Liu Xiang went around to sit on the other side, Xiaobao moved faster than her, slid around and changed from sitting to lying down.

The sofa at home is not big at all, and the little girl is so long lying on her side, with her head and tail cut off, there is no place for Liu Xiang at all.

Afterwards, the little girl stuck out her tongue and made a face at Liu Xiang, who was getting angry from embarrassment.

Liu Xiang was so angry that his lips kept trembling, Shen Yichun helped her to comfort her, "Mom, don't be fooled by Xiao Yezhong, she is trying to provoke you on purpose, get hungry, I'll make you something to eat!"

She doesn't know what to eat, she just turns on the video and learns on the spot, anyway, it's good to cook raw and mature.

Opening the refrigerator, Shen Yichun was dumbfounded.

Except for a few bare eggs, there was no wool.

"Hey, why is there nothing to eat in the refrigerator? Tell me, is it hidden by that bitch Shen Zhiyi?"

Shen Yichun rushed in front of Xiaobao angrily, pinched his waist and questioned.

Xiaobao rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Cut! If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself. Why, do you have no money? I can lend it to you!"

Shen Yichun raised her hand and wanted to teach this stinky girl a lesson, but thinking of their purpose for staying here, she was afraid that she would not be able to get a dime if she provoked Shen Zhiyi, so she had to give up.

"Hmph! Do you really think this can stump us?"

Shen Yichun decided to show her skills, trying to make some tricks with the eggs.

Liu Xiang was really hungry, after about 10 minutes, she couldn't wait to go, "Yichun, is breakfast ready!"

"Okay, okay!" Shen Yichun brought a plate, and there were two intact eggs lying quietly on the plate.

Liu Xiang blinked, "What is this?
"Boiled eggs, mom, I'm not that good, but I can cook them successfully for the first time!"

Liu Xiang's facial features began to twitch, "You have been busy for half an hour, just, just to boil two eggs?"

Shen Yichun nodded innocently and proudly, "Yes, Mom, you can try it, I heard that boiled eggs for breakfast are the most nutritious!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang, followed by the sound of metal colliding.

The house seemed to shake with the earthquake.

"Ah! Mom, there seems to be an earthquake, hide quickly!" Shen Yichun held her head and crawled under the high table.

Liu Xiang's temples were throbbing, and he dragged his daughter out from under the table, "Why did I give birth to you such a fool? What an earthquake, open your eyes to see what's going on!"

Xiaobao had already gone to the kitchen to check, but he didn't know if he didn't look, and he was startled when he saw it.

I drop mom!

The lid of the pot was lifted, and the water in the pot was boiled clean. If she hadn't turned off the fire in time, the bottom of the pot might be gone.

This is not cooking, but burning a house, right?
"Shen Yichun, your mother is right. You are a fool. The water in your pot is probably not enough for cats, right? Let me tell you, with your IQ, you still want to fight Shen Zhiyi? She alone Little finger can kill you, believe it or not?"

Being severely despised by a little hairy child, Shen Yichun was naturally unconvinced, "I, I did it on purpose, what's the matter? Shen Zhiyi is so powerful, why don't you let the He family return the product? Isn't it just a breakfast, at worst, order takeaway! "

As she said that, she really ordered a takeaway breakfast. Liu Xiang kept shaking her head, forget it, it is impossible to expect her to snatch the Shen family's property back from Shen Zhiyi's hands, this fool will not be played to death by Shen Zhiyi Strange, we still have to look at her, Liu Xiang.

After this incident, Shen Yichun didn't dare to go near the kitchen for a whole day, and she became much more honest, as if she had been frightened out of her wits.

Xiaobao told Shen Zhiyi about this as a joke, and the mother and daughter laughed so hard over the phone.

It was really guessed by Shen Yichun, and Xiaobao came up with the idea, and the two of them hid all the food and drink at home in the master bedroom in the middle of the night.

Bai Lai has stopped collecting money from them here, so he still wants to eat for free?There are no doors!
What made Shen Yichun and the others unbearable was yet to come.

After a few days of commotion in Shen Zhiyi's new home, Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang felt that their fists had hit the cotton, and Shen Zhiyi didn't answer at all.

Either he was busy all day at the hotel and was not at home, or he turned a deaf ear to the absurd behavior of their mother and daughter when they returned home. They should eat, drink, and sleep, with an attitude of doing whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

On the contrary, it was this attitude of ignoring and indifference that annoyed Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang, so they started to intensify.

On this day, Shen Zhiyi was holding a staff meeting at Marriott, when Xiaobao called.

"Shen Zhiyi, come back quickly, the two rotten eggs are starting to mess up again!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't enter the door, and just got out of the elevator when she heard the sound of explosive music coming from the direction of her house. It was deafening, and the whole corridor was vibrating.

Caressing her heart, she opened the door and went in.

The situation at the scene gave her a headache even more.

I don't know who made the ball lights, the lights swayed dizzily, and seven or eight men and women stood in front of the coffee table, swaying with the intoxication.

And Shen Yichun went too far, and went directly to the coffee table without grabbing the champagne, and with a bang, the amber liquid sprayed out towards the writhing crowd.

The crowd cheered and screamed again and again.

A small head popped out from their legs.

"Shen Zhiyi, look at the good things Shen Yichun has done, it's so messed up, I'm dying of a headache!"

The little girl complained unbearably, if she hadn't waited for Shen Zhiyi to come back to make a move, she would like to use her slingshot to solve the problem.

To deal with this rotten egg, force is not enough.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Xiang polished his nails and lazily said, "Pay the money early, and everything will be settled!"

"That's right, Shen Zhiyi, today I can bring my friends to your house to play disco, and tomorrow I can hold a party here, I want to see how long you can last!" Shen Yichun hugged her shoulders, walked around her with a sinister smile for two laps.

Shen Zhiyi's smile remained the same, not annoyed, angry, or jumping, "It's still the same sentence, let you go, there are so many people!"

Turning around, the little girl waved her hand, "Xiaobao, don't disturb the aunties, let's go back to the room and sleep!"

Staring at the backs of one big and one small leaving, Shen Yichun's mentality almost tensed, "Mom, you don't think it's strange, we've all done this, and the little bitch didn't respond at all, it's too unusual She has a personality, will she hold back her big move?"

Liu Xiang disdainfully said, "Hmph! Can she still go to heaven? Let's continue to build her. I want to see how long she can bear it!"

As soon as the one big and one small here entered the master bedroom, the young one pulled down a displeased face, "Shen Zhiyi, what on earth are you thinking? How could..."

"Hush!" Shen Zhiyi gestured for silence, signaling her to follow him.

Shen Zhiyi pointed to the intertwined wires in a prescription box, "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

The little girl gasped, covered her mouth, and widened her eyes, "Shen Zhiyi, don't you..."

Shen Zhiyi nodded with a smirk.

"Wow, you are too damaged!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Did anyone say that about his own mother?

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