"Miss Shen!" The secretary knocked on the door and came in.

"Is Secretary Zhang okay?"

"Mr. He asked me to inform you that I will go to see the designer with him at noon. Oh, by the way, Mr. He's car may have already driven out of the underground garage. You can go down now!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

When she exited He's in a panic, she saw the silver Bentley parked by the side of the road.

He Jingyao is really too, why didn't he tell the designer sooner?

She went around to the co-pilot, pulled the door two or three times but there was no response, and Ah Shen pretended to be deaf and blind.

She had no choice but to open the rear door.

Sure enough, the place with He Jingyao felt oppressive, and as soon as Shen Zhiyi sat in, he felt a chilly air.

She coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment.

The car started slowly, and the man still kept his eyes closed, not being disturbed by the surrounding environment.

After a while, Shen Zhiyi finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked him, "Is the one who took me to meet the designer who is going to be in charge of the Veken project?"

"You're not that stupid!"

Shen Zhiyi's lips twitched, cursing secretly, you are stupid.

"But shouldn't the designer be selected by our Shen family? And Uncle Jiang has already invited several internationally renowned designers!" So, what are you singing about?Don't worry or what?
The man finally lifted his eyelids lazily, and gave her a sideways glance, "Sorry, I don't trust your Shen's efficiency, let alone bet on our He's interests, I have to do the selection of the designer myself! "

Shen Zhiyi turned her face out of the window and rolled her eyes, and said to herself, it's just you He's cattle, okay?
That being the case, what else should she do?Just make a decision by yourself, I really don't understand.

Whoever made him the person in charge of Vico, he is the father, he can do whatever he says, just do it.

Shen Zhiyi followed He Jingyao to a Japanese restaurant. The waiters in the restaurant wore uniform ethnic costumes and spoke broken Mandarin. It could be seen that they were all from their own country.

He Jingyao turned over the ordering side, and looking over from Shen Zhiyi's angle, he could clearly see his hand holding the ordering side.

The fingers are slender and slender, the nails are full and round, and they are as pleasing to the eye as the face.

Shen Zhiyi will always remember the touch of those hands, the fingertips are rough, but they are very warm, they can make people live, and they can also make people die.

After losing his focus, He Jingyao had already ordered, and the waiter withdrew.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, making all those who had disappeared disappeared.

The two were speechless, and the atmosphere was once awkward.

Shen Zhiyi scrolled through WeChat with a fake face, she lowered her head, and didn't know what He Jingyao was doing, so she didn't dare to raise her head anyway.

But it always felt like he was looking at her.

After about ten minutes, the food was gradually served.

"Why are you in a daze, aren't you hungry?" He Jingyao raised his chin at her and set up the tableware to start.

Shen Zhiyi was a little confused, "Isn't the designer here yet? Don't wait for him?"

"Oh, I called just now to say that I have something to do, so we can make an appointment another day!" He Jingyao took a sip of the soju, leisurely, without a hint of anger at being let go.

Shen Zhiyi almost didn't play it, oh no, why didn't you say it earlier?

She felt like she was being tricked, but she couldn't show any evidence.

Enduring it again and again, she gritted her teeth, "Since the designer won't come, then Mr. He will take it easy, so I'll go back first!"

"It's shameful to waste. Is this how Shen teaches the staff?"

Shen Zhiyi paused before leaving, turned around and glared at the man with the corners of his lips printed slowly, wishing to bite him a few times.

She always likes to talk about things with Shen Shi, Shen Shi just provoked him, so is she going to make trouble with Shen Shi like this?
In the next second, Shen Zhiyi grinned a big and false smile, "Mr. He is right, waste is shameful, then I...you're welcome?"

Who doesn't want to eat and drink for free?
Anyway, if she doesn't need to pay, then tear open the belly and eat.

Shen Zhiyi devoured the meal, without any image at all, He Jingyao frowned, and after only a few mouthfuls, he called the waiter to pay for it.

"Hello, the total consumption is [-] yuan, who will pay the bill?"

He Jingyao nodded Shen Zhiyi with his chin, "Her!"

Shen Zhiyi froze as she buried her head in pain, as if struck by lightning.


She pays?
Are you kidding me, isn't he a treat from the old man?From the beginning to the end, he pretended to be his boss, and now he has the nerve to lick his face and ask her to pay?Can you be a good person?
Shen Zhiyi stared at him questioningly, and He Jingyao lowered his eyebrows as a matter of course, and stretched out his hand to gesture at the low table, meaning, look, you eat everything, so of course you pay for it.

Shen Zhiyi was speechless, endured the pain and swiped the card. Before leaving, she even packed the unfinished meal and took it home.

This was bought by her with real money, and it must not be wasted.

The two left the restaurant, and the silver Bentley drove slowly.

Ah Shen got out of the car and opened the door for He Jingyao.

He Jingyao glanced lazily at Shen Zhiyi, and seeing her motionless, he frowned, "It's the rush hour, are you sure you want to stand here and wait for the bus?"

Shen Zhiyi curled her lips and said to herself, it's not all because of you.

Anyway, she doesn't want to go back in the same car with this guy, she wants to keep a distance from him as much as possible, so as to save him from being sued by the villain first, accusing her of pestering him.

"No, my friend will come pick me up later!" Shen Zhiyi pretended to pick up her phone and talk, "Hello? What? You're already on your way? Okay, then hurry up, I Waiting for you at the door of the restaurant..."

He Jingyao stopped looking at him, bent down and got into the car. The car passed her by, raising the ends of her hair, and the hustle and bustle was like a man's surging anger.

A woman who doesn't know how to flatter, do as she pleases!

After watching the Bentley sink into the traffic, Shen Zhiyi slowly retracted her phone.

No one came to pick her up, it was just to find a step for herself, so that she wouldn't be so embarrassed in front of He Jingyao.

In short, during the period of working in He's Group in the future, she must keep a distance from He Jingyao, only talk about work and not personal affairs. Once the project is over, they will go their separate ways without any ties to each other.

The waiting online car-hailing car hadn't arrived yet, but another one came.

I don't know if there is a telepathy, but He Qingyan came by airborne.

Shen Zhiyi was surprised, and once suspected that there was a mole around her, but it turned out that there was no one else around her except He Jingyao just now.

Today's weather was hot and dry as usual, and when Shen Zhiyi got in the car, He Qingyan turned down the air conditioner a little.

He was not good at talking, if Shen Zhiyi didn't say anything at this time, the atmosphere would be so embarrassing to death.

"Are you passing by on business?"

"That's right!" After a pause, he said again, "I don't know if it's because I have very good eyesight. I saw you from afar in the crowd. Who are you eating here with?"

Shen Zhiyi made up some nonsense, but didn't mention He Jingyao, and didn't want to mention it.

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