Chapter 310
As he drank more and more wine, Shen Zhiyi talked more and more drunk, all complaining about He Jingyao.

"He Jingyao is such a bastard, he actually attacked me and pushed me!"

He Qingyan: "Yes, he is an asshole!"

"Just wait, even if he regains his memory, I won't forgive him, I don't want him anymore, I don't want him anymore!"

He Qingyan: "Yes, he is not worth your waiting!"

The little girl has changed from leaning to lying down, with two blobs of pink on her cheeks, her eyes are drunk and hazy, she is a delicate and simple one that you can't usually see.

Turning his eyes full to He Qingyan, he suddenly stretched out his hand to rub against the corner of his chin, tilted his head and asked drunkenly, "What about you? Will you forget me like him?"

The little woman's hands were soft and boneless, and her fingertips seemed to be on fire, and a light touch could start a prairie fire.

He Qingyan stared at her deeply with amber light eyes, and his Adam's apple involuntarily moved up and down.

He admitted that such a woman fascinated him.

But he never did things that took advantage of others.

Pinch Shen Zhiyi's hand bone, gently remove it, and the voice is as delicate as coaxing a child, "I will never forget you, never in my life!"

Shen Zhiyi seemed to have gotten a satisfactory answer, so he chuckled, broke free from He Qingyan, and tapped his chin lightly with his fingertips, "I know you are the best for me!"

He Qingyan turned his gaze away, took a deep breath secretly to calm himself down, then he took the cup from the little woman's hand, bent down and picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Shen Zhiyi was surprisingly obedient, did not resist, did not struggle, and fell asleep before lying on the bed.

He Qingyan tucked in the quilt for her, drew the curtains again, sat on the edge of the bed and watched her for a while, and finally couldn't help reaching out to touch her face.

This is something he has always wanted to do, but has never had the courage to do it.

"Zhizhi, can't you like someone else?"

A few minutes later, He Qingyan closed the door and left, and the room returned to its ultimate calm.

Shen Zhiyi's eyelashes trembled...


Since the old lady came in, she never gave her grandson a good look, "Ah Yao, I didn't mean you, how could you treat Zhizhi like this? You drove her away, are too much, Zhizhi should be more Sadly!"

He Jingyao rubbed his eyebrows, "Grandma, why do you only care about others and not me?"

"Stinky boy, you can eat, sleep, jump and dance, do you need me to care about it?" Not to mention, but Zhizhina, you have to be responsible to others, you can’t throw them aside just because you wake up and don’t remember, but you begged me to help restore Zhizhi, now you don’t care about others Don't ask, it's heartless, in the words of you young people, it's a scumbag!"

"Mom, you can't say that!" Qiu Wanqing was not happy. "He and Shen Zhiyi are both single, and being single has the right to choose. If you don't cheat her, how can you be a scumbag? Let me tell you, it's not that Shen Zhiyi Zhiyi sees that A Yao has woken up, so he wants to trick him again!"

The old lady shook her head, she was very speechless towards this daughter-in-law, "You, you look down on Zhizhi at all. In my opinion, A Yao is so hostile to Zhizhi now, you must have contributed a lot!"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing was dumbfounded for a moment when she was grabbed by her braid.

"Grandma!" He Jingyao said solemnly, "It's not that I'm not responsible, but that I lost my memory and don't remember this person at all, let alone being responsible for her, I can't even get along with her as a friend, I don't have any feelings for her now It can be said, didn't you force me to do this? Even if I accept, she and I will not be happy in the future, you think you are thinking of her, but in fact you are harming her!"

The old lady was silent.

He Yingxue stood up to liven up the atmosphere, "Okay, Mom, what Yao said is right, you are forcing him now, so it may not be very good for Zhizhi, since things are already like this, why don't you let nature take its course and see their fate , what do you say?"

The old lady was in a fit of anger when someone came to her door, "And you, A Yao and Zhi Zhi's past, I'm afraid you didn't mention a word to A Yao? You just have the heart to see them like this? What on earth are you doing?" As an elder?"

He Yingxue looked at Qiu Wanqing with pleading eyes, subtext: Sister-in-law, help!
Feeling guilty, Qiu Wanqing found an excuse and slipped away.

He Yingxue then said, "Sister-in-law, wait for me, let's breathe together!"

The old lady walked around the ward a few times, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt worthless for Shen Zhiyi.

But her grandson's attitude is firm, and the wind won't blow him down. It's not an option for her to force him, it will only make this matter more troublesome.

"Grandma, stop spinning, I'm dizzy!" He Jingyao couldn't laugh or cry.

The old lady stared over, "Then tell me, how are you going to solve this matter?"

He Jingyao blew on the layer of white air floating on the cup, and said confidently, "Don't worry, I will take care of it!"


Ah Shen's sudden airborne landing at the Marriott Hotel was unexpected to Shen Zhiyi.

Could it be that He Jingyao thought of her, so he sent Ashen to pick her up?

This idea was quickly shattered by reality.

"Miss Shen!" Ah Shen was as polite as ever, and also as quick as ever.

He showed a check and pushed it to Shen Zhiyi.

"This is a little wish from Mr. Shen. I hope Ms. Shen will accept it. Of course, Ms. Shen can also make other requests. As long as it is not too much, Ms. Shen will satisfy it!"

Even Ah Shen felt that these words were a little cruel, after all, the two people who had been in each other's hearts before, now they are actually separating the distance in this way, it is really heartbreaking.

But he was entrusted by his husband, so he had to do it if he didn't.

Shen Zhiyi picked it up and looked at it. The string of numbers on it was very attractive.

He Jingyao was really generous, and he paid 500 million yuan when he made a move.

Can be regarded as a good predecessor of Hangcheng.

She understood that this was spending money to buy cleanliness, and she thought she pestered him.

At that moment, there seemed to be a hole in her heart, and the water mixed with ice kept pouring in, making her cold from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head.

Unexpectedly, one day she would be settled by He Jingyao with money, which is really ironic.

"Go back and tell your gentlemen, my youth, Shen Zhiyi, can't be spent with this little money, it's expensive!"

Shen Zhi didn't accept it, which was expected by Ah Shen. He nodded, "Let's ask Miss Shen to talk to our husband by herself!"

After coming out of the Marriott, Ah Shen looked up at the sky, the opportunity was given to them, and he hoped that the result would change.

Shen Zhiyi took this check and found the hospital the next day.

Huang Runian was still by He Jingyao's side, and seeing how skillful and professional she was in taking care of her, it was obvious that she put her heart into it.

Shen Zhiyi is not disgusted with this person alone. After all, everyone is equal before love. Besides, she didn't do anything to hurt others, and she lived a very real life.

When Huang Ru Nian saw her, she was taken aback for a moment, with a flash of guilt in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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