Chapter 345

Shen Zhiyi smiled back.

But there was a sour feeling in her heart. The man who used to be close to her now let another woman comfort her.

It's like she's the one character you can't love, which is hilarious.

"By the way, is Miss Huang coming to see me for something?" Shen Zhiyi poured her a glass of water.

"It's nothing important, just to see if there is anything you need my help with. It just so happens that I don't have any work today!"

No matter what status this girl is to Shen Zhiyi now, she is grateful for her enthusiasm.

"No, no, it's good. Si Wen will come here when he's free. I didn't expect that your He's employees are so enthusiastic. I'll treat you and Si Wen to dinner some other day!"

"Okay, then I'll thank you in advance!"

Two ladies, you are warm and I am polite. On the surface, they seem to be harmonious and calm.

He Jingyao made a sharp glance, and he withdrew in seconds.

Ah Shen was taken aback for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong, and it took him a while to confirm that what his husband really asked was "Have you eaten at the company restaurant?"

Shen Zhi realized that his eyes were blurred.

Ash: "..."

When the door closed, her smile stopped abruptly, and she became awkward and melancholy.

He Jingyao walked out of the conference room in a dignified manner, surrounded by several company executives.

After Milan glanced around, he approached Shen Zhiyi mysteriously, "Zhizhi, let me ask you a question, have you and Mr. He... really parted ways?"

Opposite to the President's Office, He Jingyao propped his temple with one hand, leaned on the transfer and stared quietly at the video screen on the computer screen.

Ah Shen boldly stretched his neck towards him, trying to find out.

Milan has a big appetite, and he swallowed a few pieces of lion heads as soon as he came up. She ate the lion heads with the size of a fist in two bites, and Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded.

The next second, the female employee shook Shen Zhiyi's arm excitedly, "Mr. He also looked at me just now!"

Shen Zhiyi was speechless, "Nonsense, he didn't squint!"

He Jingyao frowned, and said casually, "Really? Then we will go together later!"

The man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and loosened his tie a little, "Have you ever eaten at the company restaurant?"


It can be described by four people, arrogant and inhumane!
Shen Zhiyi asked for something she liked, and then found a seat with the female employee Milan.

The kitchen staff are all chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants, not to mention their superb cooking skills. From Monday to Sunday, every meal is not the same, not to mention sea cucumber and abalone, but there are still everything you need for Japanese and Western food hot pot.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi silently chewing food and not speaking, Milan apologized, "Oh, I'm just a curious baby, just asking for fun, if I offend you, don't mind!"

There is nothing special about him, how did he attract the attention of their big boss back then?And how could the big boss come to He's office hand-in-hand?
Not long after the two sat down, there was a commotion in the distance.

Each point he annotated seems random, but actually occupies an important position in this summary, and the content of the annotation is precise and sharp, hitting the nail on the head.

The two chatted about some work matters, and Huang Runian got up after drinking the last sip of tea and was about to leave, "Miss Shen, it's really difficult for you to finish the revision of the summary book in one day, I'll go to Brother Jing Yao later, Let's see if we can extend the time!"

The little girl looked like a primary school student studying hard at night, sometimes frowning, sometimes suddenly realizing, sometimes yawning, sometimes beating her back and pinching her waist.

President He's is indeed not in vain.

He Jingyao nodded, and led a group of people to leave in a majestic manner.

A few days ago, she was busy catching up with the summary book, either ordering takeaway, or asking the familiar staff to help bring it. Today is her first time here.

The big boss has a cold and harsh temper, and is afraid of anyone who sees him, but he is handsome and rich, and loves him when he sees him.

Huang Runian suddenly realized, said hello in a stammer, and went out.

As he walked, he listened to his subordinates report on their work. His suit was ironed on the board, and his demeanor was luxurious.

"I ate it when I first came to the company, but I didn't eat it later!" Later, he followed He Jingyao to socialize everywhere, and most of the time he settled it in the car, and he had long forgotten what the food in the company's restaurant tasted like.

He is the kind of man that people fear and love at the same time. He dare not see him, but wants to see him to death.

Not far away, Shen Zhiyi and another female employee passed by talking and laughing side by side.

"Aren't you together? My identity is so sensitive, so thank you for your kindness, but no need, I can do it one day!" Shen Zhiyi was full of confidence.

"Zhizhi, you haven't eaten the braised pork ribs in our company's restaurant, have you? Let me tell you, it's absolutely amazing. You'll definitely lose if you don't eat it!"

"What's the matter, divorce is more common than men messing around outside, yes, we have reconciled a long time ago, and now we have a cooperative relationship at work!" Shen Zhiyi said while stuffing food into his mouth, The tone is natural and generous, and the expression is peaceful, without the slightest grievance and sadness of being hurt by feelings.

In public places, Shen Zhiyi also called Mr. He in business interest.

"Don't!" Shen Zhiyi refused, "I don't want to affect your previous relationship!"

Probably because she gained experience after the first pass, and Shen Zhiyi was obviously much more familiar with the process when making revisions.

But it's good to let Shen Zhiyi misunderstand, so that she can give up completely, and she will have more opportunities to pursue what she loves.

"I'm almost drooling, this wave we have to go, let's go!"

Not knowing what he saw, he stopped slowly.

Let's not talk about He Jingyao's personality, but his working ability alone has to be admired.

"Sir, which restaurant should I order today?" Ashen called He Jingyao to take off his coat.

"Mr. He!" The two bumped into He Jingyao and his group face to face, and the female staff saluted timidly.

Milan admires her from the bottom of her heart. She has never seen a woman who can be a big boss and can be so peaceful after divorcing the big boss.

She also wanted to be with her Brother Jing Yao, but he didn't even give her this chance.

what? What?
Did he hear it right?
His husband is have dinner at the company restaurant?
He's restaurant can definitely be regarded as the ceiling of the company's restaurant.

Ah Shen was curious about what his husband was watching so addictively that the pile of folders he opened was about to collapse, and his husband ignored him and focused on staring at the screen.

A meeting ends, already an hour later.

"Isn't that Mr. He? Wow, Mr. He actually came to our staff restaurant for dinner, so down to earth!"

"If I could dine at the same table with Mr. He, I would be willing to lose three years of my life!"

"Look at your prospects, I am better than you, I am willing to lose ten years of my life!"

He Jingyao parachuted into the company restaurant?
This is a rare thing, Shen Zhiyi collided with his eyes through the surging head.

(End of this chapter)

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