid of being bumped back, so he ended up with a guilty conscience.

At this time, the blood on Shen Zhiyi's face was mixed with his hair, and his neck and shirt collar were also covered with dried blood. He stumbled along the way, frightening passers-by.

At the door of the emergency room, Qiu Wanqing covered her mouth with a handkerchief and cried, Father He held her shoulders solemnly and silently comforted her, and He Yingxue grabbed a small inch of glass on the door of the emergency room and looked inside.

Suddenly a figure squeezed over.

Seeing that it was Shen Zhiyi who came, He Yingxue opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

Through the glass, one could clearly see the man lying quietly on the hospital bed, everything around him was dazzling white, in stark contrast to the blood-stained bed sheet under him.

With his eyes closed, his expression was peaceful and quiet, as if he was asleep, his body was covered with tubes, only the bullying lines on the machine display beside him showed his vital signs.

At that moment, Shen Zhiyi felt that a hand was strangling her throat, and her breath was gradually being swallowed up. The feeling of suffocation made her whole body and nerves be on the verge of death.

Her eyes were terribly red, but not a single tear came out.

Her body was suddenly pushed away, her leg joints hit the armrest of the bench heavily, and she fell to the ground.

The intense pain reminded her that all this was not a dream.

"Shen Zhiyi, do you still have the face? If it wasn't for you, how could Ah Yao have become like this? I told you to leave him a long time ago, don't pester him, but you just don't listen, and you hang around in front of him all day long , now that he is half dead, are you happy?"

Angry to the extreme, Qiu Wanqing sobbed uncontrollably again.

Father He sighed heartbroken, "Okay, Wan Qing, since the incident has already happened, there's no point in complaining about anyone. The most important thing right now is to wake up your son quickly. If he wakes up, I'm afraid he doesn't want to see you either." look!"

"Yes, sister-in-law, you want to drive more, Zhizhi didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and the driver is all to blame, even if we chase him to the ends of the earth, we have to find him and let him give us A Yao's life!" He Yingxue also came out to smooth things over.

Qiu Wanqing stared at Shen Zhiyi fiercely, pointed at her with trembling fingers, "I don't want to see her now, let her go, let her go!"

Shen Zhiyi stood up from the ground and immediately refused, "No, He Jingyao hasn't woken up yet, I'm not going anywhere, I want to stay here with him, auntie, I want to stay here with him!"

"You've made Ah Yao like this, what else do you want? Please let me beg you? Disappear from my eyes immediately, no! Don't appear in front of us again, or I will be rude to you!"


"Zhizhi!" He Yingxue stopped Shen Zhiyi, shook her head at her, and whispered, "Sister-in-law is getting angry, if you stay any longer, it will not be good for anyone, and it will affect Ah Yao's rest, listen to me, you go back first, I will notify you when Ah Yao wakes up!"

Shen Zhiyi felt bitter in her heart, but what He Yingxue said was not unreasonable. In the final analysis, this matter was because of her, and it was only natural that Qiu Wanqing hated her.

She took one last look at the man lying in the emergency room, bit her lip, and decided to leave even though she was very reluctant.

After He Jingyao's accident, Shen Zhiyi seemed to have lost his soul, and when he got home, he lay down dead, staring at the ceiling with his two big eyes open for a whole night.

When he woke up the next day, he was in a daze and didn't eat, so he rushed to the hospital to visit He Jingyao immediately.

Because of Qiu Wanqing, she didn't even dare to approach, and could only look in the direction of the emergency room. He Jingyao was lying in the ward, and she was guarding a few meters away, as if she was accompanying her in the dark. with him.

This guard could not wait for a whole day, and this situation lasted for several days in a row.

Once, Mrs. Wang came to the hospital to deliver something to Qiu Wanqing, and happened to run into Shen Zhiyi.

"Huh? Isn't this...Miss Shen?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her haggard face.

"Oh, it's really you, why are you sitting here?" After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang seemed to understand something, with a embarrassed expression, she stopped continuing the topic, "Oh, I'm here to deliver something to Madam, hey! I don't know when my husband will wake up, it's a pity that his plan to propose to you has not come to completion!"

"Marriage proposal?" Shen Zhiyi was surprised.

"That's right, don't you know? My husband said he wanted to give you a sense of ceremony, so he started preparing to propose to you some time ago. He also ordered a diamond ring for engagement, which he designed himself. Don't you You know, I saw with my own eyes that when my husband was lying in the emergency room covered in blood, he was still clutching the diamond ring box tightly in his hand!"

"Madam, Mr. has never given up on you. He has always loved you deeply, but he is not good at expressing his feelings. Don't be angry with him again, okay?"

Marriage proposal, diamond ring, marriage proposal, diamond ring...

These two words mixed with He Jingyao lying on the emergency bed covered in blood, the picture strongly impacted Shen Zhiyi's brain.

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