Shen Zhiyi's facial features are cracked. This person is good-looking because he is good-looking, and attractive because he is attractive, but he is too cold to catch his tricks at all, and he doesn't give him a chance. How can he be more difficult to deal with than He Jingyao?
She suffered a great setback when she capsized at He Jingyao's place before, but now she capsizes in front of this man, how can she still hang out in the circle of girlfriends in the future?
I can't believe this evil!
"Master Qingyan, as the saying goes, you know each other once, don't we know each other now?"

Shen Yichun desperately discharged the discharge, but He Qingyan didn't answer at all, "Sorry, I'm not interested in that!"

She pressed down her wine glass and was about to leave. Seeing this, Shen Yichun immediately hugged his arm, lowered her eyebrows, and put on a pitiful look, "Master Qingyan, do you really hate me so much?"

While speaking, her body was still twisting delicately and artificially.

"Not at all."

Shen Yichun was delighted, "Really?"

"It's extremely annoying!"

Shen Yichun's smile collapsed in an instant.


The forecast said that there will be rain tomorrow, so starting today, the weather will be cloudy.

The summer before the storm is always hot and unbearable, restless.

After waking up, Shen Zhiyi was covered in sweat, took a quick shower, and then started to make breakfast for Xiaobao.

It is said to be done, but it is actually a matter of doing it, milk and sandwiches.

The little girl doesn't go to school on weekends, so she has to take good care of her, otherwise she will be disgusted by others if she is not careful.

Boom boom boom!
Shen Zhiyi wiped her hands and went to open the door, guessing it might be Song Jiaojiao and the others, after all only they knew the location of the new home.

When he opened the door, he froze.

"Uncle Jiang?"

Jiang Dongyi smiled amiably, "Why, aren't you welcome?"

"See what you said, welcome, welcome, of course!" Shen Zhiyi invited people in and made tea again.

Jiang Dongyi looked around, "After your father left, it's really difficult for you to manage the hotel and take care of the children at the same time! I've heard about you and the He family, hey! Now that we've reached this point, let's let nature take its course. What about in the future, and Uncle Jiang, treat me as one of your own, don't be polite!"

"Thank you Uncle Jiang!" Shen Zhiyi smiled.

Her eyes fell on the hand on the other party's knee, and she raised the corner of her lips, "Uncle Jiang, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Jiang Dongyi was startled, he didn't expect to be seen to be worried, and scratched his head a little irritatedly, "Okay, then I'll just say it, it's because of Veken Group, this favor, only you can help!"

Shen Zhiyi sighed helplessly, "But Uncle Jiang, I have already expressed my opinion. I really can't help with this. He Jingyao and I have already broken up. If I come forward, it will only make the situation worse. Moreover, even if I go to him , He will not give me half of the face just because I came forward, so Uncle Jiang, you better stop placing your hopes on me!"

Jiang Dongyi wanted Shen Zhiyi to come forward and speak kindly to He Jingyao. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. As the saying goes, a husband and wife can be kind for a hundred days.

Even if it is to delay the construction period, it can be regarded as an extrajudicial favor.

Jiang Dongyi's expression was calm, and he slowly shook his head, "Zhizhi, you don't understand men well enough. No matter how strong and cold-blooded He Jingyao is, I believe that as long as you are willing to show up, he will let go. Do you really have the heart to look at you? Did the company founded by my grandfather fall down like this? I have stayed in Shen’s for more than 20 years and watched it grow step by step until today. It is not just an enterprise, I think it is not only me, but also you Mother, I don't want to see the day when Shen Shi disappears from Hangzhou!"

"But I..."

Jiang Dongyi raised his hand to interrupt, "I know it's hard for you, it might even be selfish to ask you to let go of your dignity and beg He Jingyao, but this is the only hope, if you don't go, the Shen family won't even have a glimmer of hope, right?"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her head, lost in thought.

Jiang Dongyi drank a few sips of tea, and still didn't let go, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, you don't need to put pressure on yourself, if you really can't do it, then Uncle Jiang will think of another way, You have difficulties, I understand!"

After speaking, he stood up, "It's getting late, did you bother you? Then you are busy, Uncle Jiang is leaving first!"

When Jiang Dongyi had already stepped out of the door with one foot, Shen Zhiyi's voice came from behind him.

"Wait for Uncle Jiang!" She bit her lip, her reason overcame her struggle, "Let me try!"


It's not Shen Zhiyi's first visit to He's Group, but every time he comes, his mood is always different.

In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, she put on a mask to cover her face.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. He!"

Non-He employees who want to enter the building must go through the front desk.

The front desk saw that the other party was wearing a mask and was very well armed, so he couldn't help but take a second look vigilantly, "Hello, do you have an appointment?"


"I'm sorry, but you need to make an appointment in advance to see Mr. He, or you can call me from the secretary department to release him!"

"Did you just come here?" Shen Zhiyi stared at her, smiling slightly.

The receptionist was startled, and quickly touched his face, "You, how do you know?"

In fact, Shen Zhiyi was not sure, because the last time she came to He's, the receptionist was not the girl in front of her.

With He Jingyao's harshness and pickiness, it was almost commonplace to change the front desk, and the frequency had even reached one every week. The shortest front desk only stayed in the morning, and was notified by the personnel not to come in the afternoon. The reason was that the work clothes he wore were too tight.

But looking at the surprised expression of the girl at the front desk, it was obvious that she guessed right.

"Oh, Ah Yao said that the company has recently come to the front desk with a good temperament, I think it's probably you!" Shen Zhiyi opened his mouth to speak nonsense.

The girl at the front desk was very pleased with what she said, and her attitude improved a little bit, "Excuse me, are you..."

"Oh, I'm Ah Yao's... friend!"

Shen Zhiyi deliberately bit the word "friend" very strongly and ambiguously.

The girl at the front desk was very polite, and she showed an expression that I understood, "Then wait a moment, I'll call the secretary's office right away!"

In the CEO's office, He Jingyao was scanning the contract between Veken and Shen's, the mountains and rivers between his brows were getting higher and higher.

The previous acquisition of Veken was also on a whim. After all, the development focus of He's Group is on the tourism industry.

At the beginning, he didn't tell Shen Zhiyi about this, or wanted to give her a gift, or wanted to be a means of maintaining the relationship between husband and wife. Of course, at this time, he couldn't remember these details at all.

All he knew was that Veken already belonged to He's, and Shen's failure to hand over the results within the contract period should pay a large amount of liquidated damages according to the terms of the contract.

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