While waiting for the traffic light, He Qingyan raised his hand to adjust the angle of the rearview mirror, and Shen Zhiyi's projection inside became clearer.

"How is working in He's? My brother... he didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Shen Zhiyi looked at him in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Oh, it was Miss Song who told me that she asked me to spend more time with you when I was free, lest you be bullied by my elder brother and feel depressed!"

He Qingyan considered it again and again, but still sold Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao's ears were a little red next door, and she didn't know who was mentioning her.

But how could her purpose be so decent, she clearly wanted to create opportunities for Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan, she couldn't just leave another young master of the He family in the cold just because she went to the He family, right?This is simply a big loss, if it is not successful, you have to occupy it first, and a good opportunity cannot be taken advantage of by others.

There is He Jingyao on the left, and He Qingyan on the right. If you work both ways, you will have a more stable chance of winning.

Shen Zhiyi secretly scolded Song Jiaojiao, why is this little girl like this?Just mess around there.

The green light came on and the car moved slowly.

"Hi! We are a cooperative relationship with the same goal and shared honor. He is indeed a bit strict, but the intention is good. It doesn't matter. I will bear it for a while!"

In fact, Shen Zhiyi wanted to say that He Jingyao was not a person at all, he agreed to treat guests to dinner, but in the end he had the cheek to ask her to pay the bill.

He Qingyan nodded upon hearing the words, "My brother does not recognize his relatives at work. If you follow him in everything, it may be better. By the way, has the matter of the designer been resolved? I know a very talented person from Yingguo. A famous designer, I can introduce you to him when he returns to China in two days!"

"Winning country? What's it called?"

"Lauren, this person has a weird temper and is difficult to get in touch with, but he has two brushes. He was once invited to help the Queen of the Kingdom design the bedroom."

Shen Zhiyi's eyes lit up, "Is that the Master Lauren who refused to participate in various international grand prix competitions and wore braids?"


Shen Zhiyi clapped her hands excitedly, "Great, I admire him very much, but we are not qualified to invite him. If Shen can have his help, I think it will be no problem!"

"Okay, then I'll get someone to contact his assistant immediately!"

"Thank you, Young Master Qingyan, if I can make an appointment, I will definitely treat you to a big meal!" Shen Zhiyi was excited, and hugged He Qingyan's arm with both hands.

He Qingyan was startled, and the car body shook. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and controlled the steering wheel in time.

Shen Zhi realized that he quickly let go, "Sorry, sorry, I forgot that you were driving!"

Soon after arriving at the office building of He's Group, watching Shen Zhiyi leave, the car window slowly raised.

He Qingyan leaned back, his fingers whirled gently on the arm that Shen Zhiyi had held, as if he was reminiscing about that heart-pounding moment.

Only he himself knew how fast his heart was beating at that moment.

Reaching for the phone, he made a call.

"Are you free? Let's talk!"

The two men met in the underground parking garage of the He Group.

When He Qingyan got off the car, he saw He Jingyao leaning against the car door smoking a cigarette.

He happened to be facing a large passage, and the convective wind rushed over. He just exhaled a puff of smoke, and was pushed far away, and the smoke disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Don't tell me that you came here again for Shen Zhiyi's business." He tilted his head to look at the man who had just arrived, his eyes were more sharp and gloomy in the dark.

He Qingyan raised his eyebrows, "What if I say yes?"

He Jingyao adjusted his posture, and inserted his free hand into his trouser pocket, "You can't deal with women by yourself, but you keep running towards me, Ah Yan, don't you think this kind of behavior is absurd? What does it have to do with me?"

He Qingyan lowered his head and smiled, his expression was as indifferent as ever, as if there was nothing that could make him fluctuate, if anything, it might be about Shen Zhiyi.

For example, now, the two cousins ​​have had little contact since they were young, but he has been looking for him over and over because of a woman.

Ah Yan in their family has finally grown up and knows how to stand out for women.

"The one who asked Shen Zhiyi to move to He's office was you, brother, right?"

He Jingyao shrugged and said calmly, "That's right, it's me!"


"I, Mrs. He, promised to give Mrs. Chen a one-month grace period to deliver the results. I have done my best. She, Mrs. Shen, is a rookie in the workplace. How can I trust her ability to work? I am more at ease when I am under my nose. Besides, I The people in the room will assist her, and if I can't achieve my expected results after a month, not only will she have to leave, but Shen's will also die, so you understand?"

He Qingyan clenched his hands tightly, staring straight at the man who could speak so calmly about other people's life and death.

Also, this is not the first day he has known him. He has been a cruel person since he was a child.

"Okay, since that's the case, I hope you can approach her with the attitude of doing business in a business-like manner, and not just avenging personal revenge, and don't make things difficult for her!"

He Jingyao breathed out a puff of smoke ring, tilted his head and looked at him with a smile, "Who are you? Why do you want to speak for her?"

"I'm the one who likes her!" He Qingyan replied firmly and calmly, then turned and left, the corner of the windbreaker twirled in the air.

The man behind him squinted his eyes, then dropped the cigarette butt and crushed it with the toe of his shoe, running counter to He Qingyan.


Lin Yu is a bit busy today, the company held a party, and booked the largest private room in a KTV.

He doesn't smoke or drink, but in the workplace, these principles are not principles at all. After drinking a few drinks deliberately, the noise and smog in the private room made him feel dizzy with chest tightness, so he came out to breathe.

A young couple was hiding in a corner, but Lin Yu strayed into the territory.

"I'm sorry, you guys continue!" Lin Yu was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly looked away.

Although the girl was wearing exaggerated smoky makeup, she could still tell she was just an adult. The boy had dyed red hair, earrings, and a leather jacket full of oranges. It was cool, but it was cool. A little out of breath.

Also, this kind of occasion is very suitable for avant-garde and bold boys and girls like them, so Lin Yu is not surprised.

I just feel that the girl shouldn't fall into the dust at such a beautiful age.

Lin Yu turned to the bathroom, and the girl came in right after her, chewing gum, looking like a little concubine.

The handwashing area is shared by men and women. Lin Yu bent over and flushed his hands at the faucet. Suddenly his neck and face felt cold and he was splashed with water.

"What... are you doing?" Lin Yu took out a tissue to wipe off the water stains on his body.

The girl giggled, as if she thought it was fun, and splashed water on him again.

While dodging, Lin Yu became angry from embarrassment, "Miss, I won't be polite if you do this again!"

The girl was not happy, and retorted, "Who are you calling Miss in this kind of place!"

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