Originally sent He Cancan back with good intentions, but was thrown out of a hard job instead, He Jingyao really regarded her as free labor.

Whether it was intentional or not, she was arranged to sleep in the original room. When she asked the servant, the servant said it was He Jingyao's intention.

She has lived in the He mansion for more than half a year, and she is very familiar with everything here. When she comes again, she has a completely different feeling from before.

It turned out that she was the owner here, and now she is the guest here.

She just opened the closet casually, only to be shocked by the sight in front of her.

The clothes she had left here before were still neatly hung inside, as if she had never left.

At this moment, a certain part of Shen Zhiyi's heart was severely torn open, and it was like cement was poured into it, making it suffocating.

He Jingyao, what does this mean?
Shen Zhiyi suffered from insomnia, and she didn't know if it was because of revisiting her old place. Some images flashed through her mind like a revolving lantern.

In the middle of the night, she simply got out of bed and went out to find water to drink. Relying on her familiarity with the environment, she didn't turn on the light and went downstairs unimpeded.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black shadow standing there against the light, mysterious and majestic.

When I got nervous, my feet slipped, and I fell straight face down.

Good guy, there are still several steps from the ground, if you fall, you will definitely be disfigured.

However, the expected pain and disfigurement did not appear, replaced by a sense of emptiness.

"If you don't turn on the lights in the middle of the night, who are you trying to scare?"

The man's deep and magnetic voice sounded above his head, Shen Zhiyi slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a face with well-defined features and regular features.

Those dark eyes were staring at her at the same time.

She doesn't know how many times she has seen these eyes, and every time, people can't help but fall into them.

Time stood still, as if everything had turned out wonderfully, if not broken.

"Sir, ah! Sorry to bother you, I'm leaving now!"

He Jingyao: "..."

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"When are you going to get up from me?" The man raised his eyebrows, playing with his taste.

Shen Zhi anxiously said, "I want to ask when will you take your arm away!"

As soon as he said this, He Jingyao pulled away in seconds.

Caught off guard, Shen Zhiyi was about to fall weightlessly.

isn't it?
This man is playing for real?

With a muffled sound, she sat down on the ground.

On the surface, the clouds are calm, but the real pain, I am afraid only she can feel it.

Shen Zhiyi stared at He Jingyao sadly, her back teeth creaking.

"Do you have any kindness in heart?"

He Jingyao dusted off the dust on his body, "Didn't you let me get away?"


OK!You are amazing!

Shen Zhiyi got up from the ground in a little embarrassment, without saying a word, stepped on the floor and left the man with a back.

And where she couldn't see, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's lips, and the smile reached his eyes...

The next morning.

Shen Zhiyi washed up casually, and prepared to leave here before He Jingyao showed up.

The maid stopped her, "Miss Shen, I will trouble you for today's breakfast, if you need any ingredients, feel free to mention them!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

"Why? Don't you even have a cook in your He mansion?"

The maid looked at the third floor in embarrassment, "Mr. ordered!"

Shen Zhiyi was laughed angrily, and sure enough it was He Jingyao again, what exactly did he want?

With a sigh of relief in her heart, she picked up her satchel and walked towards the door. After a few steps, she folded back again, threw her satchel on the sofa, rolled up her sleeves and went into the kitchen.

I really owed the He family in my previous life.

She swears, it's just because of the cooperation between Shen He and the two companies, otherwise she wouldn't be so humble.

By the time He Jingyao came downstairs, the living room was already filled with the smell of food.

Shen Zhiyi doesn't care who the other party is, how ostentatious he is, or how picky he is, anyway, she just makes her favorite pimple soup, and if she likes it or not, she will fall down if she doesn't eat it.

He Jingyao looked at the unknown food in the bowl in front of him, and frowned slightly, "What is this?"

"Pump soup!" Shen Zhiyi replied proudly.

The man raised his eyebrows, "Is it delicious?"

"You'll know if you try it!" Anyway, she wouldn't do anything else.

He Jingyao sat down, scooped up a spoonful and stared at it for a long time, his expression was indescribable, as if the bowl had been poisoned, he couldn't say anything.

The small white pimple noodles, golden broken eggs, red tomato juice, and some green onion and coriander sprinkled on top, are very attractive, and they should look pretty good.

As if He Jingyao had finally summoned up his courage, he bit the bullet and took a sip.

The serious expression gradually relaxed as he entered, um, it seemed to be not bad.

Shen Zhiyi also breathed a sigh of relief. She has never made a mistake in making pimple soup. Ten people eat it, and ten people say it is delicious. The technology has reached its peak.

He Cancan yawned and went downstairs, "Morning uncle!"

Anyway, as if he didn't see Shen Zhiyi, he ignored her.

When she saw the food on the table, her expression was exactly the same as He Jingyao's at the beginning, "Uncle, shouldn't we just have this for breakfast?"

The maid gave her a bowl, "Miss Biao, this is made by Miss Shen herself, I'm afraid you can't find it in the city, you can try it!"

Originally, He Cancan didn't like this kind of thing, but when she heard that Shen Zhiyi made it, she immediately became even more dissatisfied, "Cut! What delicious food can she make? It looks like she's dealing with it, so I don't care, give it to me quickly." I withdraw, I want pizza!"

"This..." The servant looked at the man sitting on the master's seat in embarrassment.

He Jingyao had already finished eating a bowl, and he used a paper towel to seal the corners of his lips, his voice was as cold as ice, "The kitchen is over there, cook what you want!"

He will not spoil her like other elders.

He Cancan was blocked for a while, now she doesn't eat or doesn't eat, she can't really do it herself, right?
Afraid of provoking her uncle's anger and suing her parents, she had no choice but to swallow her anger, bite the bullet and pick the food in the bowl, while staring at Shen Zhiyi.

"Is there any more? Give me some more!" He Jingyao pushed the empty bowl forward.


Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He Cancan: "..."

Who didn't know that He Jingyao had a habit of eating very little for breakfast and never returning a bowl, but just now, he actually asked for another bowl.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you're used to eating or not, so I made a little, one serving per person is just right!" Shen Zhiyi said angrily.

He Jingyao's eyes fell on the portion in front of her, and he pointed with his chin, "Give me this bowl!"

Everyone present: "..."

Shen Zhiyi almost choked herself, "I, I've already eaten this bowl!"

"Don't dislike it!" While speaking, the man hooked his long arm, and the bowl was already in front of him.

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip with a sad face.

Please, I'm not full yet, okay?

What kind of rich young master is this, a bowl of pimple soup has to be snatched from her, a commoner...

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