Chapter 359 You are in charge of watching her tonight

The gangsters were cowards, and when they saw blood, they ran away in desperation for fear of getting into trouble.

He Cancan covered his mouth and stayed where he was, looking dumbfounded.

"Are you alright, Lin Yu? Your hand..." Song Jiaojiao hurriedly pressed the wound with a tissue.

He Cancan came back to his senses and wanted to run away, but was caught by Song Jiaojiao, like a chick, she pulled her back by the neckline, "Hey, do you have a conscience? He was injured because of you, and you It’s fine if you don’t thank him and want to leave? Go, take him to the hospital with me!”

"Hey, hey, let me go, I won't go, I should go home..."


"Auntie, I really should go home. Just let me go. I'm not a doctor, so it's useless to stay here, right?" He Cancan's parents stipulated that she should not go home later than ten o'clock every day. Otherwise, her pocket money will be cut off, and if she does not correct her mistakes, she may face the risk of Ma Shan being sent abroad.

It was almost ten o'clock, so He Cancan was in a hurry.

"Okay, you want to go back, right? Then pay the medical expenses!" Song Jiaojiao opened the payment code on the phone.

"Why? I didn't let him intervene. He wants to meddle in his own business. Are you crazy about money?"

Hearing this, Song Jiaojiao said angrily, "Do you have a conscience? If it wasn't for Lin Yu's actions, you would have been bullied by that idiot, okay? Pay!"

"I... I have no money!" He Cancan finally blurted out after holding back for a long time, so embarrassed that he died.

In order to force her to go home obediently every day, her parents restricted her pocket money. Her boyfriend's birthday spent all her pocket money for this week, and she had no money left to pay for the medical bills.

Shame on me.

When Song Jiaojiao heard this, she was so happy that she almost burst into tears.

"Zhizhi, here!" She waved to Shen Zhiyi who came out of the elevator.

Shen Zhiyi was about to fall asleep here, as soon as she received her call, she immediately changed her clothes and rushed over.

"He Cancan? What are you doing here?"

He Cancan hugged his shoulders and gave her a blank look, as if he didn't want to talk to her.

"Isn't Lin Yu injured because of her? This little girl just doesn't know how to be grateful, and she's still talking sarcasticly, Zhizhi, take a look, this is the so-called He family, one is more ruthless than the other, and the other is more heartless than the other!"

"Hey! You say I'm fine, please don't bring my family with you? I will turn against you!"

"Cut! Am I wrong?"

The two of you said something to each other, and started working directly at the door of the treatment room.

Shen Zhiyi squeezed the center of her brows with a headache, and then pulled the two of them apart, "Jiaojiao, you stay with Lin Yu here first, I'll take He Cancan away!"

He Cancan shook her irritably, "Who is going to leave with you, and who are you to me? Let go!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly stopped in her tracks, her sharp eyes were fixed on her, "Can you just shut up?"

Probably because her aura was too strong and her eyes were too ruthless, He Cancan was so frightened that she tuned in for a second.

He mansion.

"Sir, Miss Biao is here!" He Jingyao came out of the shower and heard the servant's report.

The man frowned, "He Cancan?"

After thinking about it, he ordered again, "Let Lao Chen take her home!"

"But, there is also... Miss Erchen!"

The man's eyes flickered slightly, and the emotion in his eyes was unclear.

Shen Zhiyi?Why is she here?
But for some reason, there was a trace of anticipation in his heart that he couldn't even detect.

"Shen Zhiyi, let me warn you. When you meet my uncle later, you'd better not talk nonsense. If he finds out what happened tonight and makes trouble with my parents, I will ask you to look good. Do you hear me clearly?"

Shen Zhiyi shook his head and smiled.

This little girl is not very old, and her arrogance is not too small. Because she is from the He family, she threatens others at every turn.

I don't know if someone looked like this when she was her age.

"Hey, why are you laughing? Did you hear that?" He Cancan reminded with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to see your uncle, how can I sue? But you can do it yourself, you won't be so lucky next time!"

After delivering the person safely, Shen Zhiyi's mission is over. The He mansion is a place that carries too many memories of her, and she just wants to escape from this place as soon as possible.


As soon as Shen Zhiyi took a step, she was grabbed by the words "little uncle".

She clearly felt that two eyes were staring at her back.

For a moment, the hairs all over his body stood upright.

"It's so late, what are you doing?"

Facing his uncle's questioning, He Cancan hesitated, and his arrogance had long since been suppressed, "Uncle, look at what you said, I, how dare I make trouble, I ran into Shen Zhi on the way home. I mean, she just sent me back, right, Shen Zhiyi?"

He Cancan tilted his head at Shen Zhiyi, winked for a while, and said with his mouth, if you dare to say a word to my uncle, I will never let you go.

Shen Zhiyi raised the corners of her lips, took two steps forward and looked at the man on the steps, "Miss Biao is right, we met on the road, and seeing her alone, I took her to Mr. Come here!"

"Look, uncle, I've said that I'm very obedient, but it's a little late today, can I make do with you for a night, and you can call my mother later?"

He Cancan's face was full of anticipation and cunning, and He Jingyao couldn't see it, but he was too lazy to expose it.

It's also troublesome to manage children's affairs, and he doesn't have much time to take care of them, so let her do it.

"Mr. He, I have delivered the person safely. If there is nothing else, then I will leave first!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded slightly, ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

"You sent her here, so I'll take care of her tonight, my niece is too naughty, I'm too lazy to get distracted!"

After He Jingyao finished speaking, he frowned and went upstairs.

It took a few seconds for Shen Zhiyi to react, "Huh? No, Mr. He, you can't do this, Miss Biao..."

"Come on, my uncle has already left, who else do you want to act for? If you want to stay, you can stay. What are you pretending to be?" He Cancan walked up to Shen Zhiyi and rolled his eyes at her.

Shen Zhiyi wanted to laugh, "Jiaojiao is right. You He family members are more heartless and narcissistic than the other. If it weren't for you, would I have been trapped here? Do you think anyone can fall in love with your uncle?" Huh? Come on, there are so many men chasing after me, your uncle, I really don't like it!"

She was just trying to speak quickly, but if she was more determined or more courageous, she could ignore He Jingyao's order, shake her head and leave in arrogance, and would not even care about him.

It's a pity that, with the contract in hand, she dared not provoke that Buddha for the time being.

What is this called?
(End of this chapter)

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