Chapter 346 The Big Boss' Ex-wife

In the next second, the two moved away together, as if neither of them looked down on the other.

As soon as the person in charge of the restaurant received the news that the big boss was coming, he immediately brought two subordinates out to greet him.

"Mr. He, there are too many people here and it's too noisy. I've arranged a special place for you to eat. Why don't you come here?" The person in charge nodded and bowed.

He Jingyao glanced around and pointed to an empty table next to him, "Aren't you allowed to sit here?"

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face, and then responded in multiple voices, "Let me sit, let me sit, of course let me sit!"

"Okay, you go and do your work, I'll do it myself!" He Jingyao waved his hand and dismissed them.

Ash: "Sir, what do you need to eat?"

He Jingyao rubbed his forehead, "Whatever."

Although it was casual, Ah Shen still chose carefully, and He Jingyao was very picky.

Shen Zhiyi was wearing a pearl white chiffon shirt, and it was all over the place, and the scene was horrible.

Shen Zhiyi took a breath, and said in a good temper, "It's all on me, do you think it's okay?"

The female employees around were all stunned. If it wasn't for the fear of being caught by He Jingyao, they would have taken out their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene.

He turned his gaze to Shen Zhiyi's direction, and saw that she and her female colleague were having a good conversation, and they didn't know what they were talking about. She covered her mouth and smiled brightly and charmingly, like evening primrose blooming in midsummer.

He Jingyao's eyes were full of sparkles, and there was an emotion that he couldn't understand.

The colleague pointed in one direction and told the female employee named Xia Meng.

Turning to look at Xia Meng again, he said with a little sympathy, "Xia Meng, you can't compare to this Shen Zhiyi, look, he is even divorced and still able to enter the He family, you, just take a look at our big boss from afar That's enough!"

She pointed to the mess on the ground, "You don't have to worry about my clothes, but you have to clean up the soup and food on the floor!"

Xia Mengmi was dissatisfied, "Who said that? Wait and see how I can make this Shen Zhiyi ugly!"

Xia Meng was aggressive, if her colleagues hadn't stopped her, she seemed to have a fight with Auntie Cleaning.

Here, Shen Zhiyi got up to get a cup of hot water to drink, when he turned around, he was hit by someone.

"I..." Xia Meng was speechless.

Xia Meng glanced at Shen Zhiyi several times, and said sourly with her mouth curled up, "She is the only one? I thought she looked like a normal person. I really don't know how Mr. He fell in love with her." !"

Auntie Baojie is a commoner with no backing or background. Seeing that she is not easy to mess with, she smashed her teeth and swallowed in her stomach. She was going to grab a mop to clean up by herself.

Xia Meng threw the mop aside in disgust, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Xia, Meng!" Shen Zhiyi stared at Xia Meng's badge, chewed on her name, and then gave her the mop in his hand, "Let's start!"

But she is still the eldest lady held in the hands of her parents, so many eyes let her squat on the ground to clean the floor, what joke are you kidding?
The cleaning aunt who was working on the side brought the cleaning tools, "Girl, you don't need to do anything else, just clean the floor!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "Really? That's good..."

"Hey! Who are you insulting? Tell me the words again, believe it or not, I can get you out of He Shi with just one sentence?"

The dinner plate in the other party's hand was lifted all at once, and the soup and water were spilled all over the floor, and Shen Zhiyi was also sprinkled all over.

I don't know if I read it wrong just now, but I always feel that this person did it on purpose.

This is good, the more you rub, the larger the area, and the deeper the penetration.

"Look, Xia Meng, that is Shen Zhiyi, the ex-wife of our big boss!"

So, he made a set of rice for his husband, a few seasonal stir-fries, light crispy bamboo shoots and shredded pork soup, and some after-dinner fruits.

Auntie Cleaning was moved and worried when she saw someone supporting her, but she still listened to Shen Zhiyi and went to work on her own.

"You may not be clear about it. What the cleaning lady cleans up is public health, and the withdrawal of the dinner plate is something that the employees need to deal with. However, you just knocked over the dinner plate and brought difficulties to the work of the cleaning lady. Of course, I am responsible for what happened, I think, this is also the focus of your He's employees' training, right? Or are you not an He's employee?"

But she doesn't seem to know her, and she can't make trouble for no reason.

Xia Meng rolled her eyes speechlessly, "It's really funny, this is the job of cleaning, okay? Otherwise, what would the company do to support them!"

He Jingyao sat upright in front of the rectangular dining table, as if working in the CEO's office, rigorous and dignified, upright and upright.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, are you okay?" Xia Meng covered her mouth and apologized in surprise and guilt.

There are indeed such regulations within the company. When employees dine in the company, they should follow the principle of not causing trouble to others and doing their own hygiene.

"I'm really sorry, let me wipe it for you!" As she said, Xia Meng grabbed a tissue and wiped the stained places on Shen Zhiyi's body indiscriminately.

"Hi! People, ten years in the east of the river and ten years in the west of the river, she is not the same as us now, she is just an ordinary employee, but if she can get into the eyes of our big boss, it means that she has something on her body, you don't know, right? I heard that she is having an affair with the cousin of our big boss!"

As soon as the employee finished speaking, other colleagues immediately echoed, "I heard it too. Anyway, Shen Zhiyi's private life is very messy, so don't be deceived by her pure appearance!"

Shen Zhiyi stopped her, "Auntie, she made the stain, she should clean it up, it's none of your business, you go and do your own thing!"

The screen freezes for a few seconds.

Xia Meng put on an innocent face, "My colleague, how can you say that about me? Even if I dirty your clothes, you can't wrong people like this, you are so narrow-minded, what will you do in the future?"

Xia Meng, who was relieved, became angry and yelled, "You are a stinky cleaner, why do you tell me what to do? The cleaning of the restaurant is your job, and you want me to do it, I am not being taken advantage of!"

Shen Zhiyi squinted her eyes, raised her hand to separate her, "You did it on purpose!"

He Jingyao's sharp eyes swept away, and everyone was watching, eating their own food.

The cleaning aunt did her part, "What's wrong with me as a cleaner? Who do you look down on? Maybe your family is not as good as mine for three generations? Look at your bright clothes, why can't the dog spit out ivory? Knowing how the boss selected people in the first place, people with no quality like you can get in, and He's threshold is too low!"

"Then you apologize publicly to Auntie Cleaning!"

"Let me apologize to a stinky cleaner? Who are you insulting? Don't even think about it!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled slightly, "Whether you did it on purpose or not, you did something wrong and caused trouble to others. You should apologize, shouldn't you?"

Xia Meng was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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