Chapter 337 Mom, You Are Bleeding

"Liu Xiang, have you had enough of your nonsense?" Shen Zhiyi interrupted in a cold voice, "I haven't seen you for a few days, your ability to make up stories can be said to be even more extreme, why didn't you tell my neighbor, your daughter Shen Yichun, who is This lady who sings with you..."

She pointed at Shen Yichun, "Which man is your child?"

"I..." Liu Xiang ended his sentence, and cursed back in anger, "Don't confuse the public, you are talking about your business now!"

Shen Zhiyi waved her index finger, "Tell everyone first, who is Shen Yichun your child?"

"Shen Zhiyi, don't pretend to be a ghost here. It's easy to call you a white-eyed wolf. Otherwise, how could you send my brother to the police station? You are jealous of our family of three, and you want to ruin our happiness. "

Shen Zhiyi gave her a cold look, and turned to everyone, "Everyone, since Ms. Liu has mentioned the situation of my family, I have to introduce you solemnly. This Ms. Liu is indeed my stepmother, and this Ms. Shen has nothing to do with the Shen family!"

Things have come to this point, and Liu Xiang's mother and daughter are unkind, so don't blame her for being unkind.

"She is the child of my stepmother and another man. My father has been kept in the dark for more than 20 years and has raised other people's children for more than 20 years. After the three of them were kicked out of our house, they still only cared about my little property. , just came to the house again and again to make trouble, and now he wants to bite me back and smear my reputation, you say, is this kind of person still human?"

"So that's the case. I said that Miss Zhiyi is not that kind of person, right?"

"The mother and daughter don't look like good things at first glance. Leave it to me, I have to whip their two big-eared melon seeds hard!"

"Hey! How can there be such a person in the world? It's too scary, Miss Zhiyi, why don't we call the police for you?"

Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun's faces turned red and green, unpredictable.

Shen Zhiyi smiled slightly at the neighbors standing beside her, "Thank you for your understanding and trust, I won't delay you, I can handle the housework by myself, I will call everyone if necessary, thank you!"

Seeing the crowd dispersed, Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun immediately revealed their ugly faces.

"Shen Zhiyi, you are really capable. No wonder you played with several men in the applause. It is true that dragons give birth to dragons, and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes. The son of a mouse can make holes. Compared with your dead mother, do you have any skills?" More than that!"

Shen Zhiyi has long been immune to these words, and spread his hands, "It's like this every day, don't you have any new tricks?"

Seeing that she was about to drag Xiaobao into the room after she finished speaking, Liu Xiang gave her a wink, and Shen Yichun immediately blocked the door, "We haven't finished our business yet, don't leave!"

"You caused Xiaojie to stay in the police station, this matter is endless, you, call the police over there now, say it was a misunderstanding, and ask the police to release Xiaojie!"

When Shen Zhiyi heard the words, he chuckled, "I opened the police station for you? I let you go if I say so, and I won't let you go if you don't? You and your mother are so capable, why don't you go by yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense! My precious son must have suffered a lot in the past two days, all because of you!" Liu Xiang pointed at Shen Zhiyi angrily, "You are just a stub against us, right? Let me tell you , if something happens to Xiaojie because of this, even if I risk my life, I, Liu Xiang, will settle the score with you!"

Shen Zhiyi impatiently fanned the wind with his hands in front of his face, "He just stays in the prison well, has food and drink, and is accompanied by others. He can cultivate his health and cultivate his character, and he can sharpen his temper. What can happen? I said, releasing a scum like him is also harmful to society, so it’s better to stay inside, right?”

"You!" Liu Xiang glared angrily, "I just want to ask you a question, will you make this call or not?"

"Hey, rotten eggs, who are you scaring? We Shen Zhiyi are not easy to bully, okay?" Xiaobao raised his neck, pinched his waist, and warned arrogantly, "Remind you, your son may not be bullied this time. I'm going to be locked up by the police uncle for a while!"

"Xiao Yezhong, what's the matter with you? Get the hell out of here!" Liu Xiang gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to push Xiaobao.

But Shen Zhiyi grabbed his wrist and twisted it backwards.

Liu Xiang cried out in pain.

"Mom!" Shen Yichun was about to jump over to save Liu Xiang, but when she met Shen Zhiyi's sharp eyes like a blade, she stopped timidly.

In fact, Shen Yichun felt a little unbalanced in his heart. Liu Xiang's attitude towards Liu Shujie could be said to be digging out his heart and lungs, but on the other hand, his attitude towards her was not the same.

Shen Zhiyi freed one hand and shook the phone in the air, "I recorded the conversation we had just now verbatim, you say, if I send it to the police, Liu Shujie wants to It might be more difficult to come out, right?"

Liu Xiang, who was struggling, was shocked when he heard the words, and then rushed forward to snatch the phone while screaming and cursing.

She was not as agile as Shen Zhiyi, she turned her body sideways, and Liu Xiang, who was flying in the air, slammed into the tiled wall.

Hearing a muffled bang, Liu Xiang's face was brightened.

"Oh! Mom, your head is bleeding!" Shen Yichun covered her mouth in shock.

Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi clapped victoriously.

The door slammed shut, shutting the vicious mother and daughter out.

Through the door, Liu Xiang's painful moans and angry curses could still be heard...

Liu Xiang was eager to save his son, and he didn't care about going to the hospital to bandage the wound on his head, so he urged Shen Yichun to go to Lao Tan for help.

"Isn't Lao Tan chasing you? Just give him a chance to show off. No matter how much money it costs, he must get Xiaojie out of the police station. He has never suffered since he was a child. You said that he will not be able to do anything in the past two days." Did it take his life?"

Shen Yichun muttered to herself: He has never suffered, so have I?I think it's not his life, but yours, right?Raising a son is like raising an ancestor, right?

Although she was unbalanced, she still went to Lao Tan. After some pear blossoms worked hard after the rain, Lao Tan immediately asked someone to help.

That night, he took Shen Yichun to meet an acquaintance, claiming that this acquaintance had a deep friendship with the head of the police station, and it was only a matter of his word to let someone out of it.

This Boss Qi is about the same age as Lao Tan, but because of his obesity and Mediterranean hairstyle, he looks greasy and old.When laughing, the facial features are crowded together, and the eyes, nose, and mouth cannot be distinguished, which is extremely ugly.

Shen Yichun and Lao Tan sat on both sides of him, from the beginning to the end, his attention seemed to be on Shen Yichun.

The mouth opened and closed, green leaves were hanging on the teeth, and the mouth was full of the smell of cigarettes. If Shen Yichun hadn't waited to save Shen Shujie, she wouldn't have suffered such a crime, and almost vomited.

Not long after the dinner started, Lao Tan answered the phone, and then leaned into Shen Yichun's ear anxiously, "The company has something urgent that I need to go back to deal with. You should stay with Boss Qi first, and call me if you have anything to do!"

"No, Old Tan, I..."

"Why, Miss Shen dislikes me?" Boss Qi smiled, and the big thick gold chain around his neck was shining brightly, almost blinding people's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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