Even if he didn't stand up straight, he was much taller than Shen Zhiyi, and when he looked at her, he looked down.

No matter any occasion, any time, he always looks aloof, glamorous and majestic, perfect as if there is no trace of fault in him.

Such a comparison makes the opponent seem vulnerable.

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip and organized her words secretly, "Is it really because of a meal? Mr. He, you are... so childish!"

The man laughed and tilted his head, the little woman's impatient face was reflected in the dark pupils.

"Shen Zhiyi, don't you think I'm jealous, that's why I came to sabotage your talk with He Qing?"

"if not?"

The man smiled even more, "I understand!"

"What do you understand? Do you understand?"

He Jingyao stood up straight, took a few steps forward to reach Shen Zhiyi, bowed, and looked at her at the same level, "You want to use this method to attract my attention and make me feel that you have a lot of personality, so that you have a strong impression on you." Interest, after all, that kind of straightforward confession is outdated, so you don't take the usual way, right?"

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened in a daze, it was incredible.

How could this man have such an idea? Was his brain kicked by a donkey?
The memory is gone, but the degree of narcissism has not diminished.

Shen Zhiyi really couldn't laugh or cry, "Mr. He, may I ask you? You are not the only man in the world who can carry on the family line. Am I blind to pursue you? Is Master Qing not gentler than you? Brother Lin Yu is not more considerate than you? You Apart from having a little more money than them, what else can compare to them? I hate a man who is narcissistic and unaware of you the most. Don't worry, I have absolutely no thoughts about you. If you don't worry, then I swear to God..."

As Shen Zhiyi said, she raised three fingers.

"That's enough!" The man drank lowly, and a chill appeared all over his body.

He obviously didn't like being entangled by this woman, but when he saw her swearing that she had no thoughts about him, he became angry for no reason.

I don't have any thoughts about him, but do I have any thoughts about He Qingyan and that Lin Yu?

How could this woman be so philandering and like so many men at the same time.

Also, what does it mean that apart from being a little richer than those two men, he can't compare to them in anything?
Is he, He Jingyao, so bad in her heart?

Does this woman have any eyesight?

"You're not interested in me, and I don't have any thoughts about you. It's good, keep it up!" The man coldly dropped his words, turned his head and left.

Only Shen Zhiyi was left speechless.

Dog man, are you sick?
At ten o'clock in the evening, He Jingyao's car was still dangling on the street.

Distraught, he simply tore off his tie, unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, and rested his right arm on the edge of the car window.

The car music is playing classic songs.

"Do you love me or him, is it true that he is better than me, who are you struggling for, love me or him, just tell the truth you want to say, do you want me or him..."

Even the songs fit the occasion!

It was as if something had pierced his heart, which was painful and numb.

The man turned off the music casually, so he couldn't hear it.


Suddenly step on the brakes.

On the side of the road, a familiar face is being pestered.

That person is none other than Huang Runian.

Three or four young people were joking around her, and some even wanted to touch her.

Huang Runian looked terrified and frightened, trying to frighten these people off, but in return they booed even more presumptuously.

"Stay away from her!"

A cold voice split the darkness of the night, carrying a suffocating sense of oppression.

The young people looked him up and down, glanced at each other, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, is this the hero who came to save the beauty? Dude, come first, first come first, why don't we throw it to you after we finish playing?"

He Jingyao's eyes froze, and his evil spirit surged.

But the one who didn't have long eyes came up to die. He Jingyao clamped the other party's fist before it even landed, and then twisted it backwards.

The sound of bones breaking was crisp and clear.

The man lay down on the ground in pain, and the other two went up together.

Huang Runian looked terrified, "Brother Jingyao, don't hit me, be careful!"

After the young man who had just been lying on the ground regained his composure, he took out an electric baton out of nowhere.

By the time Huang Runian found out and wanted to remind He Jingyao, it was already too late.

zzz —

The electric rod poked at the man's back, and it seemed that an electric current passed through his body.

He Jingyao shuddered all over, then fell to the ground with both knees.

Fearing that he would slow down, the young man continued to use the electric baton, and the other two took advantage of the situation to punch and kick He Jingyao who fell to the ground.

"Damn it! It's a good thing for you to spoil me, now you know how good we are?"

"Boss, take it easy, don't kill anyone!"

"Why do I look familiar to him? Could it be some famous person?"

"Bah! Look at how cowardly you are, beat me to death!"

"Don't hit him!" Huang Runian rushed forward, protecting He Jingyao to the death.

"You don't have to drink a toast, fine, okay, I'll beat you up too!" the young man in the lead said viciously.

He Jingyao couldn't control his muscles, he squeezed out his voice, "Little, Xiao Nian, hurry up, no, don't worry about me..."

"No, I will never allow others to hurt you!" Huang Runian said, kneeling on the ground with a thump, "Please do me a favor, let him go, as long as you let him go, I will do anything!"

The young man who took the lead rubbed his palms, excited, "Are you serious? You are willing to do anything?"

"Yes, I am willing, please let him go!" Huang Runian glanced at the man lying on the ground unable to move, tears streaming down his face.

Someone blew a whistle, and the leading young man lifted Huang Runian's chin, and smiled maliciously, "Brothers, what are you still doing, take this chick away for me, let's enjoy it!"

"Xiao Nian...you are not allowed to touch her..."

He Jingyao tried his best to grab the trouser legs of the leading young man, because of himself, Huang Runian's life was lost, and he couldn't let it go in his life.

The young man who took the lead kicked him on the shoulder, "Damn, you want to die, okay, I'll fulfill you, kill him for me!"

"No!" Huang Runian hoarsely said, desperately trying to protect He Jingyao.

Suddenly, one of the young men was kicked away, and then the other two fell down one after another.

"Miss Huang, it's all right!"

Huang Runian took a closer look, and it turned out to be Ah Shen.

When He Jingyao went to eat ice cream, he originally called Ah Shen and asked him to come and drive the car away, but he changed his mind temporarily.

Ah Shen was driving by and happened to see this scene.

If he hadn't been worried about He Jingyao, he would have unloaded those three young men.

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