Huang Runian smiled embarrassingly, "Are you a little silly? I also wanted to take a taxi, but the driver didn't come when I paid double the price. I thought that since I arrived, I couldn't just go back like this? Oh, it doesn't matter, ten It’s only a few miles, and when I was a kid, I didn’t even think about running a marathon!”

Shen Zhiyi didn't know what to say.

She only felt that this little girl's dedication and sincerity to love was completely incomparable to her.

She thought that Huang Runian, like Fang Yao and many other women who liked He Jingyao's skin, was weak and arrogant, hard to get close to.

But she is different, she is straightforward and simple, chasing the sun He Jingyao wholeheartedly.

Such liking made Shen Zhiyi feel great pressure.

Perhaps it was because the process of coming here was too hard, and because He Jingyao had not returned from the construction site, Huang Runian was not polite, and fell asleep in Shen Zhiyi's room.

After several days of cloudy and rainy days, the air in Yancheng was filled with water mist, but at four or five o'clock, people could no longer tell whether it was day or night.

A group of workers came back from the construction site and chatted while walking. Huang Runian was awakened and jumped out of bed.

"Brother Jing Yao!"

Shen Zhiyi just opened the door and came in. Seeing her like this, she was stunned for a moment, and then said regretfully, "Mr. He hasn't come back yet!"

Huang Runian scratched her hair in embarrassment, "Oh, I thought he was talking!"

"Wow! What's so fragrant?" She exclaimed.

"Dinner is ready. There is braised pork today. I saw you fell asleep, so I brought it in for you. How about it? Are you hungry?"

Huang Runian stared straight at the plate of meat in Shen Zhiyi's hand, almost drooling, "I'm a little hungry, did Miss Zhiyi eat?"

"I have already eaten!"

"That's fine, I won't be polite!"

Shen Zhiyi thought she was just talking, who knew that this girl ate so authentically, she might be really hungry, she never raised her face from the beginning to the end, and it took only a blink of an eye to clear the plate.

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded, "You, do you want more?"

Huang Runian rubbed her stomach, and shook her head contentedly, "No more, no more, my stomach will burst after eating!"

Shen Zhiyi chuckled when he heard the words.

He Jingyao is such a picky and demanding man, so it's no wonder he doesn't reject her.

There was movement downstairs, and someone greeted He Jingyao.

"This time Mr. He is back!" Shen Zhiyi reminded Huang Runian.

The latter blushed, put his backpack in his arms and ran out, "Brother Jingyao!"

He Jingyao received the news from Huang Runian when he was on the construction site, so there was no surprise when he saw her, and he hummed lightly.

Then, the man looked her up and frowned slightly, "How did you make it like this?"

"I... blame myself for not doing a good job in the strategy. The car broke down on the road, so I can only walk here..."

The two stood outside and chatted. Shen Zhiyi didn't want to go out, and it didn't matter if he didn't go out. He simply cleaned the room, but he felt a little nervous.

"Shen Zhiyi!"

A man's voice suddenly came through the door, Shen Zhiyi's back stiffened, and the next second he pulled the door out, "Is there something wrong, Mr. He?"

"Have you written the project schedule yet?"

"Ah! This one, isn't it just because I asked for it?"

He Jingyao didn't speak, but just stared at her quietly with her black eyes. She blinked her eyelashes and was defeated, "Well, it's not impossible to advance, but it seems a bit difficult. Let's do it. I'll work overtime later!"

"It just so happens that Xiao Nian is here, she can help you!" He Jingyao offered charity.

Shen Zhiyi was grateful to Dade, "Okay Mr. He, I promise to hand it over to you before evening!"

Eh?No, he clearly said that he would only ask for it tomorrow, and she kept her promise. Now that he hastened to ask for it, why should she be grateful?


Huang Runian also expressed her willingness to assist Shen Zhiyi to complete it, and then she opened the backpack she was carrying, "By the way, Brother Jingyao, I brought you a lot of things this time!"

"I heard that it's humid here, and I think these knee warmers are more useful. Oh, and Auntie Qiu said that you used to be on business trips and often felt unaccustomed to the climate, so I also brought some to help digestion, invigorate the spleen and stomach, and treat Medicines for headaches and fever, and..."

A circle of people present watched Huang Runian conjure up various things from the double bread one after another like a juggler, all of which were for He Jingyao.

I know, as a subordinate, she cares about her boss, but I don't know, she thought it was brought by her girlfriend to her boyfriend.

Which man would not be moved by Huang Runian's care and consideration, but Shen Zhiyi was deeply moved anyway.

Shen Zhiyi retreated silently, returned to the room, closed the door, and sat on the stool for a while.

If she was He Jingyao, she would have been moved by Huang Runian's persistent and sincere love.

She could obviously bless Huang Runian from the bottom of her heart, but she still had selfish thoughts.

He Jingyao accepted all the things Huang Runian sent, and told her to rest well and not to run around on the island.

Huang Runian nodded obediently, she did whatever he said, and when the man left, she jumped up excitedly.

Brother Jing Yao originally cared about her, and just now he told her not to let her run around.

Does happiness come too soon?
It seemed that her hard work was worth it!
At night, the two women turned on the lights and fought at night.

Huang Runian is indeed quite professional. With her participation and guidance, Shen Zhiyi quickly completed the progress document.

Stuck before midnight, she handed the proposal to He Jingyao.

Surprisingly, this guy was not picky this time, he just briefly talked about a few key points and ended.

While Shen Zhiyi was listening, his eyes involuntarily fell on the few pockets beside him, which were brought to him by Huang Runian.

He is such a cleanliness and harsh person, but he was unexpectedly easy to talk this time. It can be seen that he doesn't treat Huang Runian like an ordinary employee.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was blocked.

"...Shen Zhiyi? Are you listening to me?"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly shook his head, "Eh, I'm listening, you continue to talk!"

He Jingyao threw the document on the table, pinched his brows and said, "I feel like you are out of shape, what are you thinking?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Otherwise, who do you think I'm talking about?" The man raised his eyes and folded his brows.

Shen Zhiyi flicked her broken hair, "I was thinking, Mr. He, you are right, I have no objection!"

He Jingyao: "..." She really wasn't listening to him.

"The progress book is all right, right? Then I'll go back to sleep first!"

"Wait!" He Jingyao called her to stop, pointing to the tablet with his chin, "Help me deal with the mail!"



Shen Zhiyi smiled, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate. I'm not an employee of your He's. Isn't Mr. He afraid of the secret being leaked?"

The man gave her an inscrutable smile, "I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of?"

have to!She was dragged to serve as a free coolie again.

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