Chapter 358 Who She Loves
Song Jiaojiao took a sip of beer, and shook her head sympathetically, "You are an infatuated kind, hey! Zhizhi has no fate with you, otherwise how wonderful you are, if I don't know you too well, maybe I will be with you Make do with it!"


Lin Yu spit out a mouthful of beer, and his image was completely lost.

"Don't, don't! You're spoiling me, you're so good, how can I deserve it, please forgive me!" Lin Yu frantically waved his hands, fearing that Song Jiaojiao would really target him.

To say that Song Jiaojiao looks good and has a good figure, and now she is well-known in the entertainment circle, such a girl is eye-catching everywhere.

Lin Yu and she have been classmates and friends for many years, but they couldn't spark each other.

It's not because Song Jiaojiao is less attractive, but because he already has a beautiful woman in his heart.

Seeing Lin Yu's anxious and nervous look, Song Jiaojiao was amused and giggled.

"Douyou, don't worry, I can't eat you, I would have done it long ago, why wait until now? I know you only like our Zhizhi!"

At this time, two girls in cool clothes walked over talking and laughing.

One of them has high double ponytails, a short T and a short skirt. She looks like a full-fledged school girl, with a particularly wink-like look.

"Boss, some beers!"

He Cancan glared at his classmate, and said dissatisfiedly, "Are you promising?"

Then she yelled at her boss, "Boss, hit me up!"

Song Jiaojiao raised her chin and motioned to Lin Yu, "Did you see it? Girls nowadays, hey..."

Lin Yu turned his head unconsciously, just in time He Cancan also looked at him.

The two were stunned.

"Hey! Why are you everywhere? It's really bad luck!" He Cancan muttered angrily.

When the classmates around him stared at Lin Yu, their eyes glowed, "Cancan, do you know this little brother?"

"Who knows him, let me tell you, don't be fooled by the appearance of this little boy, maybe he doesn't know how many Sangongs and Sixth Courts are behind his back!"

In the front, he was inviting me to her ex-sister-in-law, but in the back he was flirting with other women. Seeing that he looks strangely honest, he turned out to be such a thing, bah!
Song Jiaojiao is short-tempered. Hearing this, Miao stood up for her friend, "Hey! Can you talk? If you can't talk, just keep your mouth shut. You look clean, cute, and cute." Yes, why can't you speak human language!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"Oh! Just scold anyone who can't speak just now!"


Lin Yu tapped the wine glass on the table, signaling to Song Jiaojiao, "It's almost time to eat, let's go!"

Song Jiaojiao quit, how could they be scared away by a little girl? "No, they won't leave, so why should we go? Yu Lin, sit down and drink!"

He Cancan's classmates also pulled her over, and the duel was over.

Song Jiaojiao hated iron for being weak, "Lin Yu, are you dumb or something, that stinky girl has bullied you, why don't you even dare to fart?"

Lin Yu rolled his eyelids and stared at her, then continued to drink, "Do you know who she is?"

"She loves so and so!"

"He Jingyao is her uncle!"

Song Jiaojiao's body softened and she almost slipped off the table.

He Jingyao is her little...uncle?
When the word He Jingyao was mentioned, she trembled for no reason, thinking that she had provoked He Jingyao's niece just now, would he make trouble for her in the future?
But on another thought, she, Song Jiaojiao, can't be cowardly like this dog, can she?
"Cut! So what? If you are so afraid because of this, Lin Yu, I look down on you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Of course not. A good man doesn't fight with a woman. Don't look at her who is young and has a lot of thieves. I have suffered in this regard!" Lin Yu thought of being tricked by He Cancan, and his teeth itch with hatred.

This kind of girl, the farther away the better.

On this side, Song Jiaojiao tried her best to pick up Lin Yu and He Cancan's entanglement, while on the other side, the two girls waited for the netizens who couldn't wait for an appointment.

"Cancan, tell me, we won't be released as pigeons, right?"

He Cancan hugged his shoulders angrily, "He dares, otherwise I won't talk to him anymore!"

Seeing that the beer she ordered hadn't arrived yet, she got up and went to find the boss. She walked too hastily and bumped into a passing drunk.

"Hey! Little beauty, you are in a hurry to throw yourself into your arms, come, let my brother satisfy you!"

The drunk looked He Cancan up and down, his mouth was about to flow out, he pursed his wine-smelling mouth and leaned towards He Cancan's face.

He Cancan slapped him in the ear, "Ugly, you don't piss and take care of yourself, you don't even deserve to carry my shoes, and you want to take advantage of me, get out!"

The drunk was sobered up by the beating, and immediately put on a fierce face, "Damn girl, if you dare to hit me, see if I'm not here today and strip you of your clothes!"

He Cancan bit the bear paw stretched out by him, and the drunk man bared his teeth in pain and yelled.

She was probably frightened, and her behavior was completely out of control. She didn't know when she swung a wine bottle and put it on the drunk man's head.

The drunk man fell to the ground, overturned the table, and made a mess of ping-pong-pong.

The female classmate was so frightened that she ran away with her head in her arms. He Cancan also wanted to escape, but was held down by the drunk's accomplice, "You want to run after beating our boss? It's a good idea!"

"Let go of me, do you know who I am? You won't be scared to death if you say it! My uncle is He Jingyao, the president of the He Group. If you dare to touch my finger, my uncle will definitely make your life worse than death!"

He Jingyao had warned He Cancan before, telling her not to rely on his name to be domineering, but in the current situation, how could she control so much.

The accomplice and the drunk looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

The drunk man lifted He Cancan's chin and said with a smirk, "If He Jingyao were your uncle, I would still be his brother, hahaha!"

"Little beauty, today you provoked the young master, you must pay for this debt!"

As he spoke, his eyes slipped and fell on He Cancan's snow-white neck, and when his fingers were about to unbutton her clothes, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

"Get your dirty hands off!"

He Cancan stared at Lin Yu in disbelief, she never expected that he would come to his rescue.

Moreover, the appearance of the shot is actually very handsome.

"Stinky boy, just because you want to be a hero to save the beauty? Ah Qiang, call me someone!" The drunkard greeted him, and a few hooligans jumped out of nowhere, and surrounded Lin Yu without saying a word.

Song Jiaojiao also wanted to help, but she didn't have enough force, and going up would cause trouble for Lin Yu, so she could only cheer on her.

Although Lin Yu knew how to use self-defense skills, it was somewhat difficult to deal with so many at once.

Song Jiaojiao was worried when suddenly a girl's scream came from the crowd.

Then, she saw that Lin Yu was injured, the back of his hand was scratched by some sharp object, and the eye-catching blood fell straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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