"What? Selective amnesia? It's so fresh, I've never even heard of it!" Song Jiaojiao was so shocked that she jumped up.

Shen Zhiyi snorted and took a sip of beer, "Maybe, I'm really the one he doesn't want to think of!"

"Nonsense, if he doesn't want to see you so much, why did he design a ring to propose to you? Does a man like him have a woman who wants nothing? The world is unpredictable, this is just an accident!" Song Jiaojiao glanced at Shen Zhi With a listless look and a burst of sympathy in her heart, she rubbed her arm and held her arm, "Zhizhi, don't worry too much, maybe after the injury on his head heals, the memory about you will come back, isn't the doctor Well, it's only temporary!"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyes and asked a question that no one could answer, "But, what if you never remember me?"

The time she spent with him for such a long time was thrown away, wasted away, and disappeared like a bubble. He was innocent and peaceful, but she was the only one who suffered the pain.

Shen Zhiyi was not reconciled and did not accept it.

Song Jiaojiao scratched her scalp anxiously, "Zhizhi, don't do this, if you do this, I will also feel very uncomfortable [-]"
She hugged Shen Zhiyi's shoulders, "Cry if you want, it will feel better if you cry, and I won't laugh at you!"

Shen Zhiyi punched her as a gesture, and squinted at her from the corner of his eyes, "Are you talking about yourself?"

"Cough! Let's talk about you now, don't bring it up to me!" Song Jiaojiao scratched her hair resentfully, rolled her eyes, and suddenly raised her voice excitedly, "No, Zhizhi, you Hurry up to wake up He Jingyao's memory, didn't that Huang Heru read to accompany him in the hospital all day long? Be careful that she took advantage of her loopholes!"

"Wake up the memory..." Shen Zhiyi whispered these words...


Huang Runian stayed in the ward with He Jingyao as usual, and slept here at night.

The advanced ward has kitchens, bathrooms, escort lounges, etc. She only needs to bring some changes of clothes.

Ever since Qiu Wanqing handed He Jingyao over to her, she rarely saw each other. Huang Ru understood that this was an opportunity for them to get along alone.

She peeled apples and bananas, cut them into pieces, and personally fed them to He Jingyao with a toothpick, but the man did not resist.

This surprised Huang Runian.

He Jingyao had always been alienated and indifferent towards her before, but after waking up this time, although he was not very enthusiastic, he relied on her, trusted her, and would not reject or reject her.

Maybe as Qiu Wanqing said, this is an opportunity for her, although it is unfair to Shen Zhiyi, but in the face of love, everyone is selfish, all of this is God's will.

"How was our relationship before?"

Huang Runian was dumbfounded by the man's sudden question. After thinking about it for a while, she smiled and said, "Brother Jingyao, you only remember me, not the things between us!"

She pressed the glass bowl on the bedside table, took out a tissue to help He Jingyao wipe off his fingers one by one, and said slowly, "When I was young, I always used to follow behind you, because I am young, so you are not willing to take me to play , you always joked that I was a follower. Once you hid with a group of friends in order to get rid of me. I was crying while looking for you, and even broke myself. Call your parents, because of this, Grandma He beat you up, and since then, you have held a grudge against me and ignored me for a long time!"

"Really?" The man raised his eyebrows wrongly, "Why don't I remember this?"

"It doesn't matter whether you remember or not, as long as you are safe and sound now, I am willing even if you don't remember me!"

What Huang Ru Nian said was the truth, she lowered her eyes to clean up the peels on the table, and subconsciously raised her head, ignoring the movement in her ears.

He Jingyao was staring at her intently, his eyes were so calm and unpredictable.

Huang Runian blushed with embarrassment, got up and went out, "Well, I'll go to the doctor and ask about your condition!"

Shen Zhiyi hurriedly hid behind the magazine rack, and did not show up until someone passed by.

She had seen the scene just now, Huang Runian was feeding He Jingyao affectionately, the scene was extremely ambiguous and harmonious.

After He Jingyao narrowly escaped death, his attitude towards people who were indifferent before became kind, but he felt an inexplicable hostility and disgust towards her.

To be honest, seeing that scene just now, Shen Zhiyi felt sore in his heart, wishing he could rush in on the spot.

But she didn't know that she couldn't, that would only make He Jingyao reject herself even more.

She wants to use her own way to awaken this man's memory about herself.

Boom boom boom!

"Hi, it's Mr. He, this is a request from a customer!" The errand boy put an insulated box on the table and left.

He Jingyao got out of bed, opened the insulated box and saw that it was egg noodles with plenty of ingredients, good appearance and good smell.

He frowned and subconsciously tilted his head, just in time to catch a fleeing figure.

is her?

I was so disgusted in my heart that in the next second, without blinking my eyelids, I threw it into the trash can together with the heat preservation box.

He hates this kind of entangled woman.

Shen Zhiyi lingered uneasily in the corridor for a while, and was almost caught by He Jingyao just now, and he didn't know if he ate it, if it suits his taste, and if he could help him think of something.

A cleaner came out of the ward with a garbage bag in her hand, and she murmured helplessly to herself, "Hey! Young people like to waste, so it's fine if they don't eat. Such a good insulation box also says Just throw it away!"

"Auntie, please let me take a look!" Shen Zhiyi leaned over and said.

Sure enough, it was the insulated box she brought. From the looks of it, the egg noodles hadn't been touched at all.

In an instant, Shen Zhiyi was hit, and a slight injury appeared on his face.

The cleaner looked at her with complicated eyes several times, then comforted her and said, "Girl, this insulated box is okay, I won't snatch it from you, if you need it, just wash it and take it back?"

Shen Zhiyi sniffed, the jar of vinegar in his chest seemed to be continuously fumigated by the fire, sore and uncomfortable, he left a few words weakly, "No need!"


"I said, have you really forgotten about Shen Zhiyi?"

Yin Xingze leaned half of his ass on the table, leisurely tossing the freshly washed grapes into his mouth.

As soon as he heard about He Jingyao's amnesia, he gave up all his sisters, and immediately rushed over to watch the fun, but he didn't really have amnesia in the true sense, but only one person was missing from his mind.

This is rare!
"Should I remember her?" The man on the bed flipped through the magazine without looking up.

The voice was lazy, with a hint of indifference.

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