If the already precarious Shen family really stumbles on this project, it is conceivable that there will be only one result, and the Shen family will soon disappear in the financial circle.

Shen Zhiyi clenched her hands tightly the whole time.

At the end of the meeting, Jiang Dongyi stopped her, "Zhizhi, let's take a step to talk!"

In the reception room, the secretary brought tea to the two of them, then exited and closed the door.

"Uncle Jiang, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it, we are old acquaintances!"

Jiang Dongyi smiled kindly, "That's right, you're already so old in a blink of an eye, okay, I won't talk nonsense, I'm looking for you because of Shen's affairs, and now only you can help Shen's get through this difficulty!"

Shen Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Uncle Jiang was joking, I can't even manage Marriott well, you flatter me too much!"

"Don't rush to deny it, do you know who is currently in charge of the Veken Group?"

Shen Zhiyi looked up at him.

Jiang Dongyi moved closer, his chubby face was full of meaning, "He's grandson, He Jingyao!"

He's old house.

On a summer evening, there is a restless factor floating in the air.

August in Hangzhou is the hottest time of the year, even under the air conditioner, it makes people feel irritable.

He Jingyao felt that this might be the case.

Since the old lady gave the order to die, he was not in good health and he was not allowed to go to the company, so he temporarily moved his work back home, and the documents that needed to be signed were sent by Ah Shen every day.

He couldn't continue working, lost his signature pen, leaned back, and pinched his brows.

Although he got rid of Shen Zhiyi's entanglement, he didn't seem to be as relaxed and happy as he imagined. On the contrary, it was like a stone was pressed down on his heart, which was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

He took out the ring from the box in the drawer. Under the light, it seemed to be studded with broken diamonds, shining exceptionally.

He only remembered that this ring was indeed designed by himself, but he really couldn't remember who to give it to.

Huang Runian didn't mention it, the old lady scolded him for being heartless, only Qiu Wanqing kept embracing Huang Runian, saying how good their relationship was.

He knew that his mother was hiding some things from him on purpose, but these were not important anymore. Anyway, so far, he didn't have any feelings for Shen Zhiyi, and he hated her very much.

Even if they were in love before, how can he be with the woman he hates now?

Before I knew it, the scene of the day of the car accident suddenly appeared in my mind.

[Shen Zhiyi, let's make up! 】

【Ah!Why? 】

【Hey, He Jingyao, why aren't you here yet?If you don't come again, I can go! 】

[10 minutes, see you there! 】

Suddenly, a car came out from one side and hit it straight...

Then his mind was filled with blood, and a pair of black leather shoes stood in front of him, unable to see his face clearly.

He only remembered that the other party's eyes were weird and fierce...

He Jingyao suddenly had a splitting headache.

When Ah Shen came in, he saw his husband lying on the desk with his head in his arms.

"Sir!" He rushed over, found the medicine for headache control from the drawer, and immediately asked him to drink it with water, "Are you okay? I'll call the private doctor!"

His arm was grabbed by He Jingyao, he rested his forehead with one hand, and waved at Ah Shen with the other.

Ah Shen moved his lips, but he stopped persuading him, helped him back on the chair, and brought a thin blanket to cover him.

"Ah Shen, you follow me almost inseparably, tell me, how was Shen Zhiyi and I before?"

Ah Shen raised his head in surprise. Before, his husband didn't allow him to mention Shen Zhiyi in front of him. Now why...

After careful consideration, Ah Shen said conservatively, "Sir, it's over, now you and Ms. Shen are living well, aren't they?"

The old lady didn't let go of the past between him and Shen Zhiyi, just because she was worried that he would get a headache from being stimulated, and everyone was trying to write a sentence about their affairs, and he was no exception.

"That is to say, what Song Jiaojiao said is true?" He Jingyao raised his gaze from his palm, and stared at Ah Shen with his faint eyes, and the latter's eyes flickered.

When he didn't know how to answer, Qiu Wanqing rescued him.

"Ah Yao, Xiao Nian is here, hurry up and say hello!"

As for He Jingyao, apart from the business field, he is not very sociable, especially with the opposite sex.

But thinking of Huang Runian's caring care for him these days, he still bit the bullet and went out.

Qiu Wanqing pointed at the back of his head and said, "Chat well with others, don't always keep a straight face!"

As for whether He Jingyao can listen to it or not, that's another matter.

After getting off the workplace, Huang Runian specially ran home and changed into a small light-yellow fragrant jacket, paired with black wide-leg pants underneath, making her look very small and feminine, yet elegant and intellectual.

This type is liked by many men.

She brought a bunch of delicious food, like a child, excited to share it with He Jingyao.

He Jingyao didn't keep a straight face this time, but he just had nothing to say, so he almost became He Qingyan.

Huang Runian didn't mind, she still had a bright smile on her face, chatting happily with this man, her biggest advantage is that she can easily infect others, no matter how bad her mood is in front of her, she will be subtly changed.

Apart from other things, this girl is indeed a friend worth making.

Huang Runian saw that the man was absent-minded, and slowly stopped talking, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Qiu Wanqing, who was peeking at the whole process from the side, couldn't help jumping out, "Ah Yao, it's not a solution for you to stay at home like this, the doctor told you to go out to relax and get some air, it will help As your body recovers, let Xiao Nian accompany you to the Bund for a walk tomorrow! Xiao Nian, do you have time tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Nian hurriedly said.

Then, his expectant eyes turned to He Jingyao.

It took only a few seconds, but it seemed like she had waited for a century.

"Ah Yao, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as if you agreed?" Qiu Wanqing was more anxious than Huang Runian.

The man closed his eyes, and let go very lightly, "You guys look at the arrangement!"

Qiu Wanqing and Huang Runian breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Especially the latter, so happy to take off.

After returning to China for so long, this is probably the first time that she has the opportunity to be alone with this man. She must seize the opportunity to make him fall in love with her.


Shen Zhiyi returned to Marriott directly after Shen's departure.

A group of people gathered in front of the hotel.

Seeing her coming back, Xiaomei squeezed through the crowd and ran over, pointing at the revolving door of the hotel and complaining, "Look, sister Zhiyi, I don't know who did it, it's too bad, how could it be like this, I have already called the police , can't spare him!"

Shen Zhiyi looked over, only to see a few large characters crookedly written in red paint on the always shiny glass door - heartless, white-eyed wolf, just wait and see.

"Don't look for the police, I know who it is!"

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