When Shen Zhiyi heard the words, he chuckled, "Ms. Liu, how did you manage to be so shameless? You still have the nerve to mention to me your two children with other people? I didn't hold you accountable at the beginning. For the sake of my father, if I were you, I would have no face to come out to meet people, and you still want to ask me for things from the Shen family, you are paler than others, aren't you?"

"I..." Liu Xiang choked.

Shen Yichun yelled, "Shen Zhiyi, don't talk about it, maybe your paternity test was forged by someone back then, your mother is so dishonest, how could you be father's biological woman? It is only when Dad is confused that he will believe you. The Shen family is not yours alone, and we also get points. Now I order you to give us some of the shares of the Shen family. We also get points for the cars and houses of the Shen family! "

Shen Zhiyi shook her head sadly, she didn't know who gave the mother and daughter the courage to come to the door with the audacity to ask for things from the Shen family.

"What if I don't give it?" Shen Zhiyi raised his chin, as if fighting a protracted war.

Liu Xiang squinted his eyes sullenly, and played a rogue, "If you don't give it, we won't leave today. Anyway, there is food and drink here, and we don't have a house to live in!"

"Hey! This is my home, rotten egg, hurry up, Shen Zhiyi, get out of the way!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi turned around, she saw Xiaobao waving a broom and rushing towards Shen Yichun's mother and daughter.

Shen Yichun was so frightened that she went straight to hide behind Liu Xiang, but Liu Xiang disgusted her severely, "Look at your worthless appearance, a little liar scares you like this, is it embarrassing or not?"

She caught the falling broom, then pulled it hard, and threw it far away with a slap, looked down at Xiaobao, patted the dust on her hands and said, "You little bastard, you still want to talk to us!" Dou? Your mother didn't even do anything to us!"

Xiao Bao raised the corners of his mouth and gave an evil smile, "Who said, the best is yet to come!"

Take out a slingshot from the hand-woven diagonal bear bag, and aim at Liu Xiang.

"Ouch!" Liu Xiang screamed while covering his forehead.

"Little Yezhong, stop!" Shen Yichun just stepped forward, but was hit by the little girl's slingshot and fled around with her head in her arms.

In the living room at this time, there were screams and curses one after another.

Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang's mother and daughter are like rats crossing the street, hiding in Tibet, very embarrassed.

Xiaobao laughed and rolled on the sofa, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't hold back.

It's been a long time since I've seen such an exhilarating scene, it really deserves it!

"Have you considered it? Are you going to go or not?" Shen Zhiyi leaned against the wall and asked leisurely.

Liu Xiang's eyes were about to burst, and he gritted his teeth, "Hmph! If you don't pay us, you can't even think about sending us away!"

"That's right, give me the money, or we'll be here to die!" Shen Yichun sang with her.

Xiaobao raised the slingshot again, touched the bag, "Oh, there is no bullet, you are lucky!" Otherwise, you will be beaten to death.

Shen Zhiyi pressed the little guy's shoulder, her daughter's wave is almost done, look at the heads of the mother and daughter, the bumps on the forehead are like mountains and rivers, continuous.

"Okay, you're not leaving, are you? Then don't blame me!"

Shen Zhiyi called the police, and the police arrived after a while.

Before the police officers entered, Liu Xiang performed a big show and lay down on the ground, still humming in style.

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

Xiaobao: "???"

The policeman came in, asked about Shen Zhiyi's general situation, and then looked at Liu Xiang who was lying on the ground.

Shen Yichun hurriedly cooperated with snot and tears, "Comrade police officer, we have been wronged. The one lying on the ground is my mother and Shen Zhiyi's stepmother. We will discuss with her about the inheritance of property. She will be fine." , instigated her daughter to hit us with a slingshot, and watch us get hit in the face!"

Shen Yichun moved her hand away, and the policeman almost couldn't stop laughing when he saw her hair covered with bags.

"You're talking nonsense!" Xiaobao squeezed in front of the policeman, "Uncle policeman, that's not the case. Both of them are big villains. If they don't give me money, they will come to my house. They break into private houses. There's nothing I can do about it. You can only protect yourself, Uncle Police Officer, drive them away quickly!"

The police officer rubbed the top of the little girl's head, signaling Shen Zhi to notice while talking.

Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang looked at each other, and then Lao Gao turned his ears up one by one, wanting to eavesdrop.

"Miss Shen, I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult!" The police officer looked embarrassed.

Shen Zhiyi was not in a hurry to speak, and listened to the policeman's words first.

"As far as I know, this Ms. Liu had a good relationship with your deceased father before. Although there were internal conflicts, it cannot be used as evidence that she broke into a private house with some purpose. I said, it's best for you to reach an agreement in private, and take a look..."

The police officer pointed at Liu Xiang with his chin, "She looks like she is obviously going to fight you to the end. If she blackmails you with intentional injuries or something, it's hard to say, and you won't get cheap, some things, The law itself is very vague, you understand what I said?"

Shen Zhiyi had already thought about this problem, calling the police over, but it was just a bluff, if she wanted to get Liu Xiang's mother and daughter away from here, she had to come in person.

The policeman simply went through the process, persuaded Liu Xiang a few words, and then left.

Now Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun were even more proud.

"See, even the police can't do anything to us, so we either divide the things Shen Yuanshan left behind between us, or we stay here and don't leave, you choose one!" Liu Xiang dusted off the dust on his body , was dragged onto the sofa by Shen Yichun like an old Buddha.

Shen Zhiyi's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled, "Okay, if you want to live here so much, then live here. It's crowded and lively, right Auntie?"

After speaking, she took Xiao Bao back to the room.

"Shen Zhiyi, are you confused? Why let them live here, I don't want to live with rotten eggs, then I will also stink!" The little girl pouted dissatisfied.

Shen Zhiyi called Song Jiaojiao and the others and told them not to come here, so as not to see Shen Yichun and the others get angry.

"Don't worry, how did they live in here, and then how to get out of here obediently!"

"Mom, that bitch Shen Zhiyi won't think of other ways to deal with us, will she?" Shen Yichun looked in the direction of the master bedroom, a little worried.

Liu Xiang rubbed his numb leg from lying on the ground for too long, curled his lips in disdain, "Then let her want to go, what are you afraid of? We barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, and if we don't give money, we will make trouble with her A chicken dog restless!"

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