Chapter 332
But she has come to this point, there is no way out, she can only bite the bullet and go forward, even if she knows that Mr. Wen did it on purpose, she has no choice, as long as she can save Shen Shi and eat a meal, it is not impossible .

"Mr. Wen, don't you want to introduce this beautiful young lady?" The strange man finally opened his mouth lazily, rolling his eyes meaningfully around his body.

It's not rude, but it's uncomfortable to stare at, as if peeping into the inner world through the thin material of her clothes.

Mr. Wen patted his forehead, "Oh, look at my brain, I almost forgot about this!"

"Young Master Qi, this is Miss Shen, the daughter of Shen Yuanshan, the former chairman of the Shen Company!"

"Miss Shen, this is Young Master Qi. He is so young at such a young age. He is in charge of two companies and hundreds of cargo ships. Even I am ashamed of myself!"

Shen Zhiyi greeted business-like, "Young Master Qi!"

Cheng Tianqi nodded as a response, poured a glass of red wine and handed it to Shen Zhiyi, "I think a sense of ritual is indispensable when we meet for the first time?"

He touched the cup to Shen Zhiyi's, raised his head to drink it up, and then showed it to Shen Zhiyi.

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, everyone else drinks it, but if you don't drink it, you will lose face.

As long as this person signs the contract, her mission will be considered completed.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi followed closely, and then shook the cup downwards.

"Hahaha, I just like a straightforward woman like Miss Shen!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled perfunctorily. During the whole meal, she seldom spoke to her, and she just concentrated on eating.

But Cheng Tianqi seemed to be trying to get close to her, and would ask her some personal questions from time to time, such as whether she has a boyfriend, her usual hobbies, which restaurant she likes to eat at most, etc.

What they knew was that they were talking about business, but what they didn't know thought they were on a blind date.

Shen Zhiyi was very disgusted, but he couldn't express it too obviously, so he could only respond one by one with a forced smile.

While they weren't paying attention, she checked the time.

It's two o'clock, so it's almost time to end, right?

Unexpectedly, I heard the general manager immediately said, "I heard that Qi Shao is the best golf player in the industry. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Why don't we take advantage of today and let's play a few rounds?"

"Boss Wen is ridiculous, it's just a hobby!" Cheng Tianqi smiled modestly, and his peripheral vision fell on Shen Zhiyi again, "I just don't know Miss Shen..."

"I afternoon..."

"Such an opportunity to compete with Young Master Qi, of course Miss Shen shouldn't be missed, right Miss Shen?" Boss Wen blinked at Shen Zhiyi.

The latter stopped talking.

Since she came today, she couldn't do half of the business. In public, she didn't dare to do anything for a long time, and besides...she came prepared.

The reason why this clubhouse is called the ceiling of the Hangcheng clubhouse is that in addition to catering and entertainment, it also has the largest and most top-notch golf course in Hangzhou.

Here is a symbol of noble status.

When Shen Zhiyi changed into sportswear and appeared in front of people, Cheng Tianqi's eyes were almost glued to it.

The outfit she wore when she came here, although it brought out her elegant and cool temperament, was a little conservative and didn't show her figure well enough.

This set of milky white hooded cardigan sweater is paired with a short sports skirt and a sun hat. In the blink of an eye, I thought it was a female college student at school, youthful and full of vigor.

Such an image is very suitable for the appetite of some businessmen.

Especially when she walked around, her long white legs were simply mesmerizing.

Seeing Cheng Tianqi's meaningful eyes, Mr. Wen smiled treacherously.

"Miss Shen, I'm going to answer the phone, you play a few rounds with Qi Shao first!" After Mr. Wen handed over the stall to Shen Zhiyi, he disappeared.

There is no way, Shen Zhiyi came here today with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Seriously, she's not good at golf, to put it bluntly, she's just a rookie.

On the other hand, Cheng Tianqi, as Mr. Wen said, is really skilled in the game, with a hundred hits, and Shen Zhiyi can't find the north when he hits.

Shen Zhiyi lazily raised the club, ready to take another shot.

Anyway, she was playing with her, and Boss Wen would not be able to say anything when the time came.

"Miss Shen, do you know where you lost? I'll teach you!"

Suddenly someone came up from behind, caressed her waist with one hand, and held her hand with the other.

What's more, a certain place below deliberately pushed on her body.

Shen Zhiyi felt sick.

When the other party was about to kick her nose in the face, she dexterously withdrew, "It's enough trouble, but I'm born stupid, with clumsy hands and feet, and I'm really not suitable for golf. Why don't you let the staff play a few rounds with you!"

Shen Zhiyi said politely, in the process of pulling away, the elbow seemed to touch casually, but in fact, he used ruthlessness and ingenuity.

Cheng Tianqi was hit in the abdomen and grunted in pain.

"Young Master Qi, what's the matter?" Mr. Wen who came over happened to see this scene, asked Shen Zhiyi with his eyes, and called Cheng Tianqi to sit down and rest.

Cheng Tianqi glared at Shen Zhiyi with a crimson purple face, and waved his hands bravely, "It's okay, maybe I ate too much just now, and I feel sick to my stomach!"

Shen Zhiyi immediately put on a show, "Really? Ah, Young Master Qi, the stomach problem is minor and major, why don't I send you to the hospital for treatment, it's important!"

"No problem, you'll be fine after a break!"

Seeing Cheng Tianqi's aggressive appearance, Shen Zhiyi secretly suppressed a smile.

Live it!

The fitting room here is public, very large, and even echoes when walking.

Shen Zhiyi looked left and right, it was a bit strange, there were many customers outside, why was there no one in the fitting room?
She didn't pay much attention to it, she started to change clothes, just took off her jacket, when she suddenly heard the sound of the door lock turning.

"Who?" She put her clothes on her chest vigilantly, and when she saw the person clearly, her expression was horrified, "Young Master Qi?"

Cheng Tianqi suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if awakened from a dream, "Look at me, why did you enter the women's fitting room? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

However, after saying this, he didn't leave, and even wanted to move forward, "Does Miss Shen need help?"

"Don't come here!" Shen Zhiyi became extremely vigilant, stepped back again and again, and pressed her back against the closet, she pointed at the door in panic and annoyance, "Qi Shao, please go out, or I will call someone Already!"

"What is Miss Shen doing? I can't eat you anymore. Look, your shoes have fallen off. I'll put them on for you!"

"Don't come here!" In desperation, Shen Zhiyi yelled, "Help, come here..."

"Okay, okay, can't I go?" Seeing that this woman was not on the road, Cheng Tianqi had no choice but to give up.

Seeing that others had left, Shen Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief, locked the door uneasy, and then put on his clothes and came out.

Cheng Tianqi, who was chatting with Mr. Wen, saw her, smiled and nodded, polite and elegant, as if nothing happened just now.

This scumbag!

(End of this chapter)

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