Chapter 308 Awakening the Memory
Yin Xingze regained his energy and adjusted his posture, "Hiss! It shouldn't be, do you know her relationship with you?"

"It didn't matter what the relationship was before, what matters is that it doesn't matter now, does it?"

One sentence blocked Yin Xingze, the latter blinked his eyes, a little powerless, he wanted to say a few good words for Shen Zhiyi, but seeing his brother's disgusting attitude now, anyone who intervenes may only make things worse worse.

Yin Xingze scratched his scalp, and decided to give it another go. If the good brother's memory came back in the future, he might be grateful to him as a great benefactor. What's more, he also saved a true love at the same time, so he should do good deeds to accumulate virtue.

"Ah Yao, that's not what you said. You forgot how you chased him and..."

"Cough!" A light cough interrupted him, and Qiu Wanqing came in just in time.

"Hello, Auntie!" Yin Xingze stopped talking and greeted the visitor.

Qiu Wanqing nodded, and then motioned to He Jingyao, "Go and see why Xiao Nian hasn't come back after calling out, is there any trouble?"

He Jingyao didn't bother to expose it until his mother deliberately distracted him. It just so happened that he didn't want to hear Yin Xingze talk about anything about Shen Zhiyi.

Qiu Wanqing closed the door of the ward, looked at Yin Xingze with a smile, "Ah Ze, our Yao just woke up recently, his body hasn't recovered yet, and he can't stand any stimulation. As you can see, Xiao Nian took good care of him. Okay, and don’t you think they seem to be a good match? Let the past be the past, I hope Ayao will become the same as before, you can understand what Auntie said, right?”

Yin Xingze rubbed the tip of his nose, very knowledgeable about current affairs, "Understood, auntie, don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble!"

"Hey, that's right, you are the most understanding, Aze!"

As soon as Qiu Wanqing left, Yin Xingze shrugged and said to himself, Ah Yao, I want to help you, but your mother doesn't agree!

Plan A failed, Song Jiaojiao urged Shen Zhiyi to complete Plan B.

"Zhizhi, hurry up, people have come out, seize the opportunity and hurry over!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, "Jiaojiao, why am I a little nervous!"

"Oh, my little ancestors, you are all old couples, what haven't you done? You remember, wake up your man's memory, otherwise he belongs to someone else, go!"

Just like that, Shen Zhiyi was pushed out by Song Jiaojiao.

When she stood still, when she raised her head, she happened to meet a pair of dark eyes.

As before, his eyes are like a black hole that can't be seen, they are indifferent, alienated, and even bored.

Before, he would never look at her with such eyes.

"It's you again?" The man frowned impatiently.

Shen Zhiyi pulled herself back and gave him a bright smile, "Hi, Mr. He! How do you feel today?"

The man snorted, turned and left without looking at her again.

"He Jingyao!" Shen Zhiyi quickly stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve.

The man paused, his eyes moved down slowly, and landed on which hand she touched him, and his tone was dangerously warning, "Immediately, take your hand away!"

Shen Zhi relaxed for a second, licked his lips and said, "He Jingyao, let's discuss something?"

"Are you qualified?" The man gave her a sideways look, then raised his legs and was about to leave.

"Wait!" She hurried to catch up, spreading her arms to stop him.

He Jingyao's face darkened, and his whole body was filled with cold air. Shen Zhiyi didn't care about so much, and under Song Jiaojiao's urging, he raised his arm and slapped him on the face.

The force was not heavy, but the man's face was still turned away.

In the next second, the picture seemed to be frozen.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was pounding nervously. She stared at He Jingyao's reaction, not daring to blink, for fear of missing something.

The man slowly turned his face back, his eyes were full of murderous intent, wishing to put her to death.

Shen Zhiyi's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that this trick is ineffective.

Looks like plan C will have to be implemented.

"Shen Zhiyi, are you courting death?" The man almost uttered a sentence between his teeth.

Shen Zhi ignored him, gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and became cruel. The next second, she wrapped her hands around the man's neck, stood on her toes, and pressed her pink lips against his.

In the reflection of the pupils is the man's magnified startled face.

A few passers-by covered their mouths in shock at the unrestrained and enthusiastic scene.

Before He Jingyao made a move, Shen Zhiyi was the first to evacuate. She tilted her head, observed He Jingyao carefully, and asked expectantly, "How do you feel now? Did you remember anything?"

She had seen such a scene in a time-travel drama before, saying that the heroine traveled to the world of the hero, and in order to go back, the heroine actually thought of kissing the hero to help her achieve it.

Although the result was unsuccessful, Shen Zhiyi drew inferences from one instance, would kissing him accidentally awaken his memory?
So he hit it off with Song Jiaojiao.

However, looking at the man's expression, it's useless to think about it.

He Jingyao, who was teased twice in a row, finally got angry, and rudely clamped Shen Zhiyi's wrist, "It's interesting to mess with me like this, right? Or do you think you can really change something?"

"Zhizhi!" Seeing the situation, Song Jiaojiao rushed out and tried to break He Jingyao's hand, but the man's grip was too tight, like a chain was welded together, "He Jingyao, let go, it will hurt Zhizhi Already!"

"It's her own fault, so who is to blame?"

Even Song Jiaojiao couldn't bear to hear these words, "He Jingyao, how can you say Zhizhi like that? Wasn't it you who kept begging her to reconcile with you, and even designed the ring with your own hands to propose to her? You What about a car accident? So what if you just woke up? This can't be an excuse to get used to you, let me tell you, with your current attitude, even if you kneel in front of us Zhizhi in the future, I won't let her forgive you! "

The man curled his lips into a sneer, his contemptuous eyes scratching back and forth on Shen Zhiyi's body, "Marriage proposal? You really dare to put gold on your face, you are worthy of Shen Zhiyi's good girlfriends, but I will tell you clearly now, then This ring is not for Shen Zhiyi, but for Xiao Nian!"

Song Jiaojiao sneered, "He Jingyao, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Did you read it to Huang Ru? Are you kidding me!"

He Jingyao stared straight at Shen Zhiyi, and his tone seemed to be frosty, "I believe you know what you have done, and I hope we can keep a face for each other!"

After speaking, he shrugged hard, and Shen Zhiyi was flung far away unprepared, twisted his heel, and fell to the ground.

It's not her people that hurt, it's her heart.

"Zhizhi!" Song Jiaojiao exclaimed, and hurried over to help her up, "Are you all right?"

Shaking his head and staring at He Jingyao, he said aggressively, "He Jingyao, how could you treat Zhizhi like this? It's too much. Are you a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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