Chapter 320 Don't meddle with the He family

Xiaomei blinked, "Huh? But..."

"She just wants to see us getting angry, ignore it, and pretend she didn't see anything. She will naturally feel bored and stop making trouble!"

Xiaomei watched Shen Zhiyi enter the hotel, but was confused.

Could it be that this person is here to trouble Sister Zhiyi?
As soon as the office door was closed, Shen Zhiyi threw her bag on the table and dialed a number with her mobile phone.

The person over there seemed to be waiting for her call, and answered it almost instantly.

"Hey, sister, why did you think of calling me? I'm so flattered. What's the matter?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, the most unbearable thing was Shen Yichun's pretentious tone, it was disgusting.

"Shen Yichun, if you think this childish and low-level behavior can make me change my mind, then you can go ahead, I have some tricks to pick up, but can you please use some behaviors that can highlight your adult IQ? Otherwise, I will be ashamed of myself! "

No matter how stupid Shen Yichun was, she could tell that she was scolding her, and she immediately frowned, "What's the matter, did you become angry from embarrassment for exposing your face in front of your employees? Then share my property, as long as you obediently share what belongs to us." Give us what you want, and I promise not to pester you again!"

Shen Zhiyi clicked his tongue, "Then you underestimated me too much, oh yes, I have to thank you for advertising our hotel, the Marriott Hotel is spreading wildly on the Internet, and our hotel suddenly jumped to Hangzhou Shen Yichun, the top three in the City Hotel, you deserve a lot of credit!"

"You..." Shen Yichun was so angry that she dropped the phone.

When Lao Tan came, he found that she was in a bad mood, so he took her to his favorite nightclub to have fun.

In order to show off how rich and rich the man she was looking for was, Shen Yichun immediately called a few good sisters over.

Cars, bags, and men show off together.

Lao Tan was also very face-saving. He opened his mouth and asked for a diamond box, and even ordered several bottles of the most expensive red wine here to cheer Shen Yichun up. The atmosphere was suddenly brought to a climax. , not to mention how proud I am.

at the same time.

A violent coughing sound accompanied by rapid panting sounded especially harsh in the empty room.

With the help of his subordinates, He Zhenxuan took the medicine immediately, and he recovered after a while.

He leaned back on the back of the chair, with one hand on his chest, his weather-beaten face was still flushed from the cough just now.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

He Qingyan knocked on the door and entered.

He Zhenxuan looked up at his son, waved his hand, and dismissed his subordinates.

"You sit!"

He Qingyan sat down as promised.

He Zhenxuan also got up from the bench on the balcony and sat opposite He Qingyan.

There is freshly brewed Longjing tea on the coffee table, and the temperature of the poured tea is just right.

"I don't call you, are you going to never see my father again for the rest of your life?"

He Qingyan nodded, his expression remained the same, "Don't dare!"

He Zhenxuan snorted coldly, and slowly turned the teacup, "Why don't you dare? You are like your mother. On the surface, you obey me and obey everything, but in reality you are very rebellious in your heart. Heaven caught me by surprise!"

He Qingyan pursed his lips tightly, not knowing if he listened or not, so he remained silent and did not speak.

He Zhenxuan knocked on the table, "Let me ask you, why didn't you take the opportunity to enter He's during the period when Ah Yao had a car accident and was recuperating in the hospital? What a great opportunity, but you were indifferent. Tell me, what exactly do you want to do? Cough Keke..."

When the emotion was agitated, it caused a strong cough.

He Qingyan stared at him indifferently, as if he was staring at a prisoner who committed a mistake and did not repent, after a while, he only heard him say, "That is your business, I said long ago, don't meddle with the He family! "

"Hmph! After all, isn't it because of that Shen Zhiyi? It's because of her relationship with A Yao, so you are afraid of hurting A Yao, and she will hate you, am I right?"

He Qingyan twitched his eyelids, but still didn't have much reaction, "It's what you say!"

"You..." He Zhenxuan covered his chest, his complexion turned from red to blue with anger.

He stroked it quickly, and decided to find a better way to persuade, "I used to hate Shen Zhiyi, because she is A Yao's woman, even if you treat her heart and soul, her heart will always be A Yao, In the end, you are the only one who gets hurt, but now it’s different, since A Yao doesn’t want her anymore, you can keep her by your side if you like her, but then again, you will always inherit my career, and in marriage, you must pay attention to the right marriage , join forces, otherwise you will never be able to defeat A Yao!"

"As for that Shen Zhiyi, she has no background and no rights, and is not suitable to be your wife. I don't care how you play, but I really can't bear it. After getting married, she will be raised outside. In short, she can't enter our house. I mean you understand ?"

"Are you finished?"

He Zhenxuan was taken aback, but hadn't reacted yet, "What?"

"It's getting late, I should go!"

"Every time you mention Shen Zhiyi's matter, you have this attitude, you come back to me, Ah Yan..." He Zhenxuan couldn't help crying, and was so angry that he dropped a cup.

He Qingyan left the courtyard and drove the car into the night.

It was at this time that Shen Yichun met him.

He Qingyan booked a booth by himself, and there were several rows of wine on the black glass table in front of him.

He took off the black coat and threw it aside, unbuttoned the cuffs and neckline of the black shirt, which set off the dazzling white of his collarbone and wrist bones.

Like He Jingyao, he has a good appearance, but he has a more protective sense of brokenness than He Jingyao.

This sense of brokenness comes from his loneliness.

But after sitting for a few minutes, he has already attracted several girls, but none of them succeeded. The sense of alienation on his body is daunting.

Shen Yichun doesn't think so, as long as she takes off her clothes correctly, there is no man she can't catch.

She gathered her curly hair, and pulled down the already low neckline, and two high-tech waves were about to come out.

Shen Yichun swayed Yangliu's slender waist and slowly walked towards He Qingyan.

To be able to sleep with such a superb man, even if she is willing to fall in love with her.

He Qingyan filled the wine glass, then suddenly slanted a hand in, and played the glass staccato.

Shen Yichun brushed her hair and parted her red lips lightly. If you want to say, she still has a style, but because the makeup is too heavy and the facial features are too fake, it looks like she is wearing a mask, which is a bit creepy.

"Hi, we meet again!"

He Qingyan didn't even look at her, and took away his wine glass without losing face, "I paid for the wine, if you want to drink, you can order it yourself!"

Shen Zhiyi's smile froze on his face, but he still moved forward cheekily, wishing he could stuff the things on his chest into He Qingyan's arms, "Master Qingyan is so humorous, do you remember me? I'm Shen Zhiyan I mean... my sister!"

"Well! So, what does it have to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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