As if to prove that he was much better than him, He Jingyao grabbed a skewer and took a bite.

To be honest, he also hates eating skewers, because he doesn't look good no matter how he eats them.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, the man noticed something was wrong, and raised his eyebrows, "What is this, it tastes weird?"

"Oh, those are sheep's eyes!"

He Jingyao seemed to be curious about the baby's upper body, "What are sheep's eyes?"

Shen Zhiyi's voice was full of emotion, and he pointed to his eyes, "It's the eyes of a sheep!"

The man's face was ever-changing and indescribable.

In the next second, how did you eat it, and how did you spit it out.

Shen Zhiyi held back her smile, and pretended to be kind enough to serve him some dishes with serving chopsticks, "Oh, you don't understand, these are the most popular barbecue varieties, don't you think they are special and chewy?"

"You like you to eat!" He Jingyao threw his remaining string of sheep's eyes into Shen Zhiyi's food dish like a child.

In order to show that he is not down-to-earth and not good enough, Shen Zhiyi ate it up and made it for him.

Look, it's just a sheep's eye, look at Mr. He's promise, you dare to come over to eat hot pot, go home and stay.

"What is this?" He Jingyao asked curiously as he looked down at the shabu-shabu that Shen Zhiyi put on his plate.

Shen Zhiyi straightened her waist, and said in a natural tone, "Oh, it's very nourishing. Anyway, it's very good for the body. Mr. He, eat it while it's hot!"

The man did not suspect him, but a strange scene appeared.

Bite down, popped, and a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth.


Shen Zhiyi finally couldn't help laughing, but she didn't dare to laugh so blatantly that it almost suffocated her.

He Qingyan couldn't control his expression, it was the first time he saw his majestic and black-bellied elder brother look so embarrassed.

He Jingyao closed his eyes, then used a tissue to smudge his lips a few times.

Bloody on the paper towel, horrible and horrifying.

He Jingyao's eyes were burning, and he took a deep breath to suppress it, "Shen Zhiyi, did you do it on purpose?"

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyes and pretended to be innocent, "Ah? This is fresh duck blood, it's very nourishing. Oops, I gave it to you before it was cooked, right? I'm sorry, Mr. He!"

"Shen, Zhi, Yi!" These words, the man almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Brother, Miss Shen didn't do it on purpose, don't scare her!" He Qingyan handed over a glass of water in a timely manner, protecting the calf in an aboveboard manner, which made He Jingyao look like a human being.

He Jingyao was holding a puff of breath in his chest, unable to go up or down.

It seemed that he was superfluous, and the affection really affected the pleasant date between the two of them.

He wants to.

Shen Zhiyi pretended to admit his mistake, asked the waiter to order a bowl of beef noodles for him, "Mr. He, if you can't do it, don't eat hot pot, this noodle is also good!"

My heart said, can you do it?If it doesn’t work, don’t try to be brave, you will regret it later if you encounter any problems.

He Jingyao raised his chin towards the opposite side, "Why doesn't he eat noodles?"

"Because Master Qingyan can eat spicy food!"

"If he can eat it, so can I!" The man still didn't believe in this evil.

Following He Qingyan's example, he rinsed the shabu-shabu in a water cup, and ate it after removing most of the chili oil.

Sure enough, it was much easier to accept than before.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, not bothering to talk to him anymore, it was quite tiring.

"Master Qingyan, don't just drink beer, eat more!" While eating, she added vegetables to He Qingyan's plate, and it piled up into a hill after a while.

Someone squinted his eyes, then pushed his plate in front of Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Why does it feel like he's a kid vying for favor?

In order to save some face for him, Shen Zhiyi had no choice but to show him affection unwillingly.

He Qingyan saw his elder brother's behavior in his eyes, and curled his lips helplessly.

It is very unpleasant to eat a hot pot meal, this is Shen Zhiyi's true feeling.

She was spoiled by someone when she was doing well, but she didn't dare to have an opinion in person.

When paying the bill, Shen Zhiyi was paying the bill at the bar, with two men on one left and one on the right.

When they left, the boss curled his lips and complained in a low voice, "How about two such big men, and they are raised by a woman. In today's society, hey!"

The proprietress looked envious, "You don't understand the fun of raising a pretty boy. I think this girl is quite profitable. Two such handsome men, I'm willing to let me go!"

The boss blew his beard and stared, "How dare you!"

"I know that there is a good ice noodle shop. If you treat me to hot pot, I'll treat you to ice noodle!" He Qingyan suggested casually after leaving the door.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhiyi agreed, "Okay, I just haven't eaten for a long time!"

The two chatted one by one, completely forgetting that there was a panting person in front of them.

The face of someone who was forgotten in the corner was as black as the bottom of a pot. He pressed off the flashing mobile phone and followed quickly.

"Brother, let's go first!" After greeting casually, He Qingyan got into his car with Shen Zhiyi.

Before it could be activated, a person suddenly got up in the back seat, and the two of them looked back together.

He Jingyao was serious, "Don't you eat ice powder? I just want to eat it too!"

He Qingyan: "!!!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

Ever since, it became a threesome again.

One serving for three people.

A certain person is very picky about food and has many taboos. Not only do they not eat spicy food, but they rarely touch cold food.

After taking a bite of jelly, his face turned pale.

You can see his forbearance and astonishment from his micro expression.

Shen Zhiyi pretended not to see and didn't understand, while He Qingyan cooperated with her. The two ate while talking and laughing.

Is this what people eat?

He was really looking for excitement, so he came to such a ghost place to eat such a ghost.

After eating ice powder, tonight's trip is over.

"Where does eldest brother live now, I'll take you back first!" He Qingyan held the steering wheel and asked He Jingyao when he had time.

He Jingyao raised his hand and glanced at the dial. He had his own thoughts, "Don't worry, send Shen Zhiyi first!"

Shen Zhiyi wondered, "Isn't your place the closest to here?"

He Jingyao stopped her with one sentence, "Ladies first, don't you understand?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

What shit lady is first, don't think she doesn't know what he's thinking.

dog man!

He Qingyan didn't understand why, but he still parked the car on the side of the road. He looked at Shen Zhiyi, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. He, please come down!" Shen Zhiyi unbuckled his seat belt and pushed the door down without even looking at the man in the back seat.

He Qingyan and He Jingyao looked at each other from the rear view mirror, the latter's expression was dark.

He Jingyao slammed the car door, "Is there something wrong?"

Shen Zhiyi turned around, under the moonlight, her eyes were bright and clear, but the trace of sullenness carried an indescribable cuteness.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? What, it hurts after eating your meal?" He Jingyao hugged his shoulders and leaned lazily on the car door.

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