Chapter 338 Dead fat pig, I will fight with you

Shen Zhiyi squeezed out a smile, and quickly picked up the wine glass to apologize, "How is it possible, I am so honored, come, I will do it first as a respect!"

He raised his head and smoked the wine.

Boss Qi laughed loudly, "Miss Shen is really bold, no wonder Lao Tan treats you like a treasure!"

Talking and filling her glass.

When she pulled her hand back, the bear's paw touched Shen Yichun's arm, which broke Shen Yichun's diaphragm, but she could only bear it.

Old Tan is also true, how could he leave her here alone?
The man's eyes didn't pass by, and his eyes rolled around her body.

Shen Yichun deliberately ignored his obscene and disgusting gaze, and turned the topic to saving Xiaojie.

Although this man was disgusting, at least he wasn't disgusting enough to touch her. In the end, he said that saving Xiaojie was on his shoulders. can reply to her.

Shen Yichun breathed a sigh of relief, she was already drunk at this time.

"Miss Shen, you can't drink enough, we've only had a few drinks and you're like this, no, no, you have to have another drink! Think it's for Lao Tan!"

Shen Yichun lay on the table, propped up her body and waved her hands, "No, no, I really can't drink anymore, and I'll be drunk if I drink any more!"

"Anyway, I'm drunk, so I'm not short of this drink. Besides, isn't there me? I'll take Miss Shen back, come on!"

Shen Yichun didn't have the strength to push it away, so he was forced down by Boss Qi.

"No... I can't, I... I have to go, goodbye... Boss Qi..."

She propped herself up on the table, and just stood up, when there was a plop, she lay on the table again, motionless.

Boss Qi stared at the unconscious beauty, stroked his chin, and smiled sinisterly and triumphantly.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Yichun slowly woke up.

When he saw a naked man lying beside him, he woke up suddenly.

The man's fat belly was sticking out like a pig Bajie, and he was snoring with his mouth half-opened.

Shen Yichun screamed and woke up the man.

" are... dead fat pig, I will fight you!"

Shen Yichun grabbed the pillow and threw it at Boss Qi.

She just said that this man was uneasy because of his good intentions. If she was careful yesterday, she wouldn't be prostituted for nothing. If he was a handsome guy like He Qingyan or Lin Yu, it would be fine. It could make her sick forever.

Boss Qi snatched the throwing pillow and threw it far away, "Stinky bitch, you don't know how many times you have been fucked by others, why are you pretending to be innocent, I think I think highly of you when I sleep with you, like you I don’t know how much you can pack for 1000 yuan in the clubhouse, do you really treat yourself like a green onion?”

" compare me with the pheasants in the clubhouse?" Shen Yichun pointed at her nose in disbelief, "What are they, they are not even worthy to carry my shoes!"

Boss Qi gave her a sideways look, sneered, and satirized while lifting his pants, "In terms of body shape and technology, you are not as good as they make me feel, damn it! I'm still at a disadvantage!"

After going out, Boss Qi made a phone call and went out, sticking his fingers to reminisce about last night, and said to the person on the other side of the phone, "That's the same thing with your goods, if it wasn't for the sake of what I promised you before, I really don't want to sleep with this woman, she's not a good woman, she's really boring..."

Shen Yichun went home crying, and Liu Xiang's first reaction after hearing this was, "Then is he still willing to help get Xiaojie out?"

Shen Yichun was stunned, "Mom! I was slept by a dead fat pig, shouldn't you care about me first?"

Liu Xiang flickered, and then realized, he smiled dryly, and held Shen Yichun's hand to comfort him, "Mum, why don't you see that you are well, besides, sleep as soon as you sleep, just as if we were bitten by a wild dog." , You said if you call the police, what will happen to your reputation?"

"No, I can't swallow this breath, I want to tell Old Tan!"

Liu Xiang pushed her back, and poked her on the forehead with a worrying IQ, "I said, are you stupid? If Lao Tan knew about this, would he still want you? What man would like his woman to be slept by another man? ? You're going to rot in your stomach about this, do you hear?"

Shen Yichun bit her lips in confusion until they turned as red as blood...

Jiang Dongyi called Shen Zhiyi to the Shen Group.

As soon as Shen Zhiyi entered the door of the chairman's office, she saw his beaming face.

"Uncle Jiang, what makes you so happy?"

"Happy event, happy event, great event!" Jiang Dongyi said, stroking his palms. He didn't know if it was an illusion. His haggard face due to overwork a few days ago disappeared, and he looked radiant.

He motioned for Shen Zhiyi to sit first, and made a pot of tea himself.

It is the first-class Longjing, the tea leaves are floating and swirling on it, the tea is clear and clear, and the fragrance is pleasant.

Shen Zhiyi drinks less coffee and more tea, not only can he refresh himself, but the aftertaste is memorable.

Have a cup in the afternoon, which is comfortable and relieves tiredness.

"Uncle Jiang, what is the happy event that makes it so mysterious?" Shen Zhiyi couldn't wait to know.

It can be called a happy event recently, and it can make Jiang Dongyi so happy. It seems that there is nothing else besides the matter of Shen Shi and Wei Ke.

It really made her guess right.

"Guess what? Vico has given us a call and is willing to give us two months, but the designer has to be decided by them!"

Shen Zhiyi: "!!!"

Jiang Dongyi continued to drop bombs, "But Vico has a condition, you have to be fully responsible for this project!"

Shen Zhiyi was stunned, and after realizing it, she waved her big hand, "Definitely not!"

Jiang Dongyi gave her the teacup, smiled and persuaded her, "Don't keep refusing, just listen to me!"

"I know you had an unpleasant quarrel with He Jingyao before, but business is public and private is private. You are also a person who distinguishes public from private, right? Now Shen is in trouble, and each of us has an inescapable responsibility. Now Vicoken Back off by three points, we must seize the opportunity, and you don't want to watch the Shen family fall, do you?"

Shen Zhiyi's heart was shaking a little bit.

She rubbed her forehead and sighed, "I know this truth, but Uncle Jiang, you may not know He Jingyao well..."

"We don't care about his character, anyway, the contract is signed, in black and white, he can't deny it!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly raised her head, "Contract? What contract?"

Jiang Dong Yi hesitated, "It's the newly drafted contract, and there is one item in it, you are the designated person in charge!"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth were twitching.

Co-authoring, she was set up by someone.

Sure enough, it was written in black and white, even if she wanted to, she couldn't deny it, and she couldn't push it away.

Why is life so bitter?

Now even if I broke my tooth, I still have to swallow it in my stomach, Shen Zhi thought, "If that's the case, then I have no other choice!"

(End of this chapter)

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