A certain part of her heart suddenly seemed to have been severely dug out, blood flowed out in pools, and even the alveoli were filled with sharp pain.

He was in a car accident because he was in a hurry to propose to her.

Qiu Wanqing was right, she was the one who killed He Jingyao, and she was the culprit.

Shen Zhi hated, why couldn't she tell him to drive slowly and be safe, why did she get angry with him on the phone and treat him so badly?Why?
This time when she came home, she couldn't afford to sleep.

Shen Zhiyi fell ill and slept on the bed for three days. She would only take some medicine when she was awake. She was not seen in the hospital for three consecutive days.

She didn't know what time it was, but she was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone in a daze.

Seeing the date displayed on the screen, after a short silence, she jumped out of bed.

Answering the phone while getting dressed.

"Hey Zhizhi, I have good news for you. A Yao has passed the critical period and has been transferred to the VIP ward for observation!"

It was He Yingxue calling.

Shen Zhiyi didn't even have time to say thank you, and hung up the phone in a panic.

A burst of dizziness suddenly hit her, and she hurriedly supported the head of the bed, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling, hurriedly put on her clothes and ran outside.

She did not expect that He Qingyan would appear at the door of the house.

The man should have arrived long ago, pacing back and forth in front of the front of the car with his hands in his pockets, as if he was thinking about something, when he heard footsteps, he raised his head subconsciously.

For a moment, he almost didn't recognize the woman in front of him.

Sunken eye sockets, intense dark circles, sallow, dull skin, unkempt hair that looks unkempt.

She had lost a lot of weight and stood there, as thin as if a gust of wind could blow her small body down.

He Qingyan's heart twitched, his eyes filled with distress.

The Shen Zhiyi he knew was definitely not like this.

"How are you?"

These words seemed to poke at Shen Zhiyi's grievances, and also seemed to open the door to what she thought was a crime. In an instant, all kinds of emotions surged out.

The city wall that the little girl had been holding on to finally collapsed, and tears flowed out.

He Qingyan approached her with two steps, covered the back of her head and pressed it on his shoulder. After a while, the warm feeling soaked through the fabric, burning his heart.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the way the little woman was holding her shoulders in his arms. At this moment, all the gentleman and etiquette, go to hell.

He hugged Shen Zhiyi tightly in his arms, and ran his palms along her back again and again, as if coaxing a child, "It's okay, it's not your fault!"

With He Qing's reticent character, when could he be so comforting, but he was willing to try everything for this woman.

If possible, he really wanted to take this woman away and stay away from this place.

Shen Zhiyi came to visit He Jingyao again, but found that the emergency room was empty.

"Where are the patients here?" He stopped a nurse casually and asked.

The nurse pointed to the other side of the corridor, "Oh, you mean the He family? He has successfully passed the critical period and was transferred to the VIP ward in the morning!"

Great, finally out of danger!Shen Zhiyi almost cried with joy, and ran upstairs to the VIP ward.

At the door of the ward, Qiu Wanqing was talking with the doctor, Shen Zhiyi didn't dare to approach rashly, for fear of causing another conflict.

He Yingxue found her, and when the doctor left, she persuaded Qiu Wanqing, "Sister-in-law, you have been guarding for several days, go back and rest quickly, there are me and other servants here, A Yao needs you, you can't It's broken!"


"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. The doctor said that Yao's condition is stable now. He hasn't woken up yet. It's okay for all of us to stick to it. You smell bad. Go back and take a shower and change your clothes! "Speaking, He Yingxue fanned her face in disgust.

Qiu Wanqing grabbed her collar and lowered her head to smell it. It really stinks, so she hurried home in embarrassment.

Shen Zhi suggested that He Yingxue waved her hand at herself and hurried out of the corner.

"Go and have a look, I can only help you here!"

"Thank you auntie!"

The space in the VIP ward is brighter and quieter. Without those equipment, people will feel less nervous and feel more secure.

Fragments of light lazily poured in, just enough to hug the man on the bed.

Under the blessing of the sun, the man's skin appeared almost transparent and white, and even every strand of hair was glowing with luster.

I don't know if it was because of his long sleep, a crack had already appeared on his lip.

He Jingyao is such an image-conscious person, how could he allow this blemish on his body?

Shen Zhiyi wetted the warm water with a towel, and gently applied it on his lips, and the condition was better, and then she closed half of the curtains to cover him from the light falling on his body.

And the others, still lying there motionless, completely unaware of all this.

Shen Zhiyi felt sore in her heart, she held his hand with both hands, and when she opened her mouth, she couldn't control the hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, He Jingyao, I didn't know what you did for me. I heard Mrs. Wang said that the ring was yours. Designed, so you still have this ability, I don't even know!"

"You are so stupid, why don't you tell me that you are asking for marriage, if you tell me, maybe I won't rush you, and I won't talk to you so coldly, are you blaming me? Well, then wake up quickly, just wake up Come here, let me do anything, I swear!"

Speaking of this, she choked her throat, tears filled her eyes.

Sniffing, she stabilized her emotions, her eyes gently stared at the man's face, "He Jingyao, do you know? Actually, I lied to you before, I... I like you, and I don't know when I fell in love with someone , but this feeling became more and more intense. I was afraid that I would sink and be hurt, so I desperately wanted to escape from your world. If I had expressed my love to you earlier, wouldn’t this happen to you? He Jingyao , you hate me, but you can't lie here and ignore me! Otherwise, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

Unable to continue, Shen Zhiyi buried her face in the quilt and began to cry.

Boom boom boom!
The nurse came to make rounds.

Shen Zhiyi quickly wiped the corners of her eyes.

"Sorry miss, we need to change the patient's medicine, please avoid it!"

With the nurse's reminder, Shen Zhiyi had no choice but to let go of He Jingyao's hand and exit the ward.

As the door closed, He Yingxue patted her on the shoulder, "The servants of the He family are still here, you should go back, lest my sister-in-law know that you have been here, and it will be even more difficult for you to see A Yao in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded gratefully, and was about to leave when her eyes went dark...

When she opened her eyes, her sight was filled with a delicate face.

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