Boss Cao patted the table, "OK, then I won't look for anyone else, but this is Old Tan..."

"This is the condition I want to talk about. It's fine for the two of us to know about this matter. Lao Tan is busy with business recently, and I don't want to distract him. Of course, what I earn is what he earns. It doesn't matter which of us comes forward to cooperate with you , the result is the same, you are right, Boss Cao!"

Boss Cao laughed, "Yes, yes, you are right, then I will go back and wait for your good news!"

After sending the person away, the smile on Shen Yichun's face disappeared instantly.

500 million!

Although she said it was easy just now, it is not easy to add up to 500 million.

As soon as she got back to the rental room, Shen Yichun started to rummage through the box, taking out all the valuable things she could get out.

"Daughter, what are you looking for, you don't sleep in the middle of the night." Hearing the noise, Liu Xiang yawned and knocked on the door of Shen Yichun's room.

"Mom, how much money have I saved with you these days? It must be 40 to [-], right?"

Liu Xiang's eyes fluttered with guilt, and he hesitated, "Oh, there are only so many!"

The boss waved his hand impatiently, "I can't add a single point, whether you like it or not!"

Liu Xiang's alarm sounded, and he hurried to stop it, "I can't move, these are my treasures, my family property, if I lose these, then we will really be poor!"

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he still found the first pawn shop, "Boss, we are destined, you can add more of these and it will be yours."

Shen Yichun anxiously explained, "Mom, you are the heart of a villain and the heart of a gentleman. If Boss Cao was a liar, Lao Tan wouldn't have made so much money from him before. Besides, he knows Lao Tan so well. I don't dare to lie to us, I don't want to make mistakes with such a good opportunity to make money, 500 million is enough for me to fight for a long time, mom, you should find a way to raise money!"

"Oh, don't worry, hurry up, I will find someone else to cooperate after more than three days, and it will be useless to regret it then!"

Pawnbroker owner: "Buy it now, all down to 120 million!"

Shen Yichun grabbed her hand and said excitedly, "I remembered, Dad gave you several sets of jewelry before, and now, maybe you can get a good price!"

Shen Yichun stuffed it into the bag and said, "I'm here, don't worry!"

Shen Yichun did some calculations, "120 million for jewelry sales, plus the hundreds of thousands deposited with my mother, plus ours, it's almost two million, but what about the remaining 300 million?"

Shen Yichun snorted coldly, turned away while holding the jewelry box.

Shen Yichun helped Liu Xiang sit on the sofa, and said at a showdown, "Mom, let me tell you the truth, Boss Cao asked Lao Tan to invest in a business of 500 million yuan, and said that the income could be doubled. In the company, I thought we would do this business by ourselves, and we would collect the money we earned. Although 500 million is a bit much, but thinking that we can get 1000 million in a week, no matter how much it is, it is worth it. Wait for us After making money, I can buy a house in the suburbs, and I don’t have to be looked down upon by others anymore, I only have tens of thousands of dollars in my body, Mom, how much do you have, let’s get together!"

"I, where do I have money? You and Xiaojie's expenses during this period, food, drink, and rent, which one is not paid by me?"

"Yichun, you must investigate carefully, don't be fooled, this is my mother's old trick, if it disappears, it will kill me!"

The boss got annoyed, waved his hands and started chasing people away.


"What?" Shen Yichun suddenly raised her voice.

So Liu Xiang was worried about her, let alone the matter of investing money.

Liu Xiang cleared his throat guiltily, "That Yichun, the money you put with me before, I...I lent it out!"

"Why do you have to use that money for urgent needs? How did you promise me in the first place? You said it would be saved for death, and no one can touch it. Did you forget?"

"What? 300 million? Miss, you not only dare to think, but dare to say, why don't you grab it? Forget it. When I meet a dishonest customer like you, I might as well not accept it. I won't accept it. Now, sell it wherever you like!"

When Liu Xiang heard that her baby was only sold for such a small amount of money, she almost died on the spot, and kept complaining to Shen Yichun.

Liu Xiang frowned after hearing this, "500 million, I can receive 1000 million in a week, Yichun, could this be some kind of routine? How can there be such a good thing in the world? It won't be our turn, you better think about it, this is not a small sum!"

Liu Xiang was so entangled that he was dying, and in the end he could only watch Shen Yichun dig out his fingers one by one, and took away all the jewelry.

The boss analyzed with her from a professional point of view, "Although it is a commemorative model, because the style is old-fashioned, and Feili changed the chief designer a few years ago, and the design style has also changed, so as an old version of the box, the current Young people are more pursuing fashion, and you can’t find it in Hangzhou at the price I give!”

"Okay, okay, 120 million is 120 million, just treat it as a good deed!" When receiving the money, Shen Yichun's heart was bleeding, and she lost 200 million in net.

With that said, she rushed into the room.

Shen Yichun was "making money": "The son was dazzled, and said impatiently, "Mom, why don't I say that you are too small, these things are dead here, we should use money to make money, don't you just want to make money?" Do you want to go back to the life of Fu Tai? This is the best opportunity!"

But who knew, the pawnshops around turned around, and the price was lower than the other, Shen Yichun was so angry that she wanted to curse.

She couldn't believe it, such expensive jewelry was worth the price?

Shen Yichun chuckled, "What the hell? 120 million? Boss, are you an expert? Do you understand the goods? These sets of jewelry are all Fei Li's commemorative models, which are not available in the market now, and are very valuable for collection. Yes, a single set costs at least 20 yuan, and all of them add up to at least 500 million yuan, you really dare to speak, do you really think I am a three-year-old child?"

Early the next morning, she took these to a pawnshop to ask for the price.

"But that's too low, isn't it? When I bought a set, it cost 40 to 300 yuan. How about we take a step back and increase it to [-] million yuan?"

She didn't dare to tell Shen Yichun that the money her son had squandered was gone long ago, otherwise Shen Yichun would never listen to her in the future.

"Then you can transfer it to me tomorrow, I need it urgently!"

Shen Yichun is simple-minded and has no IQ. If Liu Xiang hadn't been there along the way, she would have been offline a long time ago.


Song Jiaojiao is out on location today for commercial shooting.

Although he broke up with Fang Huaizhou, he did not avenge his personal revenge as she imagined, withdraw her notice, and reduce her resources. Instead, he saw her as the company's key packaging artist as before.

Song Jiaojiao was a little puzzled, not knowing what this man was thinking.

Who cares, it's a fool not to take advantage of something, anyway, she didn't lose anything.

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