Chapter 350 You Have a Fever
Shen Zhiyi was caught off guard and fell forward.

Ah Shen came over to help her, "Miss Shen, are you alright?"

"It's okay, let's get in the car!"

The first thing she did when she got in the car was to ask He Jingyao for credit, "How is it? I didn't make trouble, don't underestimate women!"

Ah Shen quickly glanced at his husband's reaction in the rearview mirror, and he was indeed choked.

Their husband was choked for the first time.

Shen Zhiyi was soaked in the rain just now, her body was drenched and muddy, her hair was clinging to her scalp, and the dripping water from the tip of her hair flowed down her neck. The feeling of being weak and bullied made one's heart tremble.

Distraught, He Jingyao grabbed a coat and threw it over her head, "Put it on, don't dirty the car!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

The first half of the sentence sounds like a human, but the second half of the sentence starts to be beaten, this guy!
I don't know if it's because of the rain just now, but Shen Zhiyi kept sneezing all the way, fearing that someone might dislike you, she tried her best to suppress it, but it didn't work.

Someone probably couldn't bear it anymore, so he took off his coat and threw it to her, "It doesn't matter if you catch a cold alone, don't infect us, everyone didn't come here to recuperate!"

The corner of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, listen, how unreasonable these words are.

Coauthored she became the culprit.

Ah Shen: Talking hard, Mr. No. [-], no one dares to say No. [-].

The car wobbled and finally arrived at the scheduled hotel.

Three people share one room, and Shen Zhiyi's room is sandwiched between He Jingyao and A Shen.

After taking a hot shower, she lay down on the bed to rest, exhausted from traveling and traveling, and there was nothing more exhausting than a good night's sleep at this time.

After a while, Ah Shen came and knocked on the door, "Miss Shen, let's go to the restaurant for dinner together!"

Shen Zhiyi's voice was weak, "Eat first, I want to sleep first, don't worry about me!"

"it is good!"

He Jingyao only saw Ah Shen coming by himself, his thick eyebrows slightly raised, "Where is she?"

Ah Shen naturally knew who the "she" he was referring to was, so he turned his head and said, "Oh, Miss Shen said she was very unwell, so she didn't have any appetite, so she didn't come here!"

"Very uncomfortable?"

"Yes, I saw that her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were bloodshot, and she was very haggard. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke. She looked very pitiful. Maybe she was suffering from the cold. Hey! Girls are weak!"

He Jingyao turned the cup with one hand and looked away, as if he was thinking about something.

Ah Shen took advantage of the victory and pursued, "At that time, Ms. Shen will be unacceptable or something, and the situation may get worse. It's only the first day..."

"Go to the neighborhood to buy some medicine and deliver it to her. We can't delay the progress of work just because she is alone!" He Jingyao stuffed a piece of steak into his mouth and said calmly.

Ah Shen wondered, "No, sir, I have to go to the person in charge of the holiday island to hand over the party, I'm afraid you have to go there yourself!"

He Jingyao was surprised, "Handover? Have I arranged it?"

"Yes, yes, you have been telling me for the past two days, sir, you eat first, and I'll go to the bathroom!" Ah Shen found an excuse and slipped away.

Avoiding his husband's sight, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sir, the opportunity has been created for you, you have to seize it!
When Shen Zhiyi was in a drowsy sleep, she heard someone knocking on the door, thinking it must be Ah Shen, she went to open the door.

"Ashin, didn't I just say..."

The voice stopped abruptly when the eyes fell on the other party.

When he reacted, the other party had already entered the room with a high-sounding appearance.

He Jingyao put a bagful of medicines on the table, "Ah Shen said you were sick, and he was in a hurry to hand over to the person in charge of the holiday island project, so let me hand it over to you. You'd better take it obediently, lest you get infected. Delay work, understand?"

Shen Zhiyi blinked, it was true that she was not feeling well, but how could Ah Shen know?And bought medicine, and asked He Jingyao to bring it?

When did Ah Shen become such a dick?

"The medicine is three-point poisonous, I'll cook some ginger soup!" Shen Zhiyi shrugged nonchalantly.

It is because I know medicine that I am so sensitive and vigilant to medicine.

Can take medicine, never get an injection, can get an injection, never get an infusion.

It advocates using one's own resistance to overcome the disease.

He Jingyao stared at her with black eyes for a few seconds, then suddenly came up and touched her forehead with his hand.

The movement was so fast that Shen Zhi couldn't avoid it.

"You have a fever!"

Shen Zhiyi picked up the fallen hair, "Low fever, take a warm bath and you'll be fine!"

"Stupid!" The man cursed in a low voice, turned around and threw the antipyretics to her, "Take the medicine!"

Shen Zhiyi had no big words, and said to himself, how could he be so strong, and he had to take medicine.

"Mr. He, I am good at medicine, and I know my body very well. Thank you for your kindness. Anyway, I..."

"I'll count to three, if you still don't eat, I don't mind helping you!"

Shen Zhiyi shut up.

This man's arrogance is indeed welded into his genes. The world can change, but his arrogance will not change.

Resolutely took it with water, and she opened her mouth to show him.

He Jingyao just left.

Shen Zhiyi sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, the fragments of memories were always put together inappropriately, forming beautiful pictures one after another.

Just now, she almost thought that he remembered, so she cared about him.

However, she was clearly lying to herself, all he cared about was the work progress.

In the next room, He Jingyao leaned on the bedside and flipped through the financial magazines. After reading for a long time, he didn't see anything.

He got out of bed and drank a glass of water, and walked around the room a few times, feeling restless.

He turned on the phone several times, and was thrown back on the bed. Finally, he called and called Ah Shen over.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

He Jingyao flipped through the book lazily, and said casually, "Go and tell Shen Zhiyi to meet her at the restaurant at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, so as not to procrastinate and waste time!"

"Oh, then I'll call her now!"

"Go to her room to inform." He Jingyao interrupted.

Ah Shen looked strange, but he still accepted the order, "Alright sir, I'll go right away!"

When he went out, he shook his head and expressed that he couldn't understand. It's convenient and not impolite to make a phone call. Why did the sir insist on going to the room to inform?I really don't understand, I don't understand.

This question is probably only understood by He Jingyao himself.

After a while, Ah Shen came back with a solemn expression, "Sir, if you can't open the door of Miss Shen's room, something will happen, right?"

He Jingyao had already put on his coat, "Ask the front desk for a room card!"


The door of the room opened, and He Jingyao went in first.

Seeing this, Ah Shen seemed to understand a little bit, he rushed to sign to the other people who came over, and they retreated quietly, closing the door behind them.

He Jingyao turned his head and saw that there was no one else, his expression darkened, and he turned to Ah Shen to settle the score.

He walked closer and observed Shen Zhiyi, "Hello, Shen Zhiyi..."

Straighten her body, and through the bedside lamp, you can see her flushed cheeks, as if scorched by fire.

She frowned, as if in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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