Chapter 351 Inspection
He Jingyao probed with his hand, and the temperature did not drop but increased.

Damn it, I knew it would be like this, but I still didn't try to be brave and disobedient.

He wished he could leave her here and take care of himself. What does her body have to do with him?

Everyone in He Jingyao had reached the door, and stopped abruptly.

That's all, after all, she has a cooperative relationship with He's, even if she is an employee of He's, he shouldn't just walk away.

Just treat him as unlucky.

Next, He Jingyao forcibly fed her antipyretics, and wiped some places that would help lower her body temperature with a hot towel.

After doing this, He Jingyao was also tired. He wanted to observe for half an hour to see if his body temperature would drop, but he fell asleep accidentally.

This time, I fell asleep until dawn.


A scream woke the man up.

"He... Mr. He, why are you in my room?" The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a man sitting beside the bed. It was hard not to think of something.

Fortunately, the light was good, and Shen Zhiyi recognized him at a glance, otherwise, according to her previous style, she would definitely rush to subdue him first.

If that's the case, it would be really miserable.

Apparently, the man who was woken up was unhappy. He rubbed his forehead with downcast eyes, with a restrained expression, "Why are you yelling? You don't even look at yourself now. I'm not so hungry."

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Last night you had a high fever, and Ah Shen couldn't handle it so he pulled me over. Shen Zhiyi, let me remind you in the end, don't make trouble for others. Next time, if you die here, no one will come to collect your body!"

The man's cold words left Shen Zhiyi speechless.

This...became hers, didn't it?
As soon as he got up, the man shook his body.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Shen Zhiyi hurriedly jumped down to support him, "Are you okay?"

But He Jingyao didn't accept the favor, and pulled his arm away in disgust, "It's better to care more about yourself!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

have to!People don't appreciate it and pull it down.

He Jingyao lay on the bedside and squinted all night last night, his whole body was numb, so he felt a little dazed when he got up.

After returning to the room and taking another two hours of sleep, the three of them rushed to the resort island near noon.

The rain is still falling, not as fierce and terrifying as yesterday, but the gloomy weather always makes people feel bad.

The person in charge of the holiday island project led a kind of subordinate to wait for He Jingyao's arrival on the shore early.

As soon as He Jingyao landed, he was admired by all the stars.

It was the first time for Shen Zhiyi to visit the resort island site. Knowing the importance of this project to He and Shen, she couldn't help yearning for the mystery of this island even more.

After visiting a series, it can be seen from He Jingyao's expression that he is quite satisfied.

"Call the project manager over here!"

Shen Zhiyi and Ah Shen looked at each other, wondering why he wanted to see the project manager.

The project on the resort island is divided into several parts, entertainment facilities, hotels, and natural scenic spots.

Among them, Shen was in charge of the hotel part, while the project manager that He Jingyao wanted to meet was the entertainment facility part.

After a while, a man who was not tall, with a beer belly, and wearing a helmet ran over in a panic, nodded and bowed at He Jingyao, "Mr. He!"

He Jingyao nodded, "Take us to the scene to see!"

"Ah? You... are you going now?"

"Any questions?"

The project manager hesitated, "The weather is not very good today. The soil on the site is soft and messy. I'm afraid it's unsafe. Why don't I take you to see it tomorrow or some day?"

He Jingyao stared at him with a warm expression, but his eyes were extremely sharp, "Am I the boss or are you the boss?"

Manager Zhao was so frightened that his legs almost went limp, "This...Of course you are the boss, it's just...just..."

"Manager Zhao, why do I feel that you are so nervous?" He Jingyao pointed to his forehead.

Manager Zhao wiped it with his fingertips, and it was covered with beads of sweat. His lips were trembling, and the next second, Qiang Xi squeezed out a smile, "Is this not the first time I've seen Mr. He? You are indeed a little nervous!"

"Old Zhao, you've been told nonsense. Whatever Mr. He asks you to do, you can do it. What nonsense!" The project leader touched Manager Zhao and scolded.

Only then did Manager Zhao lean over again and again, "Okay, okay, I'll take someone there, Mr. He, please go this way!"

Driven by Manager Zhao, He Jingyao, A Shen, Shen Zhiyi, and the project leader went to the construction site together.

The further you go inside, the darker the light is, and the light is completely covered by bushes as tall as a person. The smell of soil is stronger, and the temperature is lower, with a chill.

When Shen Zhiyi got out of the car, she couldn't help wrapping up her coat tightly. Fortunately, she brought thick clothes, otherwise she would have been frozen to death in this environment.

A reception area is being built here, and workers have stopped working because of the weather.

He Jingyao stood in the midst of an unformed building, his demeanor was even more stern and aloof, like a giant tower, giving way to be daunting.

"Mr. He, look, everything is going well with the project. Right now, the workers haven't started work, and they don't have a place to stay, so I won't take you in to see it!"

Manager Zhao was considerate.

He Jingyao leaned towards him, and said with a smile that was not a smile, "You are very considerate!"

"It should be, it should be!"

"However, as the president of the group, if I can back down from this difficulty, how can I convince the public?"

Manager Zhao was sweating profusely, "Then Mr. He, what do you mean..."

He Jingyao turned his gaze to Ah Shen and Shen Zhiyi, "You two stay here, I'll go over and have a look!"

"Ah? Mr. He, it's absolutely impossible, if something happens... hiss!" Manager Zhao wanted to step forward to stop him, but someone pinched his wrist severely.

"Manager Zhao, Mr. He is not going to take a look, what are you doing?" Ashen's tone was cold and oppressive.

Manager Zhao shuddered, and then smiled apologetically, "No, I'm just worried about Mr. He. After all, something happened to me, so I can't shirk my responsibility!"

Manager Zhao wiped off his cold sweat in a place where no one else could see.

Shen Zhiyi had just chatted with Ah Shen for a while when He Jingyao came back.

Everyone's attention is focused on the past.

"Mr. He, how are you?" Ashen asked first.

The project leader and Manager Zhao also had their necks covered at the same time.

One of them was full of anticipation, and the other was uneasy.

He Jingyao glanced past the guilty person from the corner of his eye, and then patted the dust on his hands, "No problem, the quality of post-production will continue to be strictly controlled!"

The project manager responded repeatedly, "Don't worry, don't worry, we guarantee smooth completion!"

The three of He Jingyao and his party went to visit other jobs, and the slower project leader yelled at Manager Zhao, "Old Zhao, what's the matter with you today? Why are you stopping Mr. He everywhere? You must not be hiding something ulterior. Secret?"

Manager Zhao became angry for a moment, "What are you talking about? What secrets can I have? Don't forget that we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If you say that about me, aren't you also talking about yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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