He Jingyao was buried in the pile of documents, and he gestured without raising his head, and the secretary closed the door and retreated.

Shen Zhiyi looked around first, and found that the layout was exactly the same as before, without any changes, and it was very in line with He Jingyao's usual preferences.

Almost forgot business!

"Mr. He!" Shen Zhiming called out clearly.

However, the man didn't respond, as if he didn't hear it, he was still buried in the pile of documents.

He holds the signature pen in his right hand, his shoulders and neck are straight, his back is straight, and he writes forcefully.

A pair of rimless glasses was added on the bridge of the nose, paired with white clothes and black trousers, which made Shen Zhi think of a word, gentle scum.

She cleared her throat again, raised her voice a little higher, and spoke again, "Mr. He!"

Damn, was it on purpose?
A few seconds after the words fell, the man closed the last folder and put it aside, then took off his eyes, gently squeezed the space between his brows, and opened his mouth with a hoarse voice with a hint of demagogy.

"Miss Shen is late!"

Shen Zhiyi subconsciously checked the time on her watch. She was indeed late, but it didn't matter, she had an excuse.

"Except for taking the elevator, on the way to the president, and the time wasted in the company lobby, Mr. He, I don't seem to be late!"

Late is not late, of course it doesn't count that way, but Shen Zhiyi just wants to play against He Jingyao, it's better to get bored, and then drive her out of here, so that she doesn't have to face this poker face all day long.

He Jingyao bent his knuckles and tapped the table, "Miss Shen, you must abide by He's rules and regulations in He's! Any employee in the company, including senior management, will be deducted 10% of the day's daily salary within 20.00 minutes of being late..."

"Stop, you mean you want a fine, right? Got it! I'm just sorry, I'm not an employee of your He's, I'm a partner!"

Shen Zhiyi reminded with a smile, but the smile soon disappeared.

"Really? Didn't Ms. Shen read the new contract carefully? There is a special statement in it that the representative of Party A should obey all arrangements of Party B and the reward and punishment system for no reason during the period of cooperation with Party B's company!"

Shen Zhiyi's mentality was a bit broken, why did Jiang Dongyi, an old guy, sign this kind of overlord contract with He Jingyao in a daze?

He's not signing a contract, he's selling her. He's completely ignoring her life and sorrows.

However, it was too late in black and white, so we had to bite the bullet and proceed.

Shen Zhiyi quickly took out a banknote from her wallet, slapped it on the table, turned her head and left.

The door flicked, blocking those extremely oppressive black eyes.

He Jingyao leaned back, his eyes filled with melancholy.

He felt that he was getting more and more contradictory. On the one hand, he tried his best to get Shen Zhiyi over, but when she came, he couldn't help bullying her.

I don't even know what I want to do.

"Miss Shen, your office is here, please follow me!" The secretary didn't leave, and when Shen Zhiyi came out, he led her to the office.

Shen Zhiyi didn't expect that her office was just across from He Jingyao, smaller than his, and the window was opposite to his, as long as the two sides opened the blinds, they could have a clear view of each other.

Shen Zhiyi suddenly felt uncomfortable being watched.

"Can you change one for me? It's too big." Shen Zhiyi casually found a reason.

The secretary smiled and apologized, "I'm afraid not. Ms. Shen might as well work here first, and if you have any ideas, you can ask Mr. He to raise them!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't make things difficult for others anymore.

She took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack, and walked around here slowly with her arms around her shoulders.

Although it is not a new office, every furnishings seems to be new, and coincidentally, they are all in the cream tone style she likes, which is one of the few styles in the workplace.

Many bosses like to use three tones of black, white and gray in the office in order to make themselves look majestic and solemn.

What satisfies Shen Zhiyi the most is that there is also a mini balcony. There are several pots of succulents and tulips on the flower stand on the balcony, which Shen Zhiyi also likes.

Coincidentally, the person responsible for the decoration of this office has the same smell as hers.

She sat on the leather chair again, thinking hard on her toes, and made a 360-degree circle.

The He family is indeed the He family, a small office of the partner can be so tall, in view of this face, if she doesn't come, it seems really unjustifiable.

At the same time, in the opposite president's office, He Jingyao saw clearly everything that happened in the opposite office through the surveillance video on the computer screen.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi's relaxed and enjoying appearance, the corners of the man's lips curled up in a way that he couldn't even notice...

A lot of time passed, and Shen Zhiyi spent the whole morning sorting out the project information sent by the president's secretary.

She didn't have enough experience in the workplace, and she might be afraid that the project would be delayed, so He Jingyao specially matched her with a partner, a young and sharp guy.

At first, Shen Zhiyi was still skeptical. Seeing that this young man was not as old as her, it was likely that he had just entered the workplace, and his qualifications were probably on par with hers.

How could He Jingyao be so casual?

Who is this looking down on?
Within two hours, the young man completely refreshed Shen Zhiyi's perception of young boys.

He explained the main points of the project to Shen Zhiyi throughout the whole process. His thinking was clear, his logic was rigorous, and his language was concise. The top three, known as the most difficult to enter the School of Maritime Science.

The He family is really awesome, such an awesome talent can be won.

After the two finished sorting out the materials, it was time for lunch.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Si, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner!" Shen Zhiyi tilted her head.

The boss's character is not good, which doesn't mean that the staff's character is not good either. The young man is so enthusiastic and serious, it's only natural for her to treat guests. Maybe he will be useful in the future. In short, many friends have many ways.

There was a shy smile on Si Wen's baby face, simple and honest, somewhat resembling Lin Yu, "No need for Manager Shen, I brought a bento from home!"

"That's it, that's fine, please ask another day!" Shen Zhiyi said regretfully, "Oh, by the way, don't talk to Manager Shen, you're too out of touch, just call me Sister Zhiyi!"

"Then... well, I'll go to Sister Zhiyi first, call me if you need something!"

After sending Si Wen away, Shen Zhiyi tidied up his desk, checked the time, and considered whether to order takeaway or go downstairs for a casual meal.

In fact, He's has a staff restaurant, and it is said that the food is not bad, but thinking that he might meet Huang Runian or even other employees there, Shen Zhiyi backed down.

Originally, many people in the He family knew her. If she went to a restaurant to eat, wouldn't it mean that she would take the initiative to send her to her door and be talked about by others?
Thinking of being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, she resolutely gave up.

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