Chapter 343 Changed a person
Lin Yu realized, "Sorry, I didn't mean that, but who told you to splash me first!"

"Hmph! I not only splashed water on you, I also..." The girl grabbed the paper and threw it at Lin Yu one by one.

Lin Yu was completely annoyed, and went up to clamp the girl's hands, "You really think I don't dare to hit a woman, do you?"

"She's not a woman, she's a girl!" The girl blinked her exaggerated false eyelashes, and curled the corners of her lips provocatively.

"I don't care who you are, if you do this again, I'll call the police!" After speaking, Lin Yu shrugged her off and was about to leave.

An arm stretched across, leaning against the wall, blocking his way, "My surname is Lin, do you really not recognize me, or are you pretending not to know me?"

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, raised his eyes to look at the other party carefully, and his pupils vibrated in the next second, isn't this...

"You, are you He Cancan?"

"It's this fairy, so I said that the enemy's road is narrow. Last time, you took advantage of me. This time, I have to get back everything I say!"

Pretending to be old-fashioned, He Cancan lifted the purple wig, saying that it was a little exaggerated for Dong Shi to imitate, but it obviously did not have the style and charm of a woman of that age.

Lin Yu tugged at her wig, and He Cancan called out, "What are you doing?"

"What's wrong with you at such a young age, why not learn this? I'm not afraid of hitting you, this kind of dress really doesn't suit you!"

He Cancan rolled his eyes, "What does it matter to you whether you are suitable or not? Apologize to me quickly, or I will prevent you from walking out of this door today, believe it or not?"

Lin Yu sneered, "Just you? Little girl, bragging needs to be drafted!"

He Cancan, whose self-esteem was hurt, showed a sly smile, "Okay, you forced me to take action."

Yu Luo, I saw her smearing lipstick vigorously on her mouth, messing her hair, tearing her neckline open, and then yelling, "Come on, help me, molestation..."

Lin Yu's eyebrows jumped, and he hurriedly covered He Cancan's mouth with his hands, "Are you crazy? What are you yelling?"

With just this voice, all the security guards in the store were summoned, and without a word, they went up and held Lin Yu down, and then turned him over to the police station.

He Cancan wanted to escape, but who knew that the security guards were too warm-hearted, "Sister, don't be afraid, let's go, we will escort you to take a statement, a place like the police station is not where a pervert dares to act wild!
He Cancan wanted to cry.

Brother, I don't want to go to the police station, you are helping me, you are harming me!

She is in a dilemma now, so she has to bite the bullet and rush forward.

In the interrogation room of the police station, Lin Yu and He Cancan were sitting across a table, staring at each other, no one could understand the other.

Lin Yu was really drunk, and was raped by a little girl. Looking at this girl with a harmless face, who knew she was so evil.

Now the child's development really cannot be underestimated.

A silver Bentley stopped at the gate of the police station, with smooth body lines, and the color was still majestic and gorgeous even in the night.

He Jingyao got out of the car with a cold expression, and walked towards the police station without stopping.

"Mr. He!" The person in charge of the police station had already been waiting for the driver, and when he saw him, he hurried up to greet him.

"What's the matter?" He Jingyao's eyes darkened, and his black clothes made him even more mysterious and cold.

It turned out that when the police asked about the information of He Cancan's family, He Cancan was afraid that her parents would find out. If they sent her abroad in a fit of anger, it would be a disaster for her, so she simply reported the contact information of her uncle He Jingyao, and at worst she would be scolded by him pause.

He Jingyao received a call from the police station as soon as he was done, and rushed over quickly.

He heard Lin Yu's name on the phone and wondered how the two knew each other.

"Mr. He, I also told you about the general situation on the phone. Through the interrogation of Lin Yu just now, he pleaded not guilty to the crimes that Ms. He testified against. Our people also went to the scene to transfer the surveillance video, which happened to be where they were. The location is in a blind spot, so I didn't find any good clues. Because of the lack of direct evidence, I can't convict Lin Yu based on the testimony of Ms. He alone, so I'm afraid we need to give us some time to conduct further investigation and evidence collection..."

Before he could finish speaking, He Jingyao raised his hand to interrupt, "No need, let's close the case!"

The person in charge thought he had heard it wrong, and was taken aback for a moment, "Ah? Mr. He..."

"I'll take them away, and you'll deal with the rest!"


"He Cancan, your family is here!" The door of the interrogation room was opened, and He Jingyao walked in with a tall and long leg. He made the door narrow and low.

"Uncle!" He Cancan rushed towards He Jingyao excitedly.

Before the person came to him, a finger was pressed against his head, "It stinks, stay away from me!"

Gorgeously disliked by her own uncle, He Cancan couldn't hold back her face, so she didn't care about 21, and finally took He Jingyao's arm, and said coquettishly, "Uncle, are you here to pick me up? Great, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone!"

He Jingyao leaned at her, "You still know how to go home? I heard your parents say that you haven't seen anyone for three days, and they are sending people to look for you everywhere. If they know you are here..."

"I beg you, uncle, please don't tell them this, or I will be finished. I promise, this is the last time, and I will be good in the future!"

Suddenly remembered something, she suddenly pointed the finger at Lin Yu, pointed at him and complained, "Uncle, this guy is the one who bullies me, you see, he doesn't take you and the He family seriously, uncle. If you don't make the decision for me, won't you let him climb on top of me in the future?"

He Jingyao's eyes passed her and landed straight on Lin Yu.

The two are more or less rivals in love. The so-called rivals in love meet, and they are extremely jealous. Although Lin Yu has talked with Shen Zhiyi long ago, they are still the same as before. I can't like it.

The He family members are all the same, arrogant and domineering, defiant.

He has no feelings for He Jingyao, but he hates He Cancan even more.

"I know that your He family is extremely powerful, but you don't want to flout the law, right? It's the same sentence, I will never admit to something I haven't done!"

These words, Lin Yu said neither humble nor overbearing, justified.

He Cancan didn't know why she felt guilty. When He Jingyao looked over, she was so frightened that she hurriedly buried her head.

"What are you doing in a daze, come back with me!"

He Cancan was excited, turned his head and gave Lin Yu a provocative smile, then quickly followed He Jingyao, "Uncle, wait for me!"

The police officer in charge of the case came in and informed Lin Yu, "You sign here, and then you can leave!"

Lin Yu froze for a moment, but the result was beyond his expectation, "Can I go?"

"Yes, Mr. He voluntarily gave up on pursuing you, so you can go!"

Lin Yu: "..."

I'm a bit confused about He Jingyao, why did he seem to be a different person after the car accident?

I thought he would take this opportunity to torture him severely, but he was released so easily.

However, he would not be grateful to He Jingyao, after all, if He Cancan had not framed him, he would not have entered such a place.

(End of this chapter)

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