About a few minutes passed.

"It's so hot, Shen Yichun, is your air conditioner working?"

"That's right, it shouldn't be broken, right? How can you let us play in such a hot day!"

"Oh my god, my makeup is almost done. To save electricity, as for you, sisters, let's stop playing, let's go!"

"Hey, hey, don't leave, listen to me, I didn't..." Shen Yichun couldn't stop her, and after a while, everyone left.

The central air conditioner is installed here, Liu Xiang was also puzzled, and looked for the switch with Shen Yichun.

After finally finding the switch, I tried it, but there was no response. The two stared at each other, neither of them understood this. After a few seconds, the two looked in the direction of the master bedroom at the same time.

The two figured it out.

Who else but Shen Zhiyi messed with them?
Shen Yichun quickly contacted the air conditioner repairman, but the phone hung up halfway through the call.

"Why did you hang up?" Liu Xiang asked.

"This is not our home. I'm not so stupid to pay her to fix the air conditioner. Whoever does it will fix it!"

Liu Xiang thought it made sense, but it seemed strange.

On a hot summer night, even the air is hot, like a big steamer, making people toss and turn so hot that they can't sleep.

"No, no, I'm dying of heat, how can I sleep here? Shen Zhiyi, a bitch, actually used this method to deal with us, it's simply too treacherous!"

Shen Yichun couldn't bear it anymore, and sat up from the bed all at once, her whole body was drenched with sweat, and there was an indescribable stench, she almost vomited herself.

Liu Xiang didn't get any better, and while fanning her face with her hand, she persuaded her, "Be patient, she just wants to force us to leave, don't be fooled by her, otherwise you will be killed in the next few days." Stupid for nothing!"


One big and one small looked at each other, and then they all covered their mouths to hold back their laughter with a snort.

Xiaobao gave Shen Zhiyi a thumbs-up: Jiang is really old and spicy.

Shen Zhiyi winked at her: the good show is yet to come.

Shen Yichun finally couldn't take it anymore, so she stepped on her slippers and came out to breathe.

It was dark outside, she pressed the switch, and the light didn't turn on.

I tried several times, but there was still no response. It was strange that the air conditioner was broken. Could it be that the lights were also broken?
Unable to bear the dry mouth, Shen Yichun rolled her throat, biting the bullet and groping all the way to the water dispenser.

She tripped over something, and before she had time to lower her head, a head suddenly floated in front of her eyes.


Shen Yichun screamed in fright, turned around and ran to the room, who knew that when she turned around, she had a direct confrontation with a "mummy".

The reason why he said "mummy" was because the man's hair was disheveled, and his looming white face was like a mask without any vitality. There were no limbs below the neck, only a white robe that stretched to the ground.

Shen Yichun's breathing was stagnant, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was wide open, her three souls lost her seven souls, and she forgot to react when she stood there.

Seeing the "white-robed ghost" gradually enlarge in the bottom of her eyes, she fell down and sat on the ground with a puff, kicking the floor with her feet indiscriminately, and kept stepping back.

"You, don't come here..."

"White-robed ghost" called to her eeriely, "Give me back my life... Give me my life back..."

The sound fell, and a piece of white rushed towards her.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Don't eat me, don't eat me..." Shen Yichun was so frightened that she almost rolled her eyes and looked up.

She closed her eyes, pulled her hands randomly, got up from the ground and ran to the room, shouting as she ran, "Damn, mom, help..."

Liu Xiang heard the sound, "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Yichun was still in shock, "Ghost, I saw a ghost just now, and he wants to kill me, mom, let's run!"

"Nonsense and domineering, where is the god of the scientific society, you must be..." Liu Xiang caught his breath suddenly, and pointed in a direction with a terrified expression, "Behind you..."

Shen Yichun had a bad premonition, her little heart rose in an instant, and she turned her head slowly with a stiff neck.



The screams of the mother and daughter wished they could resound through the sky and the earth, and they ran away in the next second.

With a muffled bang, the two bumped into each other face to face, head to head.

One of them covered their foreheads and the other held their noses, ouching in pain.

"Give me back my life, give me back my life..."

This gloomy, especially the reputation from hell, immediately made them have no time to think about it, they didn't even want to change their clothes, and they escaped from here overnight.

"Hahaha...hahaha..." The "white robe ghost" landed like a kite, and a small head emerged from the white robe.

Xiaobao dropped the pole and jumped up laughing.

"Look, Shen Zhiyi, they are too timid. I haven't fully utilized it yet. It's really boring!"

Shen Zhiyi bent down and pinched the little girl's chin, "Your acting skills are so amazing, I'm afraid I'll scare them out of a heart attack!"

The two clapped their hands, and they won a big victory!
After driving away Shen Yichun's mother and daughter, Shen Zhiyi took Xiaobao to live a peaceful and quiet life again.

She goes to work every morning and goes home in the evening. Xiaobao goes to school in the morning and goes home by herself in the afternoon.

This kind of life is fulfilling and comfortable. If she is not disturbed by another matter, Shen Zhiyi feels that she may never have any interaction with He Jingyao again.

Ever since the scandal of the Shen family was exposed, Shen's company has been hit hard in various ways, and its performance this year has also suffered consecutive losses.

Today, it was revealed that the capital chain of Shen's company was broken again, and all the partners withdrew from the cooperation one after another, withdrawing the cooperation and withdrawing the capital, which made Shen's teetering in the wind and rain. Some financial experts said that such a Shen's company may not even be able to do so in half a year. Can't hold on.

Shen's immediately convened a board meeting, and this time, Shen Zhiyi, who hadn't shown up at Shen's for a long time, was also on the list.

After Shen Yuanshan's death, the old shareholder of the Shen family served as the chairman. Jiang Dongyi worked hard with Shen Zhiyi's biological mother, Lan Ting, and won the love and trust of Lan's family. Naturally, Shen Zhiyi also trusted him, so he Speaking, Shen Zhiyi participated in this board meeting without any reason.

She sat at the end very low-key. She was wearing a light gray suspender dress and a black suit with a silhouette.

Jiang Dongyi first shared Shen's current situation with everyone, and then talked about another matter, and the resort island project of Veken Group.

This project has invested more than one billion yuan. As one of the parties, Shen's is responsible for the design and construction of all the hotels on Shazhou Island. This cooperation will bring Shen's considerable benefits.

But the problem came, halfway through the plan, due to the break of Shen’s capital chain, some designers reciprocated, and some ordinary designers failed to meet the requirements of the original design plan, resulting in delays in the construction period and delays in the hotel. cannot be presented.

So Vico was furious and wanted to settle the contract with Shen, and asked Shen to pay three times the liquidated damages.

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