Chapter 353 Wait for my good news

Looking back at the car again, the hood was almost completely lifted up, billowing white smoke, if it hadn't met the resistance of the grass, and finally hit the tree trunk to stop, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Fortunately, they jumped out of the car in time, and the ground was full of grass, avoiding physical injuries.

Although there was no danger, but thinking of the process, it is still shocking.

When Ah Shen received the call, he brought people to deal with the aftermath. The car was sent overnight for inspection, and the results were available in a few hours.

As He Jingyao guessed, the brake system was tampered with.

According to the monitoring at the dining place that night, it was shown that during the time they were dining, an unidentified person sneaked close to the Bentley.

"A Shen, you also guessed who did it, right?" He Jingyao stood facing the window, his tall and majestic figure projected on the clear glass.

Ah Shen nodded, "I guessed it, I've already arranged for someone to come and invite him to see Mr.

The man let out a "hmm", lowered his head and took a sip of his coffee, his eyes reflected the bright lights of the city.

An hour later, his subordinates called: Manager Zhao had absconded overnight.

With conclusive evidence, the police also arranged for personnel to participate in the pursuit of Manager Zhao.

Just after dawn, Manager Zhao was arrested and returned.

His wet hair was messy and sticking to his scalp, his neckline was open, half of his tie was crookedly torn off, a shoe was missing, maybe he fell down, and his trouser legs were covered in mud. Very embarrassed.

When I saw He Jingyao, I was panicked and guilty, but then became hardened again, "Mr. He, I admit that one person does things and one person is responsible, so don't waste your efforts!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, and slowly chewed those few words, "One person does things and one person is..."

"It seems that he has given you a lot of benefits. It doesn't matter. If you can't pry your mouth open, I can still get him out!"

He Jingyao remained calm about the rest of the matter, and in just half a day, he found out who was behind the train incident.

It was a powerful senior executive of the company, relying on being a veteran of the He family, with a wide network of connections and a high status, he made the idea of ​​enriching his own pocket, secretly colluded with Manager Zhao, and tampered with the holiday island project. Shoddy, earn the difference in the middle.

Everyone only knew that the senior executive announced his resignation suddenly, but no one knew the truth behind the scenes. He Jingyao did this neatly, secretly, and quickly, which would not cause any uneasiness among the entire company's employees.

Shen Zhiyi admired this man even more.


On this end, Shen Yichun was still racking his brains to collect 500 million.

At the door of a certain basement chess and card room, Liu Xiang grabbed her, thinking about it, but she was still not at ease, "Yichun, will this be unreliable? You should think about it again. If the time comes, it will be a loan with a rolling interest rate." What can we do if we don’t go up? If these people want to pay the bills, they can even chop off their fingers!”

Shen Yichun trembled when she heard it, but when she thought of the 1000 million profit, she still gritted her teeth and said, "Mom, there is no turning back when you open the bow, and you can't bear to let the children play with wolves. We can't be so useless for the rest of our lives, right? If you want to make money, you have to treat yourself Be ruthless, trust me, nothing will go wrong!"

With that said, she broke away from Liu Xiang and walked inside.

There were a few men who looked like gangsters sitting inside, and behind them stood several thugs with tattoos on their arms, which looked scary.

According to what was agreed in advance, the other party gave a contract, "Sign it, the 300 million is yours, and the terms and interests are all on it, you can take a look again!"

Liu Xiang restrained Shen Yichun, who was about to start writing, and said in a low voice, "Let's take another look, in case there is any problem here, there are a lot of contract frauds now!"

"Oh mom, you think too much. Let's sign it quickly. I'm afraid that people will go back on their word. At that time, all our previous efforts will be in vain!" The next five divided by two wrote his own name.

The other party picked up the contract and flipped through it, touched his chin in satisfaction, and then ordered the younger brother to bring up 300 million in cash.

Although Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang were also very rich before, they had never seen so much cash, and they were blinded by it all at once.

Before the 300 million was warmed up, Shen Yichun snatched it from Liu Xiang's arms, "Mom, I'll give it to Boss Cao right now, wait, we will get rich in a week!"

When handing it over to Boss Cao, she was very reluctant to part with it. In the end, Boss Cao pulled the box several times before pulling it out of her hand.

"Boss Cao, I'll leave the 500 million to you!"

Boss Cao patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, don't worry, how many times have I dealt with Lao Tan, and when did something go wrong? If you don't believe me, you don't have to do it!"

As he said that, he stuffed the box containing the money to Shen Yichun, and Shen Yichun immediately pushed it back, and smiled apologetically, "Boss Cao, you have misunderstood, I don't trust who you trust, so I will thank you!"

"Okay, just wait for my good news after that week!"


He Jingyao and his party continued to inspect the resort island.

For the convenience of going back and forth, they simply lived in the kind of simple houses that workers live in.

There is some humidity in the simple room, and there is some air leakage, so you need to add a quilt when you sleep at night.

Even so, Shen Zhiyi didn't complain, but felt that this was a good opportunity to experience grassroots life.

"Miss, who did you say you were looking for?"

"Brother Jingyao, oh, it's Mr. He. I'm... I'm an employee of the He Group. I have something to do with him. Just take me to see him!"

"Unfortunately, Mr. He is going to the construction site now, why don't you call him!"

Shen Zhiyi was washing up, when she heard someone talking outside, she went out to see, it was Huang Runian.

"Miss Huang, why are you here?"

When Huang Runian saw an acquaintance, her depressed mood suddenly cheered up, "Sister Zhiyi!"

After shouting, she felt a little embarrassed again, "Can I call you that?"

"Of course!"

Shen Zhiyi invited her to sit in the room, if it wasn't for her sharp eyes, she really didn't recognize her just now.

Huang Runian was such a glamorous, fashionable and charming little girl before, but now, the clothes she is wearing are heavily stained, and the original color can no longer be distinguished. The trouser legs are rolled up high, revealing her feet and ankles Covered with thick mud.

The casual shoes were carried by her in her hand, and they were the only clean place on her body, and she didn't know what good things were hidden in the big backpack behind her.

She was a thin and small one, standing there in a state of embarrassment, which made people feel distressed and funny.


"I finished my work ahead of time, and I have nothing to do, so I just wanted to come and see brother Jingyao, oh, and you, sister Zhiyi!" Huang Runian raised her legs, frowned and said angrily, " Who knew that my car broke down in Fukou Town, and I can't repair it nearby, so I can only walk here with my legs, this place is really good, the road is muddy, I don't know how to get off!"

Shen Zhiyi was shocked, "Did you walk the distance of more than ten miles?"

(End of this chapter)

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