"Wow! It's Zheng Fanxing!"

"Brother Fanxing, you are more photogenic in real life than on TV!"

"Fan Xing doesn't seem to have an announcement today, is he here to visit us?"

Zheng Fanxing greeted everyone with a smile and brought milk tea for everyone.

"Sister Jiaojiao, it's Zheng Fanxing!" The assistant tugged Song Jiaojiao excitedly.

Song Jiaojiao was touching up her makeup, when she heard this, she subconsciously turned her head, and her lipstick distorted all of a sudden.

Zheng Fanxing just came over to see this scene, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Song Jiaojiao hurriedly looked in the mirror, and when she saw her funny mouth, she was so embarrassed.

Oh shit!

As an artist, why should she be ashamed!

Immediately afterwards, Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing also looked over.

Still want to take her back?

Song Jiaojiao, who got off the set, was wearing a light gray sportswear and sunglasses, "It's been sent for maintenance, and I came here in a colleague's car!"

Zheng Fanxing rubbed the tip of his nose with the back of his finger to hide his embarrassment, "Oh, there is only one cup of coffee left in the beverage store, I just did it randomly!"

Everyone knows that this Fang always comes out halfway. It's not good to be a boss without any real skills. At first, everyone thought that he just had a good-looking skin. Kill time.

Fang Huaizhou's face darkened again.

"If I remember correctly, you seem to have an important announcement this afternoon, right?" Fang Huaizhou looked at Zheng Fanxing and said, it was very official, it was the attitude of ordinary leaders towards employees, and they were not cold.

At first she didn't pay attention until a familiar figure came down.

And she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, have a meal with her friends in peace of mind, and by the way complain about her life in hell these days.

Until one time, an artist in the company was caught by the paparazzi having dinner with the opposite sex late at night, and there was a lot of trouble on the Internet. Fans were about to come to the company. , this incident was suppressed the next day, and the artist's popularity increased instead of falling.

This time it was him who was stimulated.

After Song Jiaojiao responded, she got up and took off her coat.

"What brand is it? It's so bad!"

"Mr. Fang, Zheng Fanxing is really nice. He is handsome and polite. You see, he comes here as soon as he comes. He even brought some drinks with us. Unlike some leaders, he looks selfless and works for the employees. He looks like he's thinking about it, but in fact, he didn't do a single generous thing..."

"Cough! Sister Jiaojiao, I'm going to the bathroom, you and Boss Fang have a chat first!" The little assistant slipped away after finishing speaking.

"Then I won't be polite!" Song Jiaojiao tilted her head and smiled, her eyes narrowed into a line.

"You have just returned to China, so don't slack off in everything!"

Fang Huaizhou parachuted into the shooting scene, which flattered the director.

Fang Huaizhou threw it directly into the trash can, then turned and left.

ha!What is it, do couples need him to pick them up?
And this Song Jiaojiao, look at her appearance that has never seen a handsome guy, she is almost dripping on her feet.

"It's okay, just stop by and have a look, you guys are busy!" Fang Huaizhou said casually, and then he walked into the shooting set.

Is this man sick?

Song Jiaojiao, who had quickly cleaned up, took it in one hand, and said thank you casually.

When she said this, Song Jiaojiao also noticed, "Eh? That's right, why is it different?"

Thank goodness he's not being picky anymore.

"Mr. Fang, why did you come here in person? Just make a phone call if you need anything!"

"Fang, Mr. Fang?" The little assistant was the first to spot him.

The little assistant looked at the cup in his hand, then at Song Jiaojiao's, pouted, and said, "Why is Miss Jiao different from ours? Ours is milk tea, but hers is really coffee!"

Song Jiaojiao couldn't stop laughing, and the tassel-style earrings swayed and swayed, especially agile.

Song Jiaojiao thought it was nothing at first, but after hearing what he said, she was stimulated instead, "Why can't I miss it? Am I not beautiful? You are not a little fresh meat, how do you know their hobbies? Tell you Come on, brothers, I like a mature sister like us the most!"

Song Jiaojiao had never smiled like this in front of him, how could she smile so happily in front of other men?

What is he?
What was their night?
"Jiaojiao, get ready, the filming will start immediately!" Someone shouted not far away.

Song Jiaojiao: "..."

Zheng Fanxing accepted Fang Huaizhou's reminder humbly, "President Fang said yes, I will remember it!"

The next thing can be imagined, he saw Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing talking and laughing.

"Sister Jiaojiao, your coffee!" Zheng Fanxing walked over and offered a cup.

The little assistant wanted to run a wave of advertisements for her idol, but as she was talking, she sensed something was wrong.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Fang Huaizhou raised his chin at Song Jiaojiao with a gloomy expression, "Wipe your drool off! Little fresh meat is not something you can miss!"

Then he turned around and said to Song Jiaojiao, "Sister Jiaojiao, the filming is about to start, you should be busy first, by the way, I heard that your nanny's car is going to be maintained, and I happened to finish earlier than you, and I passed by you. It's time for you to go back!"

Those who had previously dissatisfied with him in private were all in awe without exception.

Zheng Fanxing left, but Fang Huaizhou still seemed to be having trouble with him, with a gloomy and ugly face.

"Jiaojiao? Why didn't you take your nanny car?"

Fang Huaizhou's eyes fell on the cup of coffee she put down casually, and the next second, he picked it up and took a sip. He didn't know if it was intentional, but followed Song Jiaojiao's lip marks.

"Ah! I'm not targeting you, Mr. Fang... No, I mean some people, oops, it's getting more and more chaotic..."

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

Shen Zhiyi waited at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant for a long time, but she didn't see Song Jiaojiao's stylish nanny car, but a low-key sports car stopped beside her.

Zheng Fanxing nodded, "Yes, Mr. Fang has a really good memory, but it's still early!"

Doesn't she know that men and women are not clear about giving and receiving, men and women are different, and there must be degrees between men and women?

This woman can even say such words, it seems that she really has such thoughts.

There were only the two of them left in the dressing room.

What's more, when he first came to Canxing, he really didn't do any business. Apart from staying in the office and swiping his phone every day, he didn't see any serious business.

After Shen Zhiyi's summary book was revised, it finally passed He Jingyao's test.

As soon as the words fell, the people in the main driver also got off.

Shen Zhiyi looked at the person, and she, who had always been as stable as Mount Tai, finally lost her composure, "He's not that...that..."

"Hi sister, my name is Zheng Fanxing!"

"Yes, yes, Zheng Fanxing! My daughter likes you very much. She even voted for you when you were competing in foreign shows!"

Xiaobao doesn't like to watch any variety shows, and he doesn't worship celebrities, but he only likes Zheng Fanxing.

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