Chapter 311 You Can't Buy My Sincerity
Regarding He Jingyao's matter, she chose to remain silent, not only for herself, but also for He Jingyao's sake. Qiu Wanqing told her that He Jingyao couldn't stand the excitement now.

"Miss Shen!" She nodded at her as usual.

"Can you avoid it for a while? I have something to talk to him!" Shen Zhiyi looked at He Jingyao.

He Jingyao passed her lightly, and got off the bed, "You don't need Xiaonian to leave, let's go out!"

Xiao Nian!Oh, it's so kind to shout!Shen Zhi felt sour in his heart.

The two came to the garden of the hospital.

Some patients recovering from a serious illness will come here for a walk accompanied by their family members. There is an artificial pool in the center, in which there are unknown fish of various shapes, and some family members and patients are feeding them with fish food.

Today's sun is strong, standing in a place without shade, it's hard to keep your eyes open.

Shen Zhiyi didn't talk nonsense, took out the check, and handed it to He Jingyao intact.

The man raised his eyebrows, "Miss Shen, are you... dissatisfied?"

"That's pretty unsatisfactory!"

He Jingyao took the check slowly, with the corners of his mouth curled up, his smile was light but he didn't understand, as if he had thought of this result a long time ago, with a kind of sarcastic laxity.

"Miss Shen, just talk about the conditions, what do you want, so that you don't pester me!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, feeling bitter in her heart, "Mr. He thinks I'm pestering you?"

"Otherwise? You come to my ward again and again, don't tell me you just came to visit the door for boredom!"

The man's playful smile slowly blurred in Shen Zhiyi's eyes, as if it had been poisoned, penetrating into her nerves little by little, making every cell in her body burn crazily.

She took two steps forward and got closer to him, with her plain face held high, her black and white eyes were stubborn and sharp, "I came to the hospital over and over again to wake up your memory, over and over and over again I came to the hospital for the first time so that we could go back to the past, but what I didn’t expect was that I’ve been working hard to move forward, but you are retreating in disdain, so it seems that even if I try my best, I can’t catch you!”

"Wake up your memory, one is because I don't want to miss you again like this, and the other is because of my responsibility for the relationship between us, even if you remember me one day, you won't blame me for not keeping you, understand? ?”

Shen Zhiyi spoke softly and relaxedly, without being emotional, let alone hysterical, as if she was confiding her heart to her lover.

Even so, He Jingyao felt an unprecedented heavy force hitting his heart every time she said a word.

He covered his shivering heart, and frowned thickly.

It's so strange, why every time he sees this woman's desperate and heartbroken look, why does he have this feeling inexplicably?
Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes briefly, then opened them again, "He Jingyao, I know you are rich, but I also tell you that you can't buy my sincerity, and I won't sell it to you. Let me put this check first." , When one day I really don't love you anymore, I'll come back and take it back!"

After a pause, she said, "Of course, I have a more important purpose for coming today, He Jingyao, this is the last time I wake up your memory, if I fail this time, I promise I won't bother you again in the future!"

After finishing speaking, she kept facing He Jingyao and slowly backed away.

And two meters behind her was the pond of unknown depth.

Standing on the edge of the pond, she stared deeply at the man's familiar yet unfamiliar face, the corners of her lips slowly curled up like a magnolia blooming in the sun, warm and sincere.

This smile burned someone's eyes.

He Jingyao felt that there was a ball of flames surging in his chest, something was about to come out, but it was firmly blocked.


It was too late for him to speak, and with a loud "plop", Shen Zhiyi fell on his back and fell straight into the water, splashing a splash of water immediately.

Shen Zhiyi struggled instinctively, and soon, a steady stream of water poured into her nasal cavity, mouth, and ears.

"Someone's diving!" Someone yelled in fright.

In the misty eyes, what Shen Zhiyi saw was an extremely indifferent face. The man was standing by the pond, looking at all this coldly, as if her life and death had nothing to do with him, and she was not even as good as a man. Strangers can move him.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was completely chilled, and she allowed herself to sink straight down.

His breath was instantly robbed, as if someone had strangled his neck viciously, his black and white eyes were empty and cold, and he could not see any desire to survive.

Shen Zhiyi even wondered if he would react if she really died here.

The man on the shore had uneven veins on his arms, the veins on the back of his tightly clenched hands could be seen, and his dark eyes were full of extreme suppression and forbearance.

Staring at the rippling water, a heart seems to be torn apart by countless hands.

Just as the man took a step, someone suddenly passed him from behind and jumped straight into the water.

In a trance, Shen Zhiyi vaguely felt a person in black swimming towards him.

Immediately afterwards, she was grabbed by a big hand...

Shen Zhiyi was rescued ashore, and He Qingyan immediately rescued her.

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough..."

After several times of rescue, Shen Zhiyi finally coughed up the liquid in her lungs. She leaned weakly on He Qingyan's shoulder, not wanting to move her fingertips.

He Qingyan closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowing down, Shen Zhiyi subconsciously searched for a figure in the crowd, only to catch the back of the man leaving sadly.

Before He Jingyao took a few steps, someone grabbed his shoulder suddenly, followed by a muffled sound.

He was punched in the face.

Because the other party was merciless, because he was caught off guard, because He Jingyao's body had not fully recovered, which directly caused him to fall to the ground.

He Jingyao was stunned for a moment. After he realized it, he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. Before he could stand up from the ground, the other party punched him again.

"He Qingyan, don't!" When He Qingyan made a move for the third time, Shen Zhiyi hugged him from behind regardless of his weakness.

It wasn't that she felt sorry for He Jingyao, but that she was afraid that He Qingyan would be implicated by herself.

Even if He Jingyao was beaten, what would change?

He Jingyao stood up slowly, licked the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue, a provocative smile filled his handsome face, "You really think I dare not touch you, do you?"

"Okay, then let's try!" He Qingyan pushed Shen Zhiyi away, signaling her not to worry.

After taking off his coat, he rolled up his cuffs, his eyes were sharp and sinister.

He Jingyao sneered, and then, the two men fought.

He Qingyan didn't care about He Jingyao's physical condition at all, and his moves were ruthless.

The surrounding crowd watching the excitement had different opinions.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting!" Yin Xingze rushed out of the crowd, trying to stop it.

Just now I received a call from Shen Zhiyi, saying that He Jingyao and He Qingyan were fighting with cousins, Yin Xingze turned around and rushed this way, but in the end, he really saw a jaw-dropping scene.

(End of this chapter)

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