"Damn it! That mother and daughter are shameless to the extreme, why don't they go to heaven! You can bear it, but I can't bear it, let's see how I throw them out!"

Song Jiaojiao's first reaction when she heard about this from Shen Zhiyi was to roll up her sleeves and prepare to beat someone up.

"Come back to me!" Shen Zhiyi pressed her forcefully, "When you say wind is rain, when will you change your temper?"

"That depends on the person. Are the mother and daughter still considered human beings? What a nuisance! They actually have the nerve to ask for money, no, no, my lungs are about to explode!" Song Jiaojiao rubbed her chest angrily.

Shen Zhiyi gave her a mouthful of strawberry pudding to suppress her shock, "Don't worry, the more angry we are, the more they will achieve their goals. Don't worry, you have to get out of my house sooner or later. Let them taste the sweetness first!"

At this time, a young man and woman entered the dessert shop.

Men have soft looks, boys have feminine looks, and women are petite and exquisite, but have bumps.

"Brother Fang, do you think I want to eat it? I'm worried that I'll get fat!" the girl said, and the sound made goosebumps drop all over the floor.

The man lowered his head and tapped the man on the phone, absent-mindedly said, "Don't eat if you're afraid of getting fat!"

The girl choked, but soon gave a sweet and harmless smile, "Brother Fang, why don't you buy it for others!"

The man looked at her now, raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "Do you have no money?"

The girl's smile froze on her face again, noticing the ulterior motives from her surroundings, the girl decided to make a comeback, boldly took Fang Huaizhou's arm, and shook her coquettishly, "But the one you bought will be more expensive." Sweet, Brother Fang!"

This anger, this flash, almost disgusted the two people not far away.

Shen Zhiyi quietly observed Song Jiaojiao's expression, holding the glass tightly in both hands, biting her lips tightly, and her eyes spit fire.

This image of a jealous woman, don't be too realistic.

To say that she is not interested in Fang Huaizhou, only ghosts would believe it.

Fang Huaizhou was annoyed by the girl, and wanted to get rid of her quickly, so he chose a dessert to pay for it.

When he left, he was shocked.

"Zhizhi, the strawberry pudding here is too delicious, don't you still eat that? If you don't eat it, I'll settle it together. It's all bought with money, so I can't..."

As someone's footsteps approached, Song Jiaojiao's painstakingly supported disguise was on the verge of collapse.

She couldn't pretend anymore, her eyes dodged, and she drank fruit juice to cover up her embarrassment.

"What a coincidence!" Fang Huaizhou greeted Shen Zhiyi generously, but his eyes fell on the latter.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Second Young Master Fang is very elegant, and brought beautiful women here for dessert, why didn't I know that you like this?"

There is ambiguity in this statement, I didn’t specifically ask whether it is a good dessert or a good young girl.

"Brother Fang, who are they?" The girl tried her best to push forward as if she was afraid that she would not be able to play, her eyes kept sizing up Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao.

Fang Huaizhou lifted the girl into his arms, still looking at Song Jiaojiao, and answered the girl's question, "One is a friend, and the other is... an employee!"

Song Jiaojiao turned her head and glared at him.

Who is the employee referring to here, how can she not understand?
That's amazing, Fang Huaizhou, the man turned his back on him when he became ruthless.

Pretend not to be familiar with it, she can do it!
"Hello, Mr. Fang!" Song Jiaojiao stood up and performed a standard business courtesy.

Fang Huaizhou's face was not very good-looking, as if he was stuck with a lot of words, unable to speak or swallow.

"So she's an employee of Brother Fang's company, but she looks familiar to me, as if I've seen her somewhere before!" The girl thought hard.

Song Jiaojiao reminded, "I have acted in several micro-movies and web dramas before!"

"Ah! Yes, I remembered. I said, why are you so familiar? Miss sister, you did a good job. The female artists in Brother Fang's company are just extraordinary!" The girl smiled slightly and looked at Fang Huaizhou.

These words were intended to please him, but his condition seemed to be not good.

"The newcomers who have just been trained, their acting skills are far from those of artists with a major in education! Let's go!" Fang Huaizhou finished his injury, took the girl and left.

The girl was so flattered that she couldn't close her mouth in joy, "Brother Fang, where are we going?"

"Don't you want to go swimming? I'll accompany you!"

"That's great, Brother Fang, but I'm not very good at it. You have to be patient and teach me later!"

"Uncomfortable?" Shen Zhiyi waved her hand in front of Song Jiaojiao's eyes.

The latter suddenly came back to his senses, and drank juice again to cover up his emotions, "Cut! I have nothing to do with Fang Huaizhou, he can do whatever he wants!"

"I think this girl is a little short-sighted!"

Song Jiaojiao immediately found the organization, put the cup down, "Isn't it? Fang Huaizhou's aesthetics, tsk tsk! He's never been very good. Look at that girl, what else is there besides bulging and concave? Maybe it's stuffy." It’s a fake, with a pointed face and a mouth so pouted that you can tie a donkey’s head, I’m afraid she won’t be able to close it when kissing!”

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Brother, brother, brother, let's lay it down, shouting so kindly, this kind of little girl is also drunk! Can't you have a good talk?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Got it!
The woman obviously knocked over the jar of vinegar, and the sour smell hit her face.

At the same time, Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang are dominating other people's homes.

"This sofa cover is too plain, it doesn't match my style at all, I will change it tomorrow!"

Shen Yichun hugged her shoulders in the living room and looked here and there, no matter what she looked at, it was not pleasing to the eye, "Also here, the curtains are too thin, I can't open my eyes under the light, it will take a long time Wrinkles!"

Liu Xiang sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, ate Shen Zhiyi's fruit, and kept frowning, "The grapes are too sour, it's really unpalatable!"

It was all dumped into the trash can, just like the mistress of the house.

"Hey, who told you to mess with my things!"

When Xiaobao came in, he saw the messy scene in the living room, the sofa cover was torn off and thrown aside, the coffee table was messed up, and the floor was full of fruit peels.

It's clear that the home was fine when she left, but these two rotten eggs have ruined their new home, it's simply too much!
"Yo, you're back? Heh! Shen Zhiyi is really relieved to let you go home alone. If something happens to her someday, I really want to see how sad she is!"

Shen Yichun had a burst of yin and yang, which made Xiaobao very disgusted, and the little girl stared at her disdainfully, "You better take care of yourselves, listen to Shen Zhiyi, you can't even pay the rent for hanging around outside. , Hey! It’s really pitiful, the teacher told us to be helpful, and I have saved some pocket money, so, should I help it?”

"You... little bastard, just wait and see!" Shen Yichun gritted her teeth.

Liu Xiang motioned her not to be angry, and whispered, "What do you know as much as her? What we want is money, a house, and a car, because it's not worth it for a little bastard to get angry!"

"What mother said is true!" Shen Yichun suppressed the anger.

Xiaobao snorted through his nostrils, dropped his schoolbag, and jumped onto the sofa. When Liu Xiang turned around, his seat was taken.

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