Shen Zhiyi picked up the broken hair that was blown by the wind on his forehead, "It doesn't matter who he is, the important thing is that I will treat him well, as long as I please him, our Shen family will be saved!"

"Please..." The man chewed these two words with special meaning, and then sneered, his dark eyes aimed at Shen Zhiyi, "So you are going to please go to bed? Let him take advantage of you, let him He took advantage of it, didn't he?"

These words directly ignited Shen Zhiyi, she stared at him angrily, with an incredulous expression, "He Jingyao, I have no grievances with you, you hate me, I try not to appear in front of you, you hate me, so I don't No matter how much you stalk me, I've already done it to the extreme, but why don't you let me go, come here to humiliate me, mock me, what exactly do you want to let me go?"

Why is this man so bad?
Why did she fall in love with him in the first place?
He Jingyao clenched his palms, suppressed the sympathy that was about to burst out, and continued to purse his lips, "Now I should be asking you what I'm going to do before you let me go!"

"I don't know who Cheng Tianqi is, right? Okay, let me tell you now, do you know Mr. Cheng?"

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyelashes.

"Cheng Tianqi is the son of Master Cheng, and his hand was abolished by me. The reason why he came to you was to take revenge on me, make me embarrass myself in Hangzhou, and make me unable to hold my head up in front of him. Now have you understood?"

The man moved forward step by step, and Shen Zhiyi stepped back. Finally, her leg hit the front of the Bentley.

The man leaned over, with his arms stretched out to support her sides, face to face with her, eye to eye.

The distance is very close, and each other's breath is entangled.

Shen Zhiyi's heartbeat accelerated for no reason.

"And you, you are still rushing to jump into his trap, do you know how pathetic and stupid you are? Hmph! You don't even know if you've been tricked! It's nothing more than embarrassing yourself, and you will also implicate me!"

With these words, the beauty just now was shattered instantly, Shen Zhiyi choked his throat, and stared back, "Shame is also my business, you don't care about it, as for getting you involved, I can't do anything, Mr. He will treat it as an unforgettable experience experience!"

After she finished speaking, she pushed the man's arm away, but failed to move it twice.

"Shen Zhiyi, don't rely on your looks to do whatever you want. Do you really think that men only love beauties and not Jiangshan? To tell you the truth, even if he puts you to sleep today, he will still pull up his pants and deny you tomorrow. So, please Don't humiliate yourself!"

This man's words are always so poisonous, so piercing, don't stab a knife and make people hurt.

Shen Zhiyi was silent for a few seconds, her throat was so choked that it was difficult to make a sound.

She turned her face away, trying to suppress the tears she forced, and then turned around, putting on a frivolous and casual look, "What? I won't ask others for help, should I ask you? If Mr. He is willing to let go and do it for them, I can do it for you too, do you want to think about it?"

Hitting back at the other party in the same way is the best way to retaliate.

Sure enough, He Jingyao didn't feel too good about being stabbed by these words. He stared at her unblinkingly with a pair of black eyes, as if he wanted to poke a hole in her body.

Shen Zhiyi was stared at a little timidly, knowing that this man can do anything unexpected, thinking of this, she got out from under the man's arm and prepared to escape.

The arm was caught by a force.

"Anyway, to accompany anyone is to accompany, it is better to accompany me, maybe I will nod when I am happy!"

The man's lips were caught off guard, Shen Zhiyi reacted for a few seconds, and then pushed him with hands and feet.

The movement of resistance aroused He Jingyao even more. He controlled Shen Zhiyi's two hands behind his back with one hand, and put one hand against the back of her head. He kissed fiercely and brutally, as if to vent some emotion.

Crazy, crazy, this man is crazy!
Shen Zhiyi stared at him with her eyes open, and when she was disheartened, she suddenly raised her knees...

The man grunted.

Shen Zhiyi took the opportunity to break free, patted his hands for no dust, picked up the food bag from the ground, and left resolutely...


Shen Zhiyi has only moved into her new home for a month, and was knocked on the door countless times in the morning.

Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun appeared on the electronic display.

Toes can also figure out their purpose. Shen Zhiyi called the police and arrested Shen Shujie. Naturally, they came because of this.

Plugging in the bluetooth, Shen Zhiyi went to the kitchen to make breakfast while listening to music, pretending she didn't see or hear anything.

The knocking on the door outside changed to stomping on the door, which gradually turned into yelling.

"Shen Zhiyi, you little slut, you're a coward, get out and meet us, or we'll just sit here and wait until you come out, and you'll stay here forever if you're capable!"

The neighbors passing by looked at them with strange eyes, Shen Yichun rubbed against Liu Xiang, and whispered, "Mom, should we keep our voice down, others are looking at us!"

Liu Xiang glared viciously at the neighbors who were watching, "Let them watch it, we don't break the law, if that little bitch Shen Zhiyi doesn't come out, I'll be scolded forever!"

Rolling her eyes, she spoke her heart to the surrounding neighbors in a decent manner, "You don't know yet, do you? Your new neighbor is a white-eyed wolf, a femme fatale. When her father passed away..."

Xiaobao listened with his ears sideways on the door panel, and couldn't take it any longer, so he ran to the kitchen to complain to Shen Zhiyi, "Shen Zhiyi, those two rotten eggs are talking bad things about you outside, go and see look!"

"Then let them talk, I've already gotten used to it!"

The little girl shook her head, "No, no, I don't want to be misunderstood by the neighbor's grandma. Besides, you are a good person, why should you be splashed with dirty water by them?"

Shen Zhiyi felt that what Xiaobao said was right, she was innocent, she had never done anything harmful to nature, why did she swallow this breath when Liu Xiang's mother and daughter threw dirty water like this?
She and Xiaobao are not soft persimmons either, they can let you be flattened by others like this.

Liu Xiang was spitting nonsense, and the door behind him was suddenly dragged, and a large and a small god came out of it with their shoulders in sync.

Everyone looked back.

Shen Yichun kept winking at Liu Xiang, who turned around, and almost didn't have a close fight with Shen Zhiyi, probably because he was guilty and frightened, but soon became angry, "Yo! This is not my successor. Girl? What? I was afraid that your true face would be exposed, so I hurried out to stop it? Let me tell you, it's late, the purpose of my coming today is to let everyone get to know you, Shen Zhiyi!"

As she said that, she turned to everyone, "Neighbors, this Shen Zhiyi is a double-faced person. He pretends to be a good person on the surface, and he can cheat you without even leaving his pants behind. I advise everyone Just stay away from her!"

Shen Yichun agreed, "That's right, don't be deceived by her kind face. My mother and I have been bullied by her for countless times. We never fought her alone."

Neighbors in the neighborhood looked at Shen Zhiyi with more complicated and distant gazes.

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