These words set Song Jiaojiao on fire, and she poked her chest with her fingertips, "What do you mean I should stay away from them? Do you think I was thinking about it? That scumbag came here by himself!"

Fang Huaizhou laughed, "If you hadn't given him hope, if you had cut off contact a long time ago, how could he come to you for no reason?"

Song Jiaojiao almost didn't jump up, she took a few deep breaths to suppress the faintly surging anger.

When doing things in Canxing, she has to keep her head down. Whoever makes Fang Huaizhou the boss, offending him is tantamount to ruining her job.

Don't be angry, don't be impulsive!
"I'm convinced, why do you like to label others so much! If you don't know the truth, please don't speculate, okay? I'm very grateful for your help. If you think it's causing you trouble, then please Turn a blind eye to this kind of situation in the future, and don't always press me with work, I'm not a child and I don't know how serious it is, if you think I'm not suitable, you can replace the two TV dramas you just received!"

After finishing speaking, Song Jiaojiao left handsomely.

The moment the door was opened, Shen Yichun, who was eavesdropping on the door, almost fell in. When he passed her, he gave her a hard look.

Shen Yichun's eyeballs rolled quickly, so Song Jiaojiao and Fang Huaizhou were completely at loggerheads?

Ah!Those surnamed Song are too arrogant these days. I don't know how many resources they have robbed her. Now it is finally healed. As long as she comes down, the company will definitely set the training target on her.

"Mr. Fang, Song Jiaojiao won't pick up those two TV dramas!"

Fang Huaizhou was furious, frowned and looked at her, "You?"

"That's right, that's right, I promise I'm more suitable than her, and I won't let you down!" Shen Yichun tried her best to recommend herself.

Fang Huaizhou sneered, and the words pierced his heart, "Look down and see how you can compare to her!"

Shen Yichun choked half to death.

Song Jiaojiao turned around and told Shen Zhiyi about it, and even beat and scolded Fang Huaizhou for several rounds on the phone.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help laughing, "It's strange, shouldn't the person you should scold is Xue Qingnian? Fang Huaizhou is your benefactor, how can you avenge your kindness!"

"I'll pooh his benefactor! How can a stinky man not believe me and still slander me!" Song Jiaojiao was furious, wishing to tear Fang Huaizhou to pieces.

Shen Zhiyi turned the topic to the point, "By the way, what about Xue Qingnian?"

"Who knows, anyway, the one surnamed Fang sent him away, but based on what I know about scumbags, he is definitely not easy to dismiss. I'm worried that he will come again!"

"If you are like this, you still come to live with me these few days. If you don't want to go to the company, don't go. If you really want to go, just do as I said. If you don't recruit him, he will think you are a bully!"

After pinching the phone, Shen Zhiyi turned over and fell on the bed, spread out her arms, forming a "big" character.

Then it was time to settle her matter. Strictly speaking, Shen's matter had little to do with her, at most it was a serious loss of money.

But looking at it from another angle, as Jiang Dongyi said, Shen's is the property that her grandfather and mother worked hard step by step, and she can't just watch it decline.

It was expected that He Jingyao's path would not work out, and she didn't hold out much hope, but felt disappointed that this man seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her, and she could no longer see his appearance clearly.

Thinking that he let Huang Runian take his car and took her to watch a movie together, Shen Zhiyi felt a twinge of pain in her heart.

It seems that their development is far better than she imagined. If this is the best ending, then she will bless her.

However, what she didn't know was that that day, He Jingyao sent Huang Runian home on the grounds that he was not feeling well, and the original movie plan was also ruined.


Shen Zhiyi went to Jiang Dongyi.

As soon as we met, we went straight to the point, "Uncle Jiang, is there any other way to help Shen's recover the loss?"

Jiang Dongyi put down the teacup, with a helpless expression on his face, "Yes,'s more difficult!"

"Currently, there are three companies clamoring to withdraw from the cooperation with Shen. You should know about one of them, Dongda International. Your father had frequent contacts with them during his lifetime, and he has cooperated with them many times before and after. Dongda is very powerful in Hangzhou. As soon as it faltered, the other two companies also panicked and wanted to withdraw one after another. In my opinion, as long as Dongda is settled, the hearts of the other two companies can be stabilized!"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyelashes and listened silently, then asked, "Have you ever had contact with Boss Dongda? How is he?"

Jiang Dongyi shook his head, "Smart and tactful, it's very difficult to deal with. This cooperation was negotiated by your father before. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to handle it at all, but without this piece of fat, it is very important for our Shen family." I don't know how long I can last if I draw my salary from the bottom of the pot!"

Speaking of this, the gray-haired elder showed a heartbroken and helpless expression.

Shen Zhiyi drank tea quietly, leisurely, sip after sip, while thinking.

After a while, she suddenly said, "I want to see if I can change Dongda's mind!"

Jiang Dongyi shook his hand, and the tea splashed out of the cup.

"You, what did you say?"

"How will you know if you don't try it? Uncle Jiang?"

Jiang Dongyi waved his hand, "Zhizhi, it's not that Uncle Jiang doesn't believe you, it's good for you to have this kind of heart, but Boss Dongda is not easy to fool, when the time comes to make things difficult for you, make you ugly, you..."

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "Hi! I just take it as exercise. I've been living in a greenhouse and I can't grow up anyway. If I can't do it, it's fine. If you really get hit by my blind cat and a dead mouse, you can divide it up again." Give me Shen's shares, it's my return!"


"Okay, that's it." Shen Zhiyi interrupted, "Send me a copy of Dongda's information immediately, and when I am fully prepared, I will go to see their boss, Uncle Jiang, don't underestimate me It's me!" Shen Zhiyi blinked pretending to be relaxed.

Outside Shen's, the sky after the rain was blue and clear, and there was still the fragrance of earth floating in the air, which was more intoxicating than the top perfume.

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Since He Jingyao was merciless, she had no choice but to go another way, and hoped that Shen could get through this difficult time.

Getting off the car, Shen Zhiyi saw an acquaintance at the entrance of the Marriott Hotel.

"Brother Lin Yu!"

Lin Yu turned around when he heard the sound, "Zhizhi, you are back, I heard from Xiaomei that you went to Shen's, is it because of the company's affairs?"

Shen Zhiyi nodded heavily and invited him in to talk.

But Lin Yu said, "No, I sneaked out while my boss wasn't around, so I'll leave after I finish speaking!"

"Zhizhi, I've heard about your approach to He Jingyao. Since this way doesn't work, let's try another way. Dongda's boss has some friendship with my grandfather. I think we can start with him, although It can't solve the hotel's on-time delivery problem, but at least it can recover some losses for Shen's, right?"

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