Chapter 331 Don't Think About It

Shen Zhiyi laughed, leaned back with her shoulders in her arms, and stared at him with her head tilted, "Yo! It seems that I want to eat the overlord's meal!"

"I just ate this king's meal, so what's the matter!" Shen Shujie was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, with a stalk in his neck, and an arrogant attitude like what can you do to me.

The two younger brothers encouraged him, "Brother Jie, this woman is so ignorant that she doesn't pay attention to you at all!"

"If you want me to say it's a mess, brother Jie, you can't give in this time, let a woman bully you, how can we mess around in the future!"

"Then what are you two still doing stupidly, give it to me!" Shen Shujie pinched the backs of the necks of the two of them and sent them forward.

"Stop me all!"

A few uniformed police officers came in from outside, and before the troublesome trio could react, they were subdued by the police officers.

"Hey! Did you arrest the wrong person? I didn't break the law!" Shen Shujie was wronged.

Police officer: "What are you?"

"Shen Shujie!"

"You are the one who has been arrested!" The policeman showed his ID card at him, "I received a report that you are suspected of endangering public safety, please come with us and cooperate with the investigation!"

"Damn! You made a mistake. What endangers public safety? This is my Shen family's property. I can play as I like in my hotel. You can't follow the law? Be careful, I will report you!"

Police officer: "You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court!"

"All right, all right, wait for me, then none of them will be able to escape!" After being arrested, Shen Shujie was still yelling, not paying attention to the police officers at all.

When she passed by Shen Zhiyi, she glared at her with fiery eyes, "Shen Zhiyi, you are cruel, let's wait and see!"

Shen Zhiyi personally sent the police captain out, "Captain Li, thank you this time!"

"Where is it, Shen Shujie has a criminal record. If he is not a scum like him, he will be a threat to the society if he is not taught strictly!"

Shen Shujie is well-known in this area, either molesting obscene girls, or gathering crowds to fight, but because Liu Xiang asked for bail many times, he had to be released every time he was not locked up for a few days.

After Shen Zhiyi sent the person away, she thought about it and decided to tell Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang the good news.

"Why? Figured it out so quickly? Let me just say it, Shen Zhiyi, if you fight me, I won't play you to death!"

Shen Yichun laughed so hard that the flowers trembled wildly, the three of them, mother and son, took turns to fight, and they couldn't believe that this bitch couldn't be ruled.

You see, just letting Xiaojie go to make trouble, it will be effective, so, it would be nice to hand over the money earlier, so that you don't have to suffer so much.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "Don't worry, I'm here to inform you that your brother will probably be staying for ten and a half months this time, don't forget to send him some daily necessities!"

Shen Yichun's smile froze, "You, what did you say?"

"Why don't I say that your IQ is not enough, and let such an idiot come to Marriott to find fault, what do you think I will do? Oh, by the way, a friendly reminder, Shen Shujie is a repeat offender, it may not be easy for you to release him on bail this time. The 10,000+ bills I spent here are settled, and maybe I can get a light sentence!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up gracefully.

"What 10,000+, tell me clearly, hello? Hello?" Shen Yichun was so angry that she dropped her phone.

Liu Xiang heard the sound and came over, "What's going on?"

"Mom, that bitch Shen Zhiyi actually sent Xiaojie to the police station!"

"Ah?" Liu Xiang fell backwards.


An unexpected surprise hit Shen Zhiyi's head.

Dongda's President Wen even asked her to meet!She theoretically thought that maybe Mr. Wen had changed his mind.

So make an appointment now.

"Miss Shen, after you left that time, I thought about it carefully. It is true that Old Shen helped me a lot at work. If it weren't for his trust in me in those years, Dongda would not have come to where he is today. With this kindness alone, I shouldn't be throwing stones at Shen Shi at this time!"

When President Wen opened his mouth, he said something completely opposite to the last meeting, which caught Shen Zhiyi off guard.

She refused the meeting a few days ago categorically, ruthlessly and indifferently. If it wasn't for the pain in her palm, she really thought that today's meeting was an illusion.

After weighing it over and over again, he asked back, "Then Mr. Wen meant..."

Mr. Wen said with a smile, "I decided to continue to cooperate with Shen's to help and benefit each other!"

After a pause, he added, "But I have one condition!"

The corner of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, and he knew that this old fox would not be a good person for no reason, and the second half of the sentence was the key.

"I recently talked with a friend in the business field about a new project. This project is our new hotel industry in Dongda. You have more experience. Then you will follow me to talk with this friend. If the cooperation is successful , everyone is happy, and you are doing me a favor, how about it?"

Shen Zhiyi's index finger tapped lightly on the edge of the cup wall, "What if it doesn't work?"

Mr. Wen spread his hands, "It's unlikely, as long as we cooperate well!"

"Mr. Wen asked me to go there. Is it really just to accompany you, or to watch you discuss business? Nothing else?" Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyelashes and thought for a moment, then asked this question very bluntly.

Mr. Wen was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, and pointed at Shen Zhiyi, "Ms. Shen is really smart and wise, she can understand it! Men, it's not just about those things, but don't worry, I Wenmou still has a bottom line in doing things. The female secretaries and assistants under me are far from Ms. Shen in terms of appearance, temperament, and brains, and they can't stand on the stage, so I can only ask you to help me find a favor, but I will not force you. Think about it before replying to me!"

"Don't think about it!" Shen Zhiyi stood up, opened the notepad function of the phone, "tell me the location and time!"

The next day, the business club.

A big white G parked precisely in the parking space, and a doorman in uniform, with a temperament and figure comparable to a professional male model, stepped forward to greet him eagerly.

"Good evening ma'am, do we have an appointment?"

"Tianzihao room!"

"Okay, please follow me this way!" The doorman closed the car door for her, bowing and leading the way.

Mr. Wen specifically asked Shen Zhiyi to dress her up better.

Shen Zhiyi snorted, and casually pulled on a floral V-neck chiffon skirt, the color of which was the retro withered rose, and she wore a beige casual suit with shoulder pads on the outside. Underneath, she wore a pair of flat shoes.

Even so, as soon as she appeared, she was still full of aura and overwhelmed everyone.

The waiter knocked on the door of the private room, "Ma'am, this way please!"

As he made way for Shen Zhiyi to step in, the loose ruffled skirt fluttered in the wind as he walked, and his white ankles were looming, which was more attractive than other girls showing their legs.

"Boss Wen!"

"Miss Shen is here, take your seat quickly, I'll be waiting for you!" Mr. Wen pulled out the chair next to her and motioned for her to sit down.

Shen Zhiyi frowned slightly, a little hesitant.

Because there is a man sitting next to that position.She doesn't like sitting with people of the opposite sex she doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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