Shen Zhiyi's eyes flickered, and she actually wanted to go with her. Isn't this a tacit understanding?
"You said just now that your grandfather knew Boss Dongda?"

Lin Yu turned the back of his head, "When I went to grandpa's house before, Boss Dongda happened to be a guest at his place. Although I'm not sure, I'm willing to try to get you this line. If it doesn't work, I'll move my grandpa. Come out, he will give some face, right?"

Shen Zhiyi only recently realized that she has become more emotional than before, and her eyes and nose are sore when she moves around, and she is easily infected.

She has known Lin Yu since she was a child. He is the kind of big boy who gives silently and does not expect anything in return.

How many times he has helped her in these years, but she can't give him anything.

A bright yellow supercar stopped beside them with a cloud of dust.

The sound of heavy metal rock music wished I could hear it two streets away. With the car window down, He Cancan pushed his sunglasses over his head and lay on the edge, chewing gum while feeling weird, "Yo! This is not my... Auntie, what Grandma said is right, you are so anxious to find a new home after only a few days of divorce, it looks like no one wants it!"

The word "before" is bitten very hard, and the meaning of ridicule is very strong.

"Little girl, can you speak? If you can't, I'll teach you!" Lin Yu glanced at Shen Zhiyi, couldn't listen anymore, stood up and reprimanded He Cancan.

He Cancan has been spoiled and domineering since she was a child, how could she stand being taught like this by others?Immediately got out of the car, arrived in front of Lin Yu, pinched his waist, raised his chin, extremely arrogant, "Who are you, you? I'm talking to my ex-little aunt, who cares about you? Don't worry about it? No business!"

Lin Yu looked her up and down calmly, and frowned slightly, "Looking at you, you should be a student, right? Your family didn't teach you well, and your school didn't teach you well? You should be polite when speaking to elders, do you understand? "

He Cancan turned his head, "Hmph! I don't want to! What can you do to me? Just a little bit!"


It's unreasonable, there is no cure, it's really sad!

He Cancan turned his head and pointed the finger at Shen Zhiyi.

She didn't like Shen Zhiyi at first, it was because of He Jingyao and her status as Mrs. He before, but it's different now, after leaving the He family, she's a shit, so why should she be afraid of her?

Thinking of the scene of being taught a lesson by Shen Zhiyi before, He Cancan thought to himself, no matter what today, he will have to recover this debt.

"Hey! What did I ask you just now, are you dumb?"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her head and chuckled. This sound made He Cancan feel that she was insulted. The little girl was always competitive, but now she was completely mad. "Why are you laughing? Who do you look down on?"

"How can I look down on you, Cancan, you think too much!"

"Cancan is also what you can shout? Don't try to get close to me, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, hmph, it's almost useless to get close to me! Unless..." He Cancan chewed his gum, put his arms around his shoulders, full of "You knelt down and begged me to forgive you for what you did before. Maybe I'm in a better mood, so I'll speak nice words for you in front of my uncle!"

Shen Zhiyi chuckled, and shook her head helplessly, "Please worry, there is no need!"

Turning to look at Lin Yu, "Brother Lin Yu, I'll go in and get busy first, I'll talk to you about this later!"

"it is good!"

"Shen Zhiyi, I haven't let you go yet, stop!" He Cancan stepped forward and grabbed Shen Zhiyi's shoulder.

Before Shen Zhiyi had time to fight back, someone had already stood up for her.

Lin Yu clamped He Cancan's disrespectful hand, and lifted it backwards.

He Cancan let go of his hand in pain, and the chewing gum also fell out, grinning and screaming, "It hurts! Let me go!"

Lin Yu raised his chin at Shen Zhiyi, "Go and do your work, she will leave it to me, at such a young age, you are still lawless!"

Shen Zhiyi patted him on the shoulder and left first.

"Little boy, do you know who I am? I advise you to let me go quickly and apologize to me obediently, otherwise my uncle won't be you, arm..."

Before He Cancan's harsh words could be spoken, his arm was lifted up mercilessly.

She yelled at the friend of the opposite sex who was at a loss in the car, "What are you staring at, why don't you hurry up and help!"

The little boy was dressed in a sloppy dress, with winking yellow hair, an exaggerated skull necklace around his neck, and cross earrings dangling from his earlobes.

He looked powerful, but he was actually very weak, and bluffed a few poses towards Lin Yu, "You, you, you let go of Cancan, otherwise, otherwise I want you to look good!"

Although Lin Yu looks fair and looks like a frail scholar, his physical fitness is not bad, and he has been exercising non-stop during this period of time, which is more than enough to deal with these two people.

He accurately intercepted the boy's swinging arm, and in the same way, twisted it backwards.

The boy was worse than He Cancan, obviously he didn't use much force.

Lin Yu raised two people on the left and the right, "Do you dare to disrespect others next time?"

"No, I dare not, brother let us go, we know we were wrong!" The boy begged for mercy.

He Cancan gave him a contemptuous look, "It's really useless!"

Lin Yu shrugged the two of them away, patted the dust on his hands and said, "Be a good person from now on, don't embarrass your parents!"

A passerby passed by, smiling and pointing at the embarrassed He Cancan and the little boy.

He Cancan was held in the palm of his hand since he was a child, and was held in the hands of all the stars, how could he suffer this kind of crime?Where has he been ridiculed?It's too late for others to flatter her and hurt her.

However, she was cleaned up by a little boy, and made her so ashamed.

How could she swallow this breath?
"Lin Yu, right? Okay, I'll remember you. If you don't take revenge, you're not a gentleman. Let's wait and see, I, He Cancan, will definitely come back!" He Cancan said harsh words while rubbing his red wrist.

After finishing speaking, she picked up the collar of the little boy who was still standing there and dragged it to the car, "What are you looking at, beat him up for me if you have the ability, you weak chicken, I really misjudged you!"

The little boy explained embarrassingly, "No, Cancan, listen to me, I just don't feel well today, so I don't dare to confront him head-on. Normally, I would have beaten him to the teeth, so I won't be angry anymore. OK……"

He Cancan smiled brightly at him, opened the car door, and kicked his ass, "You can get out!"

The little boy rolled somersaults, and by the time someone stood still, the car had already disappeared.


After being scared away from Shen Zhiyi's house, Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang returned to the rental house.

After thinking about it, they felt unwilling.

Why did they work as cows and horses in the Shen family for so many years, and they were kicked out in the end, not to mention that they didn't even get a house?
The house, car, and tickets are all left to Shen Zhiyi, why should she?Just because her surname is Shen?

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