After going through this period of events, Shen Zhiyi thought that he had already developed an antibody to the pain, and could face He Jingyao with ease, be indifferent, and be indifferent.

However, it all fell apart and fell apart with these insulting words he uttered.

It turned out that she didn't let him go completely, even a casual word from him, or even a look in his eyes, could easily hurt her.

Shen Zhiyi pinched her palms, trying her best to control her emotions, the whites of her eyes were red as if congested, but in the next second, she burst into a smile.

"Mr. He, I've seen narcissists, but I haven't seen you so narcissistic. Didn't you hear what I said to your mother just now? Even if you He Jingyao knelt down in front of me and begged me, my eyelids wouldn't even close." With a blink, there are tens of thousands of men in the world, and my current market is so good, there are many men around me, why do you have a bad temper?"

"Also, let me reiterate that it was Dashu who invited us here. Xiaobao and I came to visit him because we love him and worry about him. You treat our sincerity as a conspiracy, and you are absolutely right. Qiu Wanqing's son, you mother and son speak exactly the same, and it is thought that you are in a high position, and others have to look up to you, but in fact, you are nothing in my heart!"

Looking at the back of the woman leaving gracefully, He Jingyao's jaw line became sharper like a knife...

After this incident, Shen Zhiyi felt very unhappy, and secretly scolded He Jingyao bloody.

Of course, there was another thing that tugged at her heart, and that was Shen Shi.

She chatted with Jiang Dongyi for a long time, and the latter shook his head helplessly, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

Back at the hotel, someone was making trouble in the lobby.

"Are you making a mistake, you still care about me asking for money? Do you know who I am?" Shen Shujie cocked his legs and shook his feet, with an extremely arrogant attitude, "Shen Yuanshan is my father, and I, Shen Shujie, am the only son of the Shen family. The son of your big boss, this hotel is mine, I can do whatever I want, even if you smash it today, you can't control it!"

Xiaomei pursed her lips and said, "Let's not talk about Chairman Shen's son, even Manager Shen has to pay for ordering food here, and then we will make up for you the difference in the internal price of the employees. We have always followed the procedure like this !"

Shen Shujie looked her up and down, fixed his eyes on her badge, pointed to and said, "Zhong Xiaomei, okay, you have the guts to dare to talk to Ben Shao like that, now I declare that your work at the Marriott Hotel ends here , you can go away!"

The two young men with the same colorful hair dyed as him echoed, "Did you hear that, Master Shen told you to get out!"

"That's right, it's okay to offend anyone, get out!"

Xiaomei was so angry that her eyes were red, she held her breath and dared not talk back, for fear of being kicked out, no matter what she had to wait until Shen Zhiyi came back, to uphold justice for her.

The fact that Shen Yichun and Shen Shujie were not Shen Yuanshan's own birth, Shen Zhiyi kept his mouth shut, few people knew.

Shen Yuanshan is already dead, and it doesn't make much sense to expose the family's ugliness. Instead, it will shame the Shen family and be ridiculed by others.

Xiaomei and other hotel staff naturally didn't know about it, and only thought that Liu Xiang's mother and son were breaking up with Shen Zhiyi.

Therefore, if Shen Shujie yelled like this, everyone would not dare to rebel.

Being complimented by the two younger brothers boosted Shen Shujie's morale even more. He commanded the staff arrogantly, "Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and serve me the food you ordered. You want to starve me to death, right? Yes, open two top-level suites for me, and ask a few massage therapists to come in and loosen our bones, don’t want the ones that are too ugly and too old!”

Employees, look at me and I look at you. After all, this is the young master of the Shen family. The big boss Shen Yuanshan didn't know how much he loved him before, and Shen Zhiyi was not around. When they were undecided, they didn't dare to defy him Order, do it immediately.

Shen Shujie and his two little brothers were enjoying themselves to death. They fell asleep in the top suite, massaged by a beautiful technician, only the most expensive food was ordered, and only the best wine was ordered.

A few people went crazy, turned up the room stereo to the maximum, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and the earth was shaking.

With a bang, the door of the room was kicked open.

The three people immersed in madness were startled.

Especially Shen Shujie, who almost rolled off the sofa.

"Hey! Xiaojie, when did you order room service? This chick looks pretty good!"

The other younger brother couldn't wait to walk over to Shen Zhiyi, "Damn it! How can I be alone, okay, one belt and three are also very exciting, Brother Jie, your mother is really good at playing!"

Just as the little brother was about to stretch out his hand towards Shen Zhiyi, his arm was caught suddenly, and then he fell over his shoulder. With a scream of "ah", the little brother fell to the ground with his back on the ground, shaking The floor shook three times.

The other younger brother was so frightened that he backed away involuntarily, like a grandson.

Shen Shujie kicked him, "Damn, what a coward, what else can she do to you?"

The younger brother gave him a smug look, as if saying, you can do what you want.

"Shen Shujie, why don't you start a new life outside and rush here, you are such a scum!" Shen Zhiyi said leisurely after arranging the wrinkled clothes just now.

As soon as she came back, the staff came to her to complain, saying that Shen Shujie brought people here to do his best and was very arrogant.

Shen Zhi wanted to laugh, but Shen Yichun couldn't play a prank, so he brought this idiot here again to make trouble.

None of the mother and son had a normal IQ, so would she be afraid of such pediatric methods?
Shen Shujie puffed up his chest, and said in a serious tea ceremony, "Speak clearly, what is this place? The Marriott Hotel also has my share, okay? You want to drive us all to death, you poisonous woman, I... ...I fight you with me!"

Shen Shujie rushed over with great momentum, and before he touched a single hair of Shen Zhiyi, he was kicked far away.

Like the two people in the back, they fell down together like a stack of arhats.

"Brother Jie, are you okay?" The younger brother hurriedly helped him up.

Shen Shujie gave back to the two younger brothers who had been beaten and kicked by Shen Zhiyi, "Damn it, try being kicked, isn't what you're talking nonsense!"

Shen Zhiyi patted the dust on his hands, and then pointed at the mess in the room without any haste, "Two thousand for solid wood chairs, five thousand for coffee table decorations, eighty-three thousand for wool carpets, Marriott Hotel's humanized service, all Damaged items only need to be compensated according to the original price. By the way, the table you ordered just now totaled [-], and the red wine was [-]. You ordered two bottles in total. For the room, one room is [-] per day, two room, how long do you plan to stay?"

Shen Shujie was dumbfounded, and then became angry from embarrassment, "Don't scare me, let me tell you, I won't pay a penny, and I also have a share in the Marriott Hotel. I can spend as much as I want here, can you control me! "

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