On this side, Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang waited for four days, but there was no news from Boss Cao. The two couldn't sit still, so they called Boss Cao to find out.

"Boss Cao, how's that business going? I don't think you've called me yet!"

Boss Cao said impatiently, "It's only a week after talking about it, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so don't worry, huh?"


"Okay, okay, I still have something to do here, I'll let you know when the money arrives!" Boss Cao hung up after finishing speaking.

"How is it?" Liu Xiang immediately came over to ask.

Shen Yichun: "Boss Cao told us not to call, he will take the initiative to notify us in a week!"

Liu Xiang wrung his hands anxiously, "Yichun, why do I feel something is wrong, tell me, could he be a liar, if so..."

"No, Mom, even if you don't trust Boss Cao, you should trust Lao Tan. Lao Tan has cooperated with him so many times and it's no problem. Why do we have problems here? Let's not worry, wait a little longer. look!"

The two comforted each other and waited for another three days in torment. Three days later, they still didn't get a call from Boss Cao.

Shen Yichun called him, and it showed that the number you dialed could not be connected temporarily.

At this moment, a bad thought came to the top of his head.

Realizing that something was wrong, the mother and daughter immediately went to the teahouse where Boss Cao often stayed to block him.

"Boss Cao, what do you mean by not answering the phone? Also, where is my 1000 million? Should I give it to us!"

Shen Yichun only cared about money, so he couldn't care about his attitude.

Boss Cao was taken aback, "Money? What money?"

"That's what we agreed, twice the income, 1000 million, Boss Cao, you don't want to spit it out because you got the money, don't you? This is not okay, we have negotiated in black and white, you can't rely on this! "

Seeing that Boss Cao started to pretend to be confused, there was no need for Shen Yichun to have a good temper with him.

Boss Cao nodded in a daze, "Oh, you said you invested 500 million, hey! The stock price of stone materials has plummeted these days, so that business is dead!"

When Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang heard this, they immediately became furious.

The former grabbed Boss Cao's collar, "What do you mean it's impossible, please explain clearly to me!"

"Miss Shen, what are you doing? Are you doing business, which one is risk-free? Besides, I also signed a contract for you, which clearly states that the project has risks, investment needs to be cautious, and Party B has to bear all the consequences , Party A has no responsibility!"

"You fart!" Shen Yichun immediately dug out the contract, opened it, and there were indeed these words written in an inconspicuous place.

But she was in a hurry to sign the contract at the time, fearing that Boss Cao would regret giving this lucrative business to others, so she signed it in a hurry without even looking at it.

It turned out to be a trap!

Shen Yichun was dumbfounded.

Liu Xiang slapped Shen Yichun's face in the face, "You, you stupid bastard, 500 million, you just got thrown away like this? Huh?"

"No mom, I didn't expect this to happen. It was him, and Boss Cao dug a hole for me!" Shen Yichun covered her face and complained. Seeing that Boss Cao was about to leave, she grabbed him like crazy, "Daddy!" Liar, you can't go, give me back my money, or none of us will get better!"

Boss Cao waved his hand, and several bodyguards jumped out from behind and dragged Shen Yichun away.

"Hehe! No wonder Lao Tan said that you are a deceitful woman. If you have more brains, you won't be like this. Hey! Miss Shen, you can only blame your bad luck. Who made you be targeted by Lao Tan? It's over!"

Shen Yichun was struck by lightning, "What do you mean?"

Boss Cao just smiled and left with a group of people.

This is all right, let alone 1000 million, even the principal of 500 million is not left.

Liu Xiang slumped on the ground, muttering, "My 500 million, my 500 million..."

Shen Yichun rushed to the hotel where Lao Tan often stayed to look for him.

Because Lao Tan said that his house is in other places, and the local one is still being renovated, he is afraid that formaldehyde will be bad for his health, so he took Shen Yichun to live in the hotel.

As soon as she entered the hotel lobby, she immediately saw Lao Tan hugging the girl's slender waist.

The girl looked only eighteen or nineteen, younger and more energetic than her, and she spoke delicately, making people want to bully.

Shen Yichun's mind exploded all of a sudden.

In the next second, he rushed forward and tore the girl's hair, "Bitch, if you dare to seduce my man, see if I don't scratch your face!"

The girl screamed in pain.

Old Tan twisted Shen Yichun's wrist, and threw him far away, "You are sick!"

Wearing high heels, Shen Yichun couldn't stand firmly, fell to the ground, got up without caring about the pain, pointed at Lao Tan and scolded, "Okay, you, you've only been with me for a few days, and you're just messing around outside behind my back , then what am I? Huh?"

"You? It's just a pair of broken shoes. I took you in because I saw you as pitiful. I'm tired of playing with you, so you should be more sensible, don't get in my eyes, and save yourself some dignity!"

The blood in Shen Yichun's whole body was boiling, and he wished he could chop up this big scumbag with a big knife, "You... you couple, I, Shen Yichun, am only blind to believe you! Also, I invested 500 yuan in Boss Cao Did you participate in Wan's matter? You dug a hole for me, right?"

Lao Tan took the girl into his arms, and in front of Shen Yichun, smacked his red lips, and said with a sinister smile, "So what if you are? So what if you are not? You can only blame yourself You're so stupid, and you're still dreaming of pie in the sky, you might as well just go back and daydream, if you're not greedy, how can you hurt yourself, hey! I hate a brainless woman like you the most!"

Shen Yichun was so angry that her eyes were red, and her whole body was trembling, "So, so you took me as the target of digging holes from the beginning, right?"

"That's right, your IQ has finally reached its peak!"

"I, I'll fight with you!" Shen Yichun picked up his satchel and threw it at Lao Tan's body. Lao Tan pushed him vigorously, and his back hurt like numbness.

"I think you are looking for death, so get out of here!"

"Okay, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ruthless. I will call the police now and arrest you liars!"

Shen Yichun pretended to take out her mobile phone, but Lao Tan snatched it away and smashed it to pieces.

He squinted one eye, and the muscles on his face were constantly twitching because of the ferocity. He had long lost the elegant gentleman he used to be.

Shen Yichun trembled when she saw the strange and terrifying appearance.

Before she could react, she was slapped head-on, which caught her off guard and the corner of her mouth was bleeding.

"You still want to call the police and arrest me? You stinky cousin, you don't eat a toast and you get fined wine. Come and take her away!"

With a wave of Lao Tan's hand, two subordinates forcibly held Shen Yichun up, allowing her to scold and make trouble.

In the end, she was thrown into a strange room like a dead dog.

"Bastard, let me out, you are illegally imprisoned, I want to sue..."

With a bang, the door was slammed shut...

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